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Fail of Your Day



  • Chris Brown won a Grammy, and fucking Skrillex won three. My faith in the music industry is now in the negative numbers.
    Never heard of Skrillex? Sounds like a cross between a skillet and a Rolex.
    He's, like, the most famous guy that makes wubs. And it was definitely cooler when I thought his name was Skillrex, because it made me think of a very talented dinosaur DJ. But that's not what it is at all.
  • Skrillex isn't BAD, but I'm still kinda surprised her won a grammy.
  • So I don't usually look at facebook much, but I looked at it today to see this wonderful re-post by my mom's aunt. She has no idea...

  • edited February 2012
    I married into this family willingly too. >_<
    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • Skrillex isn't BAD, but I'm still kinda surprised her won a grammy.
    Three. Three Grammies. Ah, ah, ah, ah.
  • I was just trying to write down some stream of conciousness thoughts in a log. It's supposed to be a way of trying to clear out my thoughts before bed... though it doesn't seem to work for me. I hit upon a weird thing tonight. I hate seeing pictures of myself on the internet, but every time I see myself in a mirror I think "Holy shit, that guy is awesome." I'm confused about what this tells me about myself.
  • ...Is it bad that I think Skrillex is one of the most interesting musicians to hit popular music in ages? 'Case he's one of the most interesting musicians to hit popular music in ages. He puts a lot of thought and work into his music, and I think it shows.

  • That's just annoying.
  • My bunny thinks she's pregnant. There's no way she can be, but she's certainly well convinced. I won't be able to actually get her fixed for a few months and as soon as Stage Management starts for Three Penny Opera, Ryan's in charge of her because I will have no time.
    Yayyyy hormonal bunny...
  • edited February 2012
    ...Is it bad that I think Skrillex is one of the most interesting musicians to hit popular music in ages?
    Yeah, I agree. The only real crime he has committed is that of being a one-trick pony, but many others before him have built entire careers off far less unique tricks. He has a style all his own(at least, he did until everyone in the universe started copying him) and brings to the table a lot of influences that had never previously existed in the genre, like emo and hardcore. It turned into something very innovative and very influential, and I think that certainly deserves praise.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, I agree. The only real crime he has committed is that of being a one-trick pony, but many others before him have built entire careers off far less unique tricks. He has a style all his own(at least, he did until everyone in the universe started copying him) and brings to the table a lot of influences that had never previously existed in the genre, like emo and hardcore. It turned into something very innovative and very influential, and I think that certainly deserves praise.
    I don't dig his music personally, but at least I've heard fewer reports of him being an enormous, raging douchebag than Deadmau5.

  • edited February 2012
    As a follow-up on our issue with the landlord smoking:
    We come home; we air out the smoke from our apartment. We wake up; we air out the smoke from our apartment. We hang out for a couple of hours; we air out the smoke from our apartment. We have to keep the guest room closed off with a fan venting the window, because it is as if someone is sitting in there smoking constantly. Our house is freezing from having to keep windows and doors open to vent out the smoke.

    Adam has the uncomfortable task of talking to our landlord a second time. I bet he will say he hasn't had time to insulate/seal off anything, but he could just smoke next to an open window or go outside and it would be so much better. I get that he owns this house and he has a right to smoke; however, we will move out in March if it continues like this. I have asthma, Adam has allergies, and we both hate the smell, which adds insult to injury. Until now, we've really enjoyed this apartment. It is reasonable rent, great layout, etc. However, we are paying for a three bedroom apartment (the smallest we converted to an office), but we lost a room to the smoke and our apartment is an ice box.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on

  • Adam has the uncomfortable task of talking to our landlord a second time. I bet he will say he hasn't had time to insulate/seal off anything, but he could just smoke next to an open window or go outside and it would be so much better. I get that he owns this house and he has a right to smoke; however, we will move out in March if it continues like this. I have asthma, Adam has allergies, and we both hate the smell, which adds insult to injury. Until now, we've really enjoyed this apartment. It is reasonable rent, great layout, etc. However, we are paying for a three bedroom apartment (the smallest we converted to an office), but we lost a room to the smoke and our apartment is an ice box.
    If he didn't respond in a timely manner, I'd threaten legal action to break the lease due to newly-introduced intolerable conditions.

    It sucks: you have a nice place. But I'm in your court on the matter of not tolerating any tobacco smoke anywhere I live or work. I can smell it a mile away, and I'd frankly rather smell the eau-do-hobo of the subway than the reek of a cigarette.

  • See, it's not always bad to have an absentee landlord.

    Best of luck to you two.
  • I had no idea who Skrillex was until the recent discussion.

    But on the subject of the Grammy's and Chris Brown, 25 Horrible Tweet/Reactions to Chris Brown Winning.

    I don't even...
  • I had no idea who Skrillex was until the recent discussion.

    But on the subject of the Grammy's and Chris Brown, 25 Horrible Tweet/Reactions to Chris Brown Winning.

    I don't even...
    It's only a problem when the beating is non-consensual. Maybe they're all into that!

    I doubt it, though. They're probably just being tasteless.

  • edited February 2012
    I think you meant tactless.

    EDIT: You know what, it's probably both.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Bedroom is now down to 10C. Considering taking bets with flatmates on whether the uni will fix our heat and boilers before we can see our breath indoors.

    I'm presently under the covers wearing pajamas pants, a t-shirt), a Patagonia Capilene 3 baselayer (top and bottom), a bathrobe, and socks, and I am still uncomfortable.
  • edited February 2012
    So, I applied to a startup that looked interesting (and had funding to pay me monies). We had two interviews, they talked with my references, everyone seems to like me...

    ...but they didn't hire me. They say they want me to do "contract work" with them, so they can potentially hire me in a few months, but this doesn't really help me out.

    There's another startup that really wants me, but they aren't working on interesting things, and their senior developer doesn't seem very up to date (He was talking about MVC like it was a new thing). I'm at the point where I can almost (but not quite) get the rockstar jobs, but I'm inundated with less-than-stellar offers.

    Any advice? I'm playing around with stuff in my spare time, and some of the things I'm tinkering with will look pretty good on my resume (building an adaptive (desktop + mobile) webapp with an asynchronous UI on a node.js/couchdb stack, for example). Should I just keep doing side projects like that until I become awesome enough to easily land rockstar jobs, or should I do something different?

    P.S. My current job is boring but comfortable, so I'm not in a position where I need to find another job immediately, but I don't want to be stuck here forever.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Bedroom is now down to 10C. Considering taking bets with flatmates on whether the uni will fix our heat and boilers before we can see our breath indoors.

    I'm presently under the covers wearing pajamas pants, a t-shirt), a Patagonia Capilene 3 baselayer (top and bottom), a bathrobe, and socks, and I am still uncomfortable.
    I'm starting to think it's inevitable. Same thing happened to me, too, took a month before it was fixed, and it got rediculously cold. If you left, say, a half-finished cup of tea in the kitchen or on your desk, it would freeze solid overnight.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    Not going to go on at length about it, but I've just ended a friendship with someone I've known for many years. He was a toxic person in my life and, remembering hearing Nuri's advice about the subject at a panel of her's at Connecticon a year or two ago, just cut any, all, and every tie(s) I had with him.

    It really, really hurts right now, but I know that later on it will be better for me. All he did was add more stress & drama to my already stress filled life.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Having a problem at work we can't explain, but everyone keeps tries to explain it by saying effectively, "what these bits magically changed." >_<
  • Didn't make sure the tupperware containing my lunch (leftover pot roast with some gravy/juice) was properly sealed. It leaked. :(
  • Earlier today I Realized I had an hour to write a 5 page lab report...
  • Fuck caffeine withdrawal. I haven't been able to drink coffee for 3 days because of my stomach. That's pretty much the only caffeine in my diet, so my head hurts like a bitch.

    At least I'm feeling better today. Coffee ingestion commencing.
  • Fuck caffeine withdrawal. I haven't been able to drink coffee for 3 days because of my stomach. That's pretty much the only caffeine in my diet, so my head hurts like a bitch.

    At least I'm feeling better today. Coffee ingestion commencing.
    It's really at that 48 hour mark when I find it intolerable. Splitting headache and a non-desire to do anything. The worst part is knowing that even a tiny amount of caffeine consumption immediately ends the headache, but continues the cycle of addiction. ;^)

  • I don't actually mind the addiction part. I've broken my coffee habit twice before. I can get through it, especially with the help of Excedrin Migraine, which is like a nicotine patch for caffeine. But I LIKE coffee. I don't want to quit it right now because I have no reason to. I just want to be able to drink my goddamn coffee.

    Maybe I can deal with the headaches a little better because my migraines are so much worse that these seem minor by comparison. Either way... I guess I could start drinking decaf coffee, but then my choices are much more limited, and I'd have to go on a stimulant for my ADD. If I'm already paying for coffee, it might as well double as a medication.
  • ...Is it bad that I think Skrillex is one of the most interesting musicians to hit popular music in ages?
    Yeah, I agree. The only real crime he has committed is that of being a one-trick pony, but many others before him have built entire careers off far less unique tricks. He has a style all his own(at least, he did until everyone in the universe started copying him) and brings to the table a lot of influences that had never previously existed in the genre, like emo and hardcore. It turned into something very innovative and very influential, and I think that certainly deserves praise.
    Huh? Dubstep predates Skrillex's solo career by about a decade. He's just a typical american pop rehash w/ a less diverse pallet than the artists he's influenced by.
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