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Fail of Your Day



  • The woman who was essentially my grandmother (she is the mother of my mom's fiancee) passed away tonight after a long battle with cancer.
  • There's no fucking way I'm gonna have enough this next paycheck to cover... well just about anything.
  • My computer crashed, corrupting the save file in my progress quest game, and forever destroying my level 49 enchanted-motorcycle tickle-mimic. It will take days of constant play to get back to where I was :(
  • My computer crashed, corrupting the save file in my progress quest game, and forever destroying my level 49 enchanted-motorcycle tickle-mimic. It will take days of constant play to get back to where I was :(
    >days of constant play
    >Progress Quest
  • Blah dealing with stupid for two weeks is not fun. Dealing with other peoples bollocks is also very annoying.
  • Early this morning when I woke up at the crack of dawn to feed my starving kittehs, Starbuck decided to award me by tripping me. I put my hand out to stop my fall, and I ended up stabbing it on a light switch on the wall.
    If you've ever wanted to know what getting stabbed by a light switch feels like... it hurts. Bad. >O
  • One day...I will finally escape my prison.
  • One day...I will finally escape my prison.
    Relevant: The OatmeaL: How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You.
  • Today I was walking and thought I saw "MOTS" painted on the street. It wasn't until I passed it that I realized it actually was "SLOW" upside down.
  • First time in a long time I have been so furious I felt like crying. My Patent professor was a complete idiot tonight and completely missed the point of a case we discussed - complete with messing up the relevant dates of the patents at issue - and then followed up his idiocy by calling on me and staring blankly at me after I gave him the answer.

    This man keeps asking the same question even after you've given him the answer, and maybe by the third time you say it he blinks and tells you you are correct. In my case I actually had to say "Am I WRONG about it being a laserdisk? Because I'm pretty sure it's a laserdisk." It was, indeed, a laserdisk. I am starting to wonder if he suffers from chronic mini strokes or something.

    The worst part is having to sit there in silence as he goes off in the wrong direction and not being able to correct him. With any other professor I would, but in this case I am confident that HE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH. ARGH!!!

    The only saving grace of this class is that the book is so well-written it is sufficient to teach the material. Unfortunately I still have to show up in class and suffer through Mr. Fails at Communication.
  • edited October 2011
    I spent the night counting my flatmate's breaths to make sure she was above eight per minute, making sure she was lying on her side, and just generally checking on her while she slept to ensure I didn't need to call an ambulance for alcohol poisoning.

    Fun times.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • First time in a long time I have been so furious I felt like crying. My Patent professor was a complete idiot tonight and completely missed the point of a case we discussed - complete with messing up the relevant dates of the patents at issue - and then followed up his idiocy by calling on me and staring blankly at me after I gave him the answer.

    This man keeps asking the same question even after you've given him the answer, and maybe by the third time you say it he blinks and tells you you are correct. In my case I actually had to say "Am I WRONG about it being a laserdisk? Because I'm pretty sure it's a laserdisk." It was, indeed, a laserdisk. I am starting to wonder if he suffers from chronic mini strokes or something.

    The worst part is having to sit there in silence as he goes off in the wrong direction and not being able to correct him. With any other professor I would, but in this case I am confident that HE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH. ARGH!!!

    The only saving grace of this class is that the book is so well-written it is sufficient to teach the material. Unfortunately I still have to show up in class and suffer through Mr. Fails at Communication.
    There there Nuri, Once in a while everyone gets the bad one. Just remember that the semester is nearly half way over.
  • There there Nuri, Once in a while everyone gets the bad one. Just remember that the semester is nearly half way over.
    Grand Marnier and hot chocolate are dispersing my disproportionate rage.
  • First time in a long time I have been so furious I felt like crying.
    I hate when that happens. I bothers me more that I am crying that I'm angry more than the person that caused it.

    Hope it gets better.
  • Found one of nice knives, which I'd left drying in the rack next to the sink, in the sink today with food stuck on it. >.<
  • Found one of nice knives, which I'd left drying in the rack next to the sink, in the sink today with food stuck on it. >.<</p>
    Both you and Jed are that way with the good knife.
  • What the hell? My iPhone just reset itself back to factory presets. I hope upgrading to iOS5 didn't just make me lose all my shit.
  • Computer science doesn't seem to be my thing since I don't seem to get Java and I know it only gets harder from here. I really don't know what to go into now. I know you guys said IT is for people who couldn't do CS but I've tried IT and hated it. Urg.
  • Holding a seminar with other BA students discussing our future Masters projects. One girl said that she wanted to write it on Feminism in the Roman Republic. Words fail me. To compound this matter I had a real dude-bro say that he wanted to look at "Those dudes in ships with beards". When I asked him if he meant the Vikings he seemed very lost. I would have thought that I would not be dealing with these problems at this stage.
  • Holding a seminar with other BA students discussing our future Masters projects. One girl said that she wanted to write it on Feminism in the Roman Republic. Words fail me. To compound this matter I had a real dude-bro say that he wanted to look at "Those dudes in ships with beards". When I asked him if he meant the Vikings he seemed very lost. I would have thought that I would not be dealing with these problems at this stage.
    Surprise! College is the new high-school!
  • The worrying thing was that it was meant for people who are looking for higher education.
  • The worrying thing was that it was meant for people who are looking for higher education.
    Perhaps they think 'higher' means getting high more often?
  • Strangely Historians don't get high. They get drunk a lot, but not high.
  • Strangely Historians don't get high. They get drunk a lot, but not high.
    I apparently know a different subset of historians than you.
  • I suppose it would depend on what era they studied. Im Medieval and Ancient so I end up drinking weird wines and meads. I would imagine if you studied a more political aspect of modern history, and masqueraded as a historian, then you would properly get high a lot.
  • Computer science doesn't seem to be my thing since I don't seem to get Java and I know it only gets harder from here. I really don't know what to go into now. I know you guys said IT is for people who couldn't do CS but I've tried IT and hated it. Urg.
    Go into product support. Or perhaps accounting.
  • Computer science doesn't seem to be my thing since I don't seem to get Java and I know it only gets harder from here. I really don't know what to go into now. I know you guys said IT is for people who couldn't do CS but I've tried IT and hated it. Urg.
    Go into product support. Or perhaps accounting.
    What do you mean by IT?

    IT as far as a real BS degree is concerned covers ALL of the following:

    1. Scripting/coding
    2. Web design
    3. Database administration/design
    4. System administration
    5. Network administration/design
    6. Hardware troubleshooting
    7. Needs assessment
    8. Support (generalized)
    9. Theory (on hardware, software, networking, etc...)

    What part of it aren't you enjoying? IT covers almost every aspect of computing.
  • What do you mean by IT?

    IT as far as a real BS degree is concerned covers ALL of the following:

    1. Scripting/coding
    2. Web design
    3. Database administration/design
    4. System administration
    5. Network administration/design
    6. Hardware troubleshooting
    7. Needs assessment
    8. Support (generalized)
    9. Theory (on hardware, software, networking, etc...)
    10. Quality Assurance (testing)

    What part of it aren't you enjoying? IT covers almost every aspect of computing.
    Rym's right. In all seriousness, IT is incredibly broad and covers just about everything to do with computers. What makes you think you don't enjoy IT in its entirety? Maybe you just haven't found the thing you really enjoy.

    Also, I added QA since it's what I do. And when you're not doing super tedious testing it becomes pretty interesting.
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