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Fail of Your Day



  • If someone is going to go to the lengths of physically stalking you, there is a good chance they read that too.
  • If someone is going to go to the lengths of physically stalking you, there is a good chance they read that too.
    Perhaps. I'm mainly thinking that it might have been some angry person that I might have done something wrong as I drove into work. I was tempted to check out the main employee parking lot to see if they went there, but I didn't.

    If I see the same car tomorrow, I will then be very concerned.

    My coworkers are already joking and saying they are going to play pranks on me in regards to this. -_-
  • edited January 2009
    I gotta take back my fail from yesterday. Sure, the rapping thing too me by surprise, but my roommate isn't all that bad at it (originally, I thought he just had one song, now I just found out he's already recorded five and has a book full of rhymes). Also, he's been a lot more chipper lately. Today he actually had to walk back inside after he was about to go to the gym to write something down (which was a jab at Dragon Ball Z). I've also gotta admit, it's a better use of time than anything I've been doing since I've comeback...

    ...Although the fact that he's always rehearsing the same songs means I'm gonna be using headphones a lot more often in this room.

    EDIT: I do have a fail for today, however. I'm applying to be a camp counselor over the summer, and this application is worse than the ones I submitted for school. I'm totally stumped by the question "What contributions do you feel you can make at camp?"
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • "What contributions do you feel you can make at camp?"
    I can buy the beer. I can roll cigarettes. Also, I know where there's part of a body half buried down by the lake.
  • edited January 2009
    These. Don't ask how they entered my day.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited January 2009
    These.Don't ask how they entered my day.
    How did they enter your day, honey? ^_^
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2009
    These.Don't ask how they entered my day.
    The martial arts one is very weird. I don't think he would approve so much of the martial arts . . . or maybe he would. It's kind of hard to say. It causes a bit of dissonance.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • These.Don't ask how they entered my day.
    The martial arts one is very weird. I don't think he would approve so much of the martial arts . . . or maybe he would. It's kind of hard to say. It causes a bit of dissonance.
    Why do they all make Jesus look a little too interested in the kids... Is Jesus a pedophile?
  • I like Hockey Jeebus.
  • Is Jesus a pedophile?
    Suffer the little children, come unto me.
  • Is Jesus a pedophile?
    Suffer the little children, come unto me.
    Good god.
  • These.Don't ask how they entered my day.
    The martial arts one is very weird. I don't think he would approve so much of the martial arts . . . or maybe he would. It's kind of hard to say. It causes a bit of dissonance.
    When it comes to little kids, martial arts is almost never taught as a way to fight. It's more of a way to teach mental and physical discipline, respect, and self control. Actual self defense comes later, along with everything else.
  • These.Don't ask how they entered my day.
    The martial arts one is very weird. I don't think he would approve so much of the martial arts . . . or maybe he would. It's kind of hard to say. It causes a bit of dissonance.
    When it comes to little kids, martial arts is almost never taught as a way to fight. It's more of a way to teach mental and physical discipline, respect, and self control. Actual self defense comes later, along with everything else.
    First, you must fill your head with knowledge, then you may hit ice with it.
  • edited January 2009
    Is Jesus a pedophile?
    Suffer the little children, come unto me.
    The party line in the modern American church is that god wants his people to be as stupid, malleable, unquestioning, gullible, and servile as are children. This is much more evident when you hear the full quote (NIV): "Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these."

    My fail of the day is that I am still horribly sick, and I have to report to work at 7 a.m. I despise sick days, so I'm heavily self-medicating and trying to sweat this motherfucker out under about six blankets.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I had a hard drive fail on me.
  • Creationists are Pathetic, evidence #73,212-73,215


    The movie is full of fail. Having the main critic quote to advertise it on the box cover from the guy who made the movie is utter fail and then he is only giving it four stars, meaning that even he doesn't think it is perfect.
  • Creationists are Pathetic, evidence #73,212-73,215

    The movie is full of fail. Having the main critic quote to advertise it on the box cover from the guy who made the movie is utter fail and then he is only giving it four stars, meaning that even he doesn't think it is perfect.
    That's not even the half of it. Every scientist they interviewed in that movie proceeded to rip the producers apart for misleading and manipulating them. The movie espouses the "academic freedom" argument, which is utter bullshit. They even heavily edited (and I mean heavily, this can't have been unintentional.) a Charles Darwin quote to make it look like he inspired Nazism. This movie was shit even by Creationist standards.
    You tried to reprogram your ECU didn't you? *tsk tsk*
  • Today I completely failed to get a PC and a Macbook to share the internet the macbook is getting via wifi with a simple ethernet cable between them. And that is with an entire chatroom full of my geekiest computer and network professional friends trying to help me. I think the key to un-failure is to buy a wifi dongle for the PC tomorrow.
  • I am glad I do not like sweets that much.
  • I found yesterday/today that someone had created a fake Facebook account for me by taking information and pictures off my profile. They had been talking to people and pretending to be me, with incredibly poor grammar to boot. I have no idea what their intentions were, but I've reported it to the admins.
  • So I bumped into the following, single post, thread on a Linux forum. The title... intrigued me, shall I say.
    What does anyone use to convert html to text or ascii?

    This tool works, but there might be something more powerful.

    lynx -dump infile.html > outfile.txt
    My mind aches! To make matters worse, the writer is not a 12 year old, but a middle aged sysadmin.
  • I didn't get out of bed until 2PM or is that a thing of the day?
  • I didn't get out of bed until 2PM or is that a thing of the day?
    I do that too often. I am definitely not a morning person.
  • While I subscribe to the Science Based Medicine blog, I have only once managed to make it to the bottom of one of their posts. They could really do with breaking them up.
  • This happened yesterday, but I didn't get around to posting it.

    A customer actually referred to his phone as a "blueberry." I didn't think that this would actually ever happen when I joked about it with my coworkers.
  • This happened yesterday, but I didn't get around to posting it.

    A customer actually referred to his phone as a "blueberry." I didn't think that this would actually ever happen when I joked about it with my coworkers.
  • My desktop just crashed on me. I hope something isn't up with the drives. I'm running fsck now...
  • edited February 2009
    [Warning: May offend those with taste and/or style.]
    There is chav PC modding.. and then there is this:
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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