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Why do most people here hate Morio-kun?

edited October 2008 in Everything Else
Just wanted to know why you guys bag on him all the time?


  • edited October 2008
    I'm impartial!

    As a side note, you could just whisper to the people who you think do hate on him and ask them why directly.
    Post edited by Norvu on
  • He's deathly allergic to all things grammatically correct.
  • He has horrible grammar. He's a blatant (and sometimes over the top) Apple fanboy. He usually posts before thinking (or so it seems). I'm sure the other members will have some other stuff to say, too.
  • I hate these kind of threads. Everyone obviously doesn't like him, but you don't need to point it out.
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    I think hate would be too strong of a word dude. At times I find Morio-kun to be annoying, but that's pretty much it. He's just a guy on the internet whose grammar was horrendous.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I think hate would be too strong of a word dude. At times I find Morio-kun to be annoying, but that's pretty much it. He's just a guy on the internet who's whose grammar was horrendous.

    Also, guys, it's a forum. Morio knows that he needs to make an effort to improve his grammar; everyone else can help him out by providing helpful hints and constructive criticism as opposed to ostracizing him.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't see anything wrong with him at all. He's cool.
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • I was going to make a comment about how I dislike the grammar Nazism on this forum, but I'm afraid it may cause a 'splosion.
  • Well honestly even if he did clean his grammar up, he'd probably still annoy me.
  • I don't hate Morio-Kun.
  • I really don't think everyone hates him, just a few, but they make it so obvious it makes it seem like everyone does.
  • Sorry for the hate... I just wanted to know why everyone always seems to bag on him, I went away for the forums for like 6months and come back and everyone is all bagging Morio-kun, who I think is quite cool.
  • Actually I was wondering this as well. Now I don't have to ask!
  • Morio-kun isn't a bad guy. I don't hate him. Yeah, his grammar may need work, but it still isn't as bad as I see on other forum. Nor is he annoying like people I met in other forums.
  • He's just a normal high school kid. It kind of made me bummed that he was getting bullied, but I think what exacerbated the bullying was that he would get so defensive. It made him a target. I don't hate you, guy...
  • I don't hate him either. I just find him to be very annoying. I know I am guilty of being one of the forum members that has strongly disagreed with him, but it was only in response to the posts he has made which I felt needed responding to.
  • He can definitely be annoying at times.
  • I don't hate him either. I just find him to be very annoying.
    Quoted for truth.
  • He's just a normal high school kid. It kind of made me bummed that he was getting bullied, but I think what exacerbated the bullying was that he would get so defensive. It made him a target. I don't hate you, guy...
  • Why did you make this thread?
  • Why did you make this thread?
    I believe skyshiro is a personally friend of morio-kun IRL, not sure though.
  • Why did you make this thread?
    I believe skyshiro is a personally friend of morio-kun IRL, not sure though.
    Or IS Morio-Kun! Dun dun dun! I doubt that though.
  • I believe skyshiro is a personally friend of morio-kun IRL, not sure though.
    Even still, bringing it up doesn't help him. It just reminds everyone that he was annoying. He knows that we've been having problems with him and he's been beaten over the head with it repeatedly. It's better if everyone can forget their gripes with him and move on. I can think of a few members who started out posting exactly like him and today you can't even tell. Let the guy start over again.
  • edited October 2008
    Because he trolls, also a grade-b arrogant Mac fanboy. Apart from that, all round ok kinda guy. Maybe he just suffered from high levels of internet exposure at an early age.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • No I like Morio-kun, he's uber cool in my opinion. I'm friends with him on Steam not IRL.
  • No I like Morio-kun, he's uber cool in my opinion. I'm friends with him on Steam not IRL.
  • I never knew what all the Morio-kun hate was about. Honestly, the people that get on him tend to annoy me a lot more.
  • I find that Morio-kun has viewpoints that I disagree with, which for the life of me I can think up of any examples. However, I do find him to also be annoying, and perhaps slightly childish. Otherwise, I don't really feel like he is in any way detrimental to the forum apart from his bad grammar.
  • I never knew what all the Morio-kun hate was about. Honestly, the people that get on him tend to annoy me a lot more.
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