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Fail of Your Day



  • I had no idea such a thing existed. The fact that it does and also a the fact that there is a Seattle team is fail. Do I really need to explain more?
    I don't see the problem with this. Do you have some reason why women shouldn't play football?
  • edited October 2011
    I take it you're not fans of roller derby then?
    I actually really dig the idea of Rollerderby, mostly because it's less about sexual objectification and more about empowering females. Seriously, the Lingerie Football League designs their pads to explicitly expose scantily clad women instead of actual protection. God, it must hurt to get hit in the boob.

    Can you see a difference?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • mostly because it's less about sexual objectification and more about empowering females.
    There are strippers who are all about female empowerment.
    God, it must hurt to get hit in the boob.
    I know some girls who are in roller derby leagues. Yes, it does hurt to get whacked in the boob. But they pride themselves on their prowess. I see this having the same potential.

    No, really, I see little difference between this and roller derby. Maybe you could make an argument that being managed by a professional organization makes the LFL different. I could buy that. But even then, the players are still making the active choice to be in it for whatever reasons they may have. Just because it's not a grassroots movement doesn't mean it can't have the same degree of female empowerment.
  • No, really, I see little difference between this and roller derby. Maybe you could make an argument that being managed by a professional organization makes the LFL different. I could buy that. But even then, the players are still making the active choice to be in it for whatever reasons they may have. Just because it's not a grassroots movement doesn't mean it can't have the same degree of female empowerment.
    Maybe I'm just baffled why they are always wearing eyeblack, even when they are indoors. Or doing an interview.
  • No, really, I see little difference between this and roller derby. Maybe you could make an argument that being managed by a professional organization makes the LFL different. I could buy that. But even then, the players are still making the active choice to be in it for whatever reasons they may have. Just because it's not a grassroots movement doesn't mean it can't have the same degree of female empowerment.
    Maybe I'm just baffled why they are always wearing eyeblack, even when they are indoors. Or doing an interview.
    Because it looks cool. Duh.
  • edited October 2011
    Maybe I'm just baffled why they are always wearing eyeblack, even when they are indoors. Or doing an interview.
    Well, I'm an outsider here, so grain of salt, but what says "I'm playing Gridiron!" more than some eyeblack, when you're not wearing the pads and such? I know baseball players wear it too, but when I see someone with it on, I don't think baseball, I think Gridiron.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Talking to my colleagues in Malacca this morning. Two of them were here last week on a business trip and returned on the weekend. Their flight made a stopover in Bangkok. Thankfully they weren't affected by the floods, but now I feel rather ashamed about me complaining about my first world problem of having to wear my winter coat this morning when three weeks ago I was still wearing shorts.
  • Sitting down to a lecture with one of the top medieval historians in the UK and the fuckers from the student radio have set up a booth outside of our windows. I would not mind by the are universally twunts and play some of the worst dross to ever be shat forth from a set of speakers. We are debating on whether to practice some experimental archeology on them.
  • I take it you're not fans of roller derby then?
    Haven't really given it much thought.
    I don't see the problem with this. Do you have some reason why women shouldn't play football?
    I have issues with how ridiculous the outfits are.

    Feel free to play football like that.

    I have no issues with these women doing what they want to do. I don't question their athleticism. I just find the outfits absurd.
  • I have no issues with these women doing what they want to do. I don't question their athleticism. I just find the outfits absurd.
    The Chain Mail bikini protects nothing!.. I don't know, it actually looked like they were playing some real football. If I liked watching sports (which I don't) I might watch this over dude football. I don't see anything wrong, as long as they are protected for the most part. (looks like they have shoulder pads and helmets...) I mean I don't hear anyone complaining about Beach Volleyball :-p
  • as long as they are protected for the most part
    Also, don't forget about women's rugby. I knew female rugby players at RIT. You do not want to cross those ladies.
  • So, it turns out when they deactivate your etsy account, they give you absolutely no warning, they don't contact you, they just leave it for you to discover on your own. I'm not that concerned about the store, but that is a pretty huge customer service fail.
  • Also, don't forget about women's rugby. I knew female rugby players at RIT. You do not want to cross those ladies.
    Yeah to give you some idea. My girlfriend used to play it when she was a teenager, she was one of the backs, and she is still nearly stronger than me. Which doesn't sound much but as every other day of the week is spent tossing swords around it starts to make you think. That and when she picks me up.
  • So, it turns out when they deactivate your etsy account, they give you absolutely no warning, they don't contact you, they just leave it for you to discover on your own. I'm not that concerned about the store, but that is a pretty huge customer service fail.
    Why'd they deactivate your account?
  • edited October 2011
    That feeling when a 4GB card only buys you 240 pictures in .NEF raws. Fine JPEG still only gets me 560 shots.

    I can honestly say I've never had that feeling of "where did all my space go?" quite so much as with my camera. I'm going to need to get some more memory cards...
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I always carry one each of 2 GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB in my camera bag. I rarely fill up the 16GB card, except if I'm taking photos at a show and I'm snapping a lot to get a perfect moment of juggling. Even for most video projects I do, 16GB is enough.

    But yeah, switching to RAW gives you a right kick in the nuts in terms of storage. It's worth it though, even if you're only slightly serious about photography.
  • I would use RAW but my Minolta Dimage 7 is older so it only takes compact flash and I'm not sure what the max size is but right now I'm still using the 128meg card it came with. I mean its a good camera and I did get it at a garage sale for $5 so I'm not complaining but It sucks for storage. Would a RAW even make that much difference on a 5 megapixel camera?
  • You can get CF adapter you can put an SDHC card into.
  • edited October 2011
    There are no jerbs here, and the exchange rate makes me want to kill myself. Fuck. This is a bigger issue than my problem with RAW files.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You can get CF adapter you can put an SDHC card into.
    I don't really advise that, since it's super easy to just get a 32 gig CF card - not that you'll need 32 gig. You can get 4 and 16 gig cards from amazon for very reasonable prices.
  • Sister's Fail: My sister got laid off today from her paralegal job. On a brighter note, she was kind of unhappy in there and she was looking for other jobs, at least her ex-boss promised her a good reference letter and now she can really focus on her job-searching.
  • edited October 2011
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I saw those. Are they any good? You should try the Halloween Joe Joe's cookies. So delicious.
  • You can get CF adapter you can put an SDHC card into.
    I don't really advise that, since it's super easy to just get a 32 gig CF card - not that you'll need 32 gig. You can get 4 and 16 gig cards from amazon for very reasonable prices.
    I'm just afraid because its an older camera it will have a limit to a 512meg card or something. I tried my 1 gig CF card from my old DS max media dock thing and it didn't work, but it might have been formatted incorrectly or something.
  • I'm just afraid because its an older camera it will have a limit to a 512meg card or something. I tried my 1 gig CF card from my old DS max media dock thing and it didn't work, but it might have been formatted incorrectly or something.
    That would be a right ball-ache. I honestly don't know, some cameras are real finicky.
  • I'm just afraid because its an older camera it will have a limit to a 512meg card or something. I tried my 1 gig CF card from my old DS max media dock thing and it didn't work, but it might have been formatted incorrectly or something.
    That would be a right ball-ache. I honestly don't know, some cameras are real finicky.
    Yeah, I'll mess around with it a bit more but I usually end up dumping most of the images off of it after I take them anyway so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. I do have other cameras I can use too, I just like this one since it looks more professional and has lots of nobs and buttons I need to learn how to use...
  • Oh DealExtreme..
  • Hearing hipsters, I'm really not shitting you these are absurd stereotypes, discuss Golden Eye and Westlife. They seem to think that the golden gun both creates and solves all problems.
  • edited October 2011
    Hearing hipsters, I'm really not shitting you these are absurd stereotypes, discuss Golden Eye and Westlife. They seem to think that the golden gun both creates and solves all problems.
    One shot kill? 'Course it does!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It was more the way in which they couldn't remember any of the character, plot, levels or other guns save the golden gun. They had made it an ultimate judge to all problems in their world. I wonder if they would have extrapolated onwards. Westlife would fall to the Golden gun, as would others that did not stand with, eventually they rose to become a world power. Standing atop a mount of corpses that were a bit richter in gold. But then they are trapped they have become a dictator, the Man. Eventually their government falls in on its self as they seek other forms of precious metal weaponry. After the wars of the Platinum sorrow they declare an embargo on all metals and resort to living in trees. Though yes it does solve a lot it does cause them, like what to do when you have inadvertently became a dictator.
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