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Fail of Your Day



  • edited February 2009
    I really want to see the new movie "Coraline". I loved "Nightmare Before Christmas" and while I didn't enjoy it as much, I did enjoy "Corpse Bride" as well. Now, I really don't know which of my friends I could drag to see it, so I figure I'll just go see this one alone. (I'm one of those people that if there's something I really want to see that no one else wants to I'll have no problem going it alone.)

    Anyway, I have previous engagements tonight, so that's out of the question. However, I found that there was a showing this afternoon at the perfect time. As long as I don't get stuck at work, I should have had no trouble getting to the theater on time, and the movie should let out with plenty of time for me to get home, shower, change and chill out for a bit.

    The day works out perfectly for me. Everything went smoothly today, I didn't get stuck, everything wrapped up nicely, and I was able to leave work with time to spare for the movie. I head on over to the theater. I get in line. I ask for one ticket. Then the guy tells me, "Sorry, that showing's canceled because we can't get the 3-D projector to work." I swear I heard this in my head as soon as I heard that.

    It figures... everything else falls into place, and I still don't get to see the movie. Ah well, it's really not that big a deal, just kind of funny the way things worked out. Maybe I'll catch it Tuesday when tickets are only 5 bucks all day.
    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • If it's any consolation prize, Coraline is a pretty good movie and I am pretty sure that you will like it.
  • edited February 2009
    I had a similar Coraline-related fail tonight. I bought my ticket online, I took a cab from work to the theatre to make sure I'd get there on time, and the movie wasn't sold out when my friend and I went up to buy her ticket (this was still a good forty-five to fifty minutes before showtime). However, after we got into line for our tickets, it wasn't long before some clueless mother/daughter pair in front of us started taking forever figuring out how to work the ticket machine properly, and we couldn't get into another line because they were all much longer than the one we were already in. The tickets ended up selling out right before we got to the front of the line. I went to the box office to check and make sure there weren't any single seats left ("sold out" at theatres often just means that the showing is down to individual seating), but no, there really were zero seats left in the house. And now I don't have another opportunity to get down to that theatre again until later on this coming week. ><

    On the plus side, I got a free pass as compensation for my pre-bought ticket, and my friend and I caught up over Japanese food, so at least the trip down to the southwest wasn't a total waste.
    Post edited by Eryn on

  • How did this song get more than a million views? >.
  • Bad grammar is now an official policy in Birmingham, England.
  • edited February 2009
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited February 2009
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Third'd.
  • To summarize the first two hours - cock.
  • To summarize the last two - Hungry Joe is FUCKING OLD. HAHAHA.
  • edited February 2009
    To summarize the last two - Hungry Joe is FUCKING OLD. HAHAHA.
    To Summarise the last two - HungryJoe is so old, that back before we were born, god called him god.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • To summarize the first two hours - cock.
    Yeah, then I went to bed.
  • edited February 2009
    Got to the Radio show, only to discover - we had nothing. Someone had dropped the ball, and we were 30 seconds till air trying to fix it - just went on with absolutely no beds, no throws, no cuts, no fucking nothing. Could have bloody well throttled someone.

    Edit - Made me feel a little bit better, though - the show after us were not technical inconvenienced like we were, and instead were utterly fucking incompetent, and refused to listen when I told them things - things like "Guys, Kill the song, play from the CD player -You're broadcasting to a studio speaker, and you're transmitting dead air" because they had pirated all their music, and had put them all on a CD as MP3s, so thus, had no redundancy in case they fucked up. Wankers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Tomorrow I was meant to be flying to Mauritius. Turns out I can't fly right there due to bad weather. I wondered "How bad can it be?"
    I checked google earth for the relevant area:
    Then clicked "weather":
    Looks not too pleasant.
  • I have GOT to start double-checking the medicines my dad gives me. He started giving me these tablets yesterday every three hours that he said were supposed to shorten the length of my cold. I just took them without question because, after all, it's my dad and the pills melted easily in my mouth. Last night he left the bottle in my room so that, if I got up in the middleof the night, I'd have some medicine to take. So this morning I wake up, take one, and start reading the bottle. I found it extremely odd that the directions said that you weren't supposed to drink anything for thirty minutes after taking it and, sure enough, printed in small lettering on the front face of the bottle was the word "Homeopathic".
  • I found it extremely odd that the directions said that you weren't supposed to drink anything for thirty minutes after taking it and, sure enough, printed in small lettering on the front face of the bottle was the word "Homeopathic".
    You should just swallow the whole bottle of pills in front of him.
  • edited February 2009
    Is a bottle full of sugar a good idea when you're ill?
    You could try showing him Wikipedia. Most people (so I've heard) only use homeopathic medicine because they don't ask how it works and see it next to the real medicine in shops. Anyone know of anything better than Here be Dragons for this kind of thing?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Apparently is was very cold near my work yesterday and overnight. It snowed, rained, and hailed as well. This did not happen at all where I live, which is only 17 miles north of where I work.

    It's a shame I didn't see or know that the pavement was icy. I slipped and fell this morning landing on my left knee. It hurts like a bitch and now I have to file a L & I Claim as well as go to Employee Health. Joy.
  • Family member dying 700 miles away.
  • Family member dying 700 miles away.
    The same, 16,000 miles away. My condolences, my friend.
  • Family member dying 700 miles away.
    The same, 16,000 miles away. My condolences, my friend.
    Really? Sorry, man.
  • I just called to check on her situation. Now she's dead. I don't know whether I can go to the funeral. Fail of the day.
  • I'm sorry, guys.
  • Me too. That's very sad.
  • My condolences to you both.
  • I'm really sorry you too. Condolences.
  • More epic failure - The union labor government is trying to repeal voluntary student unionism again. I decline to state my explicit reasons for hating this idea unless asked for fear of taking off on a rant, but take my word for it, it's a terrible idea, especially considering the behavior of student unions in the past.
  • Between two classes with 56 total people, my religion teacher is failing at least 25 of them. Many others are getting D's. There are other classes, but I don't know their stats.

    When do you start questioning whether it's the student or the teacher at fault?
  • When he's teaching religion class.
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