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Fail of Your Day



  • Think before opening your mouth, I highly recommend it.
  • Relax guys, it's not like he's saying he watches Girls Bravo or anything. It's such a mild form of sexism, it's not really worth bothering with yet. We have bigger problems.
  • edited July 2012
    Yeah, bigger problems like that legless guy in a pit covered in bees on fire.
    I didn't say he was the worst person for judging the marines based on his lust, I just think it is a double standard. People don't usually judge male action movie heroes for their sexiness to female viewers. That's like if I said I didn't like Diehard because Bruce Willis didn't turn me on because he had no hair. You would all look at me funny. (Love Bruce Willis as action hero, BTW.)
    It's sexism, small, watered down sexism, but sexism none the less.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2012
    It's sexism, small, watered down sexism, but sexism none the less.
    Some would say that it's the most harmful kind, because it often gets a free pass and is allowed to continue.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, I tend to agree that it needs to be called out. When people pull out the "But people are stoned to death in [insert place name] so why are you sweating the small stuff?" it totally just distracts from the point. While there are more severe examples, that does not mean we should ignore the more subtle forms of discrimination in society.
  • I'm not worried about Ethernopia (I meant to spell it like that; see Starvin Marvin). I'm talking about the domestic descrimination. I'll call out a guy who watches TV shows only because of hot chicks even though it's not a big deal, but character preference in legitimate film based on arousal I can't get outraged over -- in part because I think we've all been guilty of it at some point or another.
  • Just because something is common doesn't make it right.
  • Liking someone more because they are attractive is fine, but disliking someone solely for not "tickling your fancy" is the opposite of okay.
  • My friend's soon to be father-in-law just died yesterday. I didn't know him at all but I still feel awful for his family. My friend and her fiance were planning on getting married in a week and now I don't know whats going to happen.
  • Vasquez was always my hero because she was a strong female character, plus those arms.
  • Vasquez was always my hero because she was a strong female character, plus those arms.
    True dat. I won't deny I find Vasquez attractive, but it's not even close to the primary reason I like her, it little more than a little bonus. She could have a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle, and she'd still be my favorite.
  • Yeah, I mean if a character is both awesome and hot, it's cool! However, if I just went on hotness alone, I would prefer Jamie Lannister to Tyrion and that would be just WRONG!
    Dromoro might just like the other character better but the way he phrased it sounded like he just didn't like her because he didn't have a sexual attraction to Latinas.
  • Ack, I don't want to be spoiler about this...
  • Hey, I admit I enjoy looking at movies, TV shows, etc., with attractive women in them. However, attractiveness doesn't necessarily have anything to do with whether I like the character or not. It also has no bearing on whether I like a TV show or movie or not. The show may have some of the most attractive women in the world, but if it's crap the most it could ever get out of me is maybe a couple of minutes of curiosity to see if the show is any good before I determine that it's crap and move on to something else.

    It's been a while since I've seen Aliens, so my memory is a bit fuzzy, but while I didn't think Vasquez was particularly attractive, she was still an awesome character. Was she my favorite? Not sure, but then again I'm not sure if I even had a favorite character in Aliens. Favorite or not, Vasquez was still a character I was quite fond of.
  • So my attempt to remove the front sight from my AR15 has ended with the punch stuck the sight. Seems RRA was cheap and used straight pins instead of taper pins, making them really hard to remove. I broke my 1.5mm punch cause it wasn't strong enough, and 3mm was pretty much the same size as the pin. So now it's stuck and I have to wait for a 2.5mm punch I just ordered to arrive.
  • It's hot. The cats, especially Digit, are shedding to,where another cat can be created, and the FURminator is missing. There is cat hair everywhere.
  • I have 3 furminators and they do. not. help.

    I have 6 cats (not including the boarders and rotators), a Bernese Mountain Dog, and a coon hound/lab cross that sheds more than all the rest combined, every day, all year.
  • I got into a "discussion" with Scott Rubin on Facebook about Spam. *sigh* Why do I even bother? Damn you, Scott Rubin.
  • I got into a "discussion" with Scott Rubin on Facebook about Spam. *sigh* Why do I even bother? Damn you, Scott Rubin.

  • What was the "discussion" about? Spam is bad, and should be blocked/ignored. ;^) What could possibly be disagreed on there?
  • Spam as in the canned meat Spam. Rubin does not like it, I do. It's something I was raised on. It's not the Spam you get in emails.
  • SPAM is made from assorted byproducts of animal slaughter that couldn't reasonably be sold to consumers without being ground up and disguised as something other than what they are. What, exactly, is to like?
  • edited July 2012
    It's not the Spam you get in emails.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2012
    I really can't expect many people other than Pacific Islanders/Asians to understand our love for Spam. It's a comfort food we are raised on. Yes, I know what it's made out of. No, I don't eat it everyday. Frankly, I don't give a shit. I like it. It's saltiness goes perfect with plain white rice and over easy eggs. Also Spam musubi is delicious.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • SPAM is made from assorted byproducts of animal slaughter that couldn't reasonably be sold to consumers without being ground up and disguised as something other than what they are. What, exactly, is to like?
    Ah, so it's like hotdogs and most other sausages then. :P
  • SPAM is made from assorted byproducts of animal slaughter that couldn't reasonably be sold to consumers without being ground up and disguised as something other than what they are. What, exactly, is to like?
    Extremely efficient animal use. Also, SPAM is yummy.

  • SPAM is made from assorted byproducts of animal slaughter that couldn't reasonably be sold to consumers without being ground up and disguised as something other than what they are. What, exactly, is to like?
    Ah, so it's like hotdogs and most other sausages then. :P
    That's fair. I'd love to see a nutritional comparison that takes into account effects of chemical agents like preservatives. I bet SPAM loses.
  • I find it interesting how, for probably the majority of Internet people these days, online spam is what that word refers to, not any sort of meat product. I wonder if younger kids even know that spam is a meat product.
  • SPAM is made from assorted byproducts of animal slaughter that couldn't reasonably be sold to consumers without being ground up and disguised as something other than what they are. What, exactly, is to like?
    Extremely efficient animal use. Also, SPAM is yummy.
    Technology for the win. Same reason pink slim is awesome.
  • Mmmmm nitrates.
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