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Fail of Your Day



  • I feel the worst I've felt in fucking years. Even the majority of the time I had Chickenpox was better than this, because I either was asleep and having crazy fever dreams, or too fatigued to perceive anything--even fatigue (with the exception of the neuralgia, which was the worst pain ever). This flu could disprove the existence of a loving deity. This flu is an assault on the mere notion of goodness. Every cubic centimeter of my body feels so heavy that it takes effort to do anything but lie down, and my breathing passages are so dry that just taking breaths is an exercise in misery. In between vision-skewing moments of flu fatigue, nausea, and sleep deprivation, I dream of people and things that make me happy and wonder morosely if this is what hemorrhagic fevers are like minus the bleeding.

    It's raining, too. Fuck everything about this.
  • @Pete - It was on YNN the other day, but now I can't find any mention of it, or even the article saying what was going to be cut anywhere. I think they may have gotten some bad info. The only thing I found was that there are USDA offices closing in an different story unrelated to the Albany budget. I'm thinking someone made a mistake somewhere and they pulled the story.
  • Yesterday, I tried visiting an employment agency, since I need a job. Upon going there I found that it is only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No worries, I walked past a different one on my way there. I tried that, and it's also closed (Even though it should be open according to the sign. Ah well, I'll just go tomorrow, I thought. So, today, with the location of three such agencies with me, I tried again. All closed. Am I missing something?

    I should also mention it's cold as balls, and the trains are apparently not build for snow, so massive delays, meaning I had to wait for a while, plus a risk I might not be able to return home at all. Also, I was nervous as fuck, I'm not made for talking to strangers.
  • @WUB Yeah I usually get something like that around this time of the year at Uni. Chug a shit ton of OJ and try to sleep it off.

    Fail; I love how some classicist can make their interpretation even more boring than the original text!
  • This is what happens when you do not pay attention to an animals body language. I found the clip where this happened and it was obvious the dog was not comfortable with the situation. I feel bad for the dog as he will likely be punished for reacting naturally to a situation.
  • edited February 2012
    This is what happens when you do not pay attention to an animals body language. I found the clip where this happened and it was obvious the dog was not comfortable with the situation. I feel bad for the dog as he will likely be punished for reacting naturally to a situation.
    I could tell just from the pictures. Bared teeth, ears back, approaching at an angle where the dog likely couldn't see the anchor's hand. There might have been eye contact, too. I love working and guard dogs (my family has a huge German Shepherd and she's the greatest), but the rules are always the same: Let her smell your hand and see your hand, and go in straight toward her neck in her line of sight until she's comfortable with you petting her head or back. If her ears drop, she bares teeth or growls, leave her alone. Don't try to befriend her unless a family member is also touching her.

    Luckily, my dog has only ever administered a "warning nip" to people who break the rules, which is more of a touch with the teeth than any form of bite. Still, I've found that despite the amount of people who have dogs, most "dog people" really don't know how to behave around more powerful animals which demand respect and need to build trust.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    Yeah, if you watch the video of the bite it looks like all he was going for was a nip but with her face being that close even a nip there from a dog that size would probably need stitches. Also, I am not 100% on how leash law works but I was under the impression that only applied on public property.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited February 2012
    The flu from hell continues. I was feeling better, then I woke up dizzy with a stomachache, tottered to our just-cleaned bathroom, proj vommed in the toilet, on the toilet, on the floor, on my PJ pants and on my shoes. Then, dazed, I had to clean up.

    Fuck my life.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    Shit man, that's rough. Hoping it takes a turn for the better soon.

    Is it possible that this is a Musfits-related punk rock flu? If so, it seems to be appropriately hardcore.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • The Musfits is the name of my Scottish Misfits cover band.
  • edited February 2012
    Shit man, that's rough. Hoping it takes a turn for the better soon.

    Is it possible that this is a Musfits-related punk rock flu? If so, it seems to be appropriately hardcore.
    Entirely possible. Astro Zombie flu.
    The Musfits is the name of my Scottish Misfits cover band.
    True shit, I saw them in the city I'm studying only about an hour south of Scotland. It was awesome; from what I hear, they sold out entirely in Edinburgh.

    EDIT: I was supposed to go to an art gallery and a jazz cafe tonight, but now due to my ghoulish condition, I can't. Suckssss.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My best friend's little brother just died. Don't know the cause of death, but...shit.
  • I have lost faith in my university. Yeah we need signs telling us how to poop
  • Russian scientists drilled to Hell, apparently.

  • Ah, the ol' Well to Hell. A classic.
  • Our landlord moved in downstairs this past week. Apparently, he smokes. The entire apartment now smells like cigarette smoke and it is overbearing in some rooms. Now, we have the unenviable task of asking our landlord to smoke such a way that it doesn't invade our apartment. Ugh...
  • EDIT: Adam talked with our landlord and he said he would work something out. Hopefully, he does. Otherwise we will have to move.
  • Man, I understand he's the landlord, but it's still common courtesy to smoke somewhere that this wouldn't be an issue within reason. Just because you collect the rent, doesn't mean you shouldn't be considerate of the people you're collecting from.
  • edited February 2012
    Man, I understand he's the landlord, but it's still common courtesy to smoke somewhere that this wouldn't be an issue within reason. Just because you collect the rent, doesn't mean you shouldn't be considerate of the people you're collecting from.
    It's just bad business. If he doesn't actually do anything about it, Kate and Adam are gonna move out. That's kind of a stupid thing to do to your customers.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Our landlords' smoke makes its way up the radiators. They also smoke outside int eh summer and it comes in the windows if they are open. It's terrible, and I can't wait to move away from it. If it was all the time, we would definitely not have stayed here.
  • If I was a landlord who lived in my own building in a city and smoked, I'd just convert a basement apartment into a well-ventilated, chic smoking lounge. People will pay outrageous sums for a place to smoke indoors with cool people nowadays. It's slowly becoming (at least in Chicago) that smoking lounges are to tobacco what coffeeshops in the Netherlands are to pot, right down to having on-site tobacconists.
  • I have a cold sore for the first time in nine months, I couldn't find my medicine right away and as a result half my bottom lip is swollen. On top of this I just vomited all my dinner and lunch up. Not my typical dry heave anxiety vomit or the piddly phlegm induced vomit I get when my allergies are horrible. This was high powered projectile herpes-laden vomit. Ugh.
  • edited February 2012
    This was high powered projectile herpes-laden vomit. Ugh.
    You have to admit - in a way, that's pretty epic. It's like you're a dragon, and herpes-vomit is your breath weapon.

    EDIT: But here's hoping you get better soon!

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • This was high powered projectile herpes-laden vomit. Ugh.
    You have to admit - in a way, that's pretty epic. It's like you're a dragon, and herpes-vomit is your breath weapon.

  • This was high powered projectile herpes-laden vomit. Ugh.
    You have to admit - in a way, that's pretty epic. It's like you're a dragon, and herpes-vomit is your breath weapon.

    I can understand if the enemies want to rout after an attack like that.
  • We've been calling people vomit breathing dragons for about two years now since my friend was flapping his arms while he bargled.
  • We cal our guy the Party Machine as he vomited all over his girlfriends parents house then shit his pants.
  • Chris Brown won a Grammy, and fucking Skrillex won three. My faith in the music industry is now in the negative numbers.
  • edited February 2012
    Chris Brown won a Grammy, and fucking Skrillex won three. My faith in the music industry is now in the negative numbers.
    Never heard of Skrillex? Sounds like a cross between a skillet and a Rolex.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Our apartment continues to reek of smoke. It literally smells like someone came in, smoked a pack, and left. I have to speak to the landlord again about his smoking. EVERY time he lights up, we smell it as if it was in the next room.
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