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Why do most people here hate Morio-kun?



  • ...also a grade-b arrogant Mac fanboy.
    As far a Macs are concerned, but the iPhone is a different story for me.
    Maybe he just suffered from high levels of Internet exposure at an early age.
    Yes, most likely. My parents banned me from the Internet until I was in my junior year of high school, last year.

    I guess the reason why I've been such a dick lately and overall not caring too much about my spelling, was due to the fact that I couldn't say anything without the secret grammar police cracking down on me. So I just got frustrated and started being a dick/troll. I'll try to get better at spelling, grammar,and manners as long as the secret police doesn't come after me, except Mr. Period and ScRym they can do whatever they want to me.

    Please just give me a few months and with the occasional pokes in the right direction, I hope to get better.

    I respect what everyone does here and you're all great people. The FRCF is probably one of the few worth while places on the net. The level of intelligence on this forum is the soul reason why the network admin at my school hasn't block this site yet, thus why I'm able to comment during the school hours.
  • they can do whatever they want to me
  • In general, I'd rather if you all didn't constantly admonish eachother's grammar and spelling. I'll ban and warn where appropriate in Mr. Period's absence just as I have been.
  • In general, I'd rather if you all didn't constantly admonish eachother's grammar and spelling.
  • Well, that seems settled. I'm glad this didn't turn into a pointless flamewar.
  • I guess the reason why I've been such a dick lately and overall not caring too much about my spelling, was due to the fact that I couldn't say anything without the secret grammar police cracking down on me. So I just got frustrated and started being a dick/troll. I'll try to get better at spelling, grammar,and manners as long as the secret police doesn't come after me, except Mr. Period and ScRym they can do whatever they want to me.
    Are you using Firefox? If you are, then there's no excuse for poor spelling. Grammar, on the other hand, is another story. If you aren't using Firefox, you probably should be.
  • Uhh ScRym can you lock thread so, like what YoshoKatana said, this doesn't turn into a flamewar in the future?
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2008
    I don't hate Morio-Kun.
    Only because you find it easy and swoop down and shoot him (point out every error and fallacy) up to the point where he is unrecognizable.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I hate most of you guys.
  • I hate most of you guys.
    We love you too Railith.
  • I guess the reason why I've been such a dick lately and overall not caring too much about my spelling, was due to the fact that I couldn't say anything without the secret grammar police cracking down on me. So I just got frustrated and started being a dick/troll. I'll try to get better at spelling, grammar,and manners as long as the secret police doesn't come after me, except Mr. Period and ScRym they can do whatever they want to me.
    Are you using Firefox? If you are, then there's no excuse for poor spelling. Grammar, on the other hand, is another story. If you aren't using Firefox, you probably should be.
    Can't I was in study hall and the computers at school use *arg* IE7! I tried really hard thou and I used the forum built in.

    I think the reason for bagging on people's spelling and grammar was due to the abscess of Mr. P, and people took it upon themselves to fill the void. Some abused it and some went over board.
  • I think the reason for bagging on people's spelling and grammar was due to the abscess of Mr. P
    This made me giggle. Tell your school's sysadmin to get Firefox. (Hey, it worked for me!)
  • I think the reason for bagging on people's spelling and grammar was due to the absence of Mr. P, and people took it upon themselves to fill the void. Some abused it and some went over board.
    This, I wholeheartedly agree with this. If you're going to gloat about enforcing grammar and spelling on the forum, then enforce it. And then don't complain when you don't enforce it and the users pick up your slack. It's pretty simple, you, Scrym, are somewhat proud about having a forum that is not filled with one-line, twenty exclamation marks and two insult posts, we the users, or at least I, are also somewhat proud about being part of a forum where people get corrected on their spelling and grammar and thus become more proficient at the English language and written communication. It's really that simple.
  • I think the reason for bagging on people's spelling and grammar was due to the abscess of Mr. P
    This made me giggle. Tell your school's sysadmin to get Firefox. (Hey, it worked for me!)
    I told my Sysadmin this. He bitched about Firefox being made by a hacker, and that everyone who uses it will have their identity stolen.
  • And then don't complain when you don't enforce it and the users pick up your slack.
    I'll be clearer. Don't pick up the slack, or I will ban. ^_~ The people who can't type will eventually be shamed or banned as appropriate.
  • I'll be clearer. Don't pick up the slack, or I will ban. ^_~ The people who can't type will eventually be shamed or banned as appropriate.
    Bah, I'll have to see that. How will they be shamed if their continuous spelling and grammar errors are pointed out for all to clearly see? As for banning, there's only been one true court martial, the second was you just making a faux one just to keep that façade and then you banned the person without a single reaction in the court martial. Yet you do nothing when the majority of users request you to act upon the written rule of not being annoying, which once was said to be a bannable offence. We shall see, it's not like we, the users, shall ever be given a real say in most matters.
  • Bah, I'll have to see that. How will they be shamed if their continuous spelling and grammar errors are pointed out for all to clearly see? As for banning, there's only been one true court martial, the second was you just making a faux one just to keep that façade and then you banned the person without a single reaction in the court martial. Yet you do nothing when the majority of users request you to act upon the written rule of not being annoying, which once was said to be a bannable offence. We shall see, it's not like we, the users, shall ever be given a real say in most matters.
    cool story bro
  • edited October 2008
    And then don't complain when you don't enforce it and the users pick up your slack.
    I'll be clearer. Don't pick up the slack, or I will ban. ^_~ The people who can't type will eventually be shamed or banned as appropriate.
    You'll ban people for correcting grammar (undoubtedly with the intention of making the forum a more intelligent place) yet you refused to ban trolls (who had the intention of making the forum a less intelligent and more hateful place)? Awesome, Rym!
    cool story bro
    Too bad he's right.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • yet you refused to ban trolls (who had the intention of making the forum a less intelligent and more hateful place)?
    Jen was actually funny, and generally a clever troll. She contributed more than some people I haven't (yet) banned.
    You'll ban people for correcting grammar
    I've yet to see anyone post anything intelligent that was also poorly written here.

    We correct grammar inline in order to make the forum more pleasant to read and to give the lest apt posters pause before hitting submit. Constantly admonishing eachother just clutters up the discussion, and is just as annoying and unpleasant to read as bad writing.
  • I don't hate Morio-Kun.
    Only because you find it easy and swoop down and shoot him (point out every error and fallacy) up to the point where he is unrecognizable.
    Do I? I don't remember ever responding to anything Morio-kun wrote.
  • You're thinking of Steve.
  • I've yet to see anyone post anything intelligent that was also poorly written here.
    Morio said something clever a while ago. While I ragged on his grammar, I did comment that it was one of the most intelligent things that I've ever seen misspelled. It wasn't anything amazing or even really noteworthy, but if all his posts had similar content I'd lay off on calling him out.
  • She contributed more than some people I haven't (yet) banned.
    This post frightens me.
  • edited October 2008
    She contributed more than some people I haven't (yet) banned.
    This post frightens me.
    The only people who are scarred of being banned are those who know they should be.
    Post edited by Skyshiro on
  • The only people who are scarred of being banned are those who know they should be.
    You're interpreting that the wrong way. What Bear Police frightens is the fact that Rym thinks a troll contributed more than someone who has contributed nothing. Which is impossible, since 0 is equal to 0.
  • Half of the hosts of GeekNights aren't awesome.YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
  • Half of the hosts of GeekNights aren't awesome.YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
    You have to add 'regular' to that. Unless you specifically left it out to include the guest hosts.
  • Half of the hosts of GeekNights aren't awesome.YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
    You have to add 'regular' to that. Unless you specifically left it out to include the guest hosts.
    Dave and/or Joel is/are the only person/two people who come to mind besides Emily in the "guest host" category (at least in recent memory), and all three of them are pretty awesome as Geeknights hosts.

    So, it's probably a safe assumption to make that he's talking about a regular host.
  • Dave and/or Joel is/are the only person/two people who come to mind besides Emily in the "guest host" category (at least in recent memory), and all three of them are pretty awesome as Geeknights hosts.
    You're forgetting Richard and Allison from Simply Syndicated, Artboy, Thaed and Gerald (I'm missing one more person I think). You could also consider the people who got interviewed as guest hosts. :D
    So, it's probably a safe assumption to make that he's talking about a regular host.
    It is indeed.
  • She contributed more than some people I haven't (yet) banned.
    I back this 100%. I think Jen contributed more than most of us. She spurred discussion at every turn, even if her claims were laughable and lacked citation. As well, she usually demonstrated more maturity than those of us who responded with rocket pyramids. To top it all off, she understood how to spell, which made her 'trollery' not only bearable, but enjoyable.
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