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Fail of Your Day



  • edited July 2012
    Yeah. Still a touch nauseous, but that could be any number of things. The really bad stuff (heart pounding, muscle spasms, compulsion to walk in circles endlessly) stopped yesterday. Can't take Zoloft anymore, though; I don't know whether or not I need to try another SSRI or move to something atypical like Cymbalta.

    EDIT: On the plus side, you initially become hypomanic when the serotonin storm starts, before all the bad stuff happens. That morning, I had coffee with FB girl and I was so fucking on my game that it confused me. Silver linings, right?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Did something to really fuck up my back. Lots of stretching, heat pads, and painkillers for me today.
  • A guy I went to high school with got in a car accident last night. I hadn't talked to him in years, and frankly he was kind of a dick, but its still awful knowing how many people will be hurt by it.
  • edited July 2012
    I just deleted the partition table of my backup drive by accident. Anyone know how to recover that?

    EDIT: Nevermind, my room mate linked me to an open source data recovery site that lead me to a tool called Testdisk that restored the partition table in about 2 seconds.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I just deleted the partition table of my backup drive by accident. Anyone know how to recover that?

    EDIT: Nevermind, my room mate linked me to an open source data recovery site that lead me to a tool called Testdisk that restored the partition table in about 2 seconds.
    Reminds me of the time I was trying to fix my drive and borked it further by overwriting the mbr with the partition table. Fun times.

  • Argh, I can't sleep. My mind is racing and not even really about anything.
  • Facebook posts with videos like this:

    This is called a street show. Not a flash mob. It's a street show. A street show with an orchestra, but still simply a street show. Filming it with shaky and/or hidden cameras doesn't make it clever or anything other than what it is. A street show.

    Suitcase full of blood.
  • A rare example of fail... This company I was going to apply for work at is only accepting applications via mail or fax. Nope. Gonna pass.
  • edited July 2012
    Not a personal fail, fortunately, but a collection of epic fails: People who post their credit card numbers online.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Suitcase full of blood.
    Luke, I think its up to you to do such a feat.

  • Sprained my ankle doing yard work yesterday.
  • Layoff rumors abound. Happy times.
  • The Internet connection that we are sharing with the landlord is currently offline, I would go fix it myself since all that needs to be done is a reactivation but since all the equipment is at the landlord's place I can't do diddly for the moment.
  • I'm going to Apreche this and say, "Don't live like that." Nothing should come between a person, that person's internets, and the ISP!
  • edited July 2012
    Sometimes you just gotta live le cheap.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I am in progress to recitafing this going to take a bit of time...
  • Turns out I sprained my ankle badly enough to need crutches.
  • On the one hand, surprise bills need to be paid, and I have to sell my Magic the Gathering collection to do so. On the other, I was planning on selling it and starting at zero again anyway.

    Yay for coincidental bad luck?
  • Tora-Con 2013 decided it would be brilliant to schedule against Pax East 2013.
    What in the ever-loving fuckmonkies is wrong with them.
  • On the one hand, surprise bills need to be paid, and I have to sell my Magic the Gathering collection to do so. On the other, I was planning on selling it and never starting at zero again anyway.

    Yay for coincidental bad luck?
    Possibly a better idea, if you will continue having to pay bills.
  • edited July 2012
    So I wanted to try to make a remix of All You Need Is Love and Unbind These Roots by Your Heart Breaks. I couldn't isolate the tracks on the latter, so I e-mailed the band and asked for them. Here's the response I got:
    if i had the tracks i would send them to you, but they are on an 8-track tape that i have no way of playing. we record live, straight to tape and just mix from that to a half inch tape to master, so there are never really any soloed out tracks available. thanks so much for listening though!!! it means alot!
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Tora-Con 2013 decided it would be brilliant to schedule against Pax East 2013.
    What in the ever-loving fuckmonkies is wrong with them.
    U of R has had its game convention scheduled the same weekend as PAX for at least four years in a row. I've tried to talk the organizers out of it, but they see no reason to change it.
  • On the one hand, surprise bills need to be paid, and I have to sell my Magic the Gathering collection to do so. On the other, I was planning on selling it and never starting at zero again anyway.

    Yay for coincidental bad luck?
    Possibly a better idea, if you will continue having to pay bills.
    True, but I enjoy the game far too much to completely give it up.
  • I fail at life. Because, I suddenly I started to like the cute intern at my work. The one that everyone told me had a thing for me. But, something happening last week that made everything awkward for us, and now it is super hard to go back to the way it was.
  • Dude, you never go ass to mouth.

  • Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.
  • Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.
    I'm pretty sure Erwin is a biologist. Biologists never forgive ass to mouth.

  • I'm pretty sure Erwin is a biologist. Biologists never forgive ass to mouth.
    In that case, I'll retract that statement because biologist.
  • edited July 2012
    Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.
    I'm pretty sure Erwin is a biologist. Biologists never forgive ass to mouth.

    Yeah, as a Biologist I should have known better. Live and learn I say and I will keep on saying. In the mean time. well ... I am gonna marathon "Braid" and finished it before I go to sleep, tomorrow I will run a 10K early in the morning and then I will watch "The Amazing Spiderman" or "Ted". By the end of that afternoon I will see how I feel about life. Right now, It just feels like a wasted opportunity. I should have done something on the first week.

    The details you ask?

    Well here is what happened.
    Week 1
    Cute intern started to work at my company and I started talking to her on the most colloquial of terms. I felt at easy because I saw her as only an intern. Because of that, we talk for a long time during our experiments and most of the day. We even talked in Spanish and she would teach me some French. In short, it was fun, time when flying. During one of the conversations she mentions her boyfriend by passing. I didn't gave it much importance. Mostly, because I didn't see her that way. However, my co-workers/ friends started to insinuate that she liked me. I didn't paid much attention to that. By the end of that week we left almost at the same time. However, I stayed a 5 minutes extra to finish something and as I was walking out of the building towards my car there she was on her car (which was not moving) screaming "Bye Erwin, have a good weekend!". I was like "cute girl, weird but cute and smart", nothing else and nothing more.
    Week 2
    On Monday she approaches me and tells me that she has something for me. She give me some pistachios, as thank you for teaching her last week, We kept on talking and laughing, We talked about movies, and what she wants to do after school. Still I only saw her as a friend, while my co-workers wanted to play cupid. I focused on teaching her new assays, to keep her occupied from listing to their gossip. It was in this week when I discovered that she likes "Jar Jar Binks". With my friends I made a comment telling them that she might be too young for me, that she might have over heard. By the end of the week, she discovers that I am 29, when she thought that I would be 25 at the oldest (She originally thought that I was 19 :O ). We started talking less in Spanish/ French.
    Week 3
    My friends are really pushing us, and we are little by little getting farther a part. We barely talked or do any experiments together anymore because both of us are very busy. We went to eat to an Indian restaurant, I drove. On the way back they scheme a way for her to seat on the co-pilot chair in my car. They wanted us to talk, so we talked but it was just awkward. The next day we had bowling, again my co-workers continue to push us together during the game. It was getting boring, and worst of all she noticed it. By the end of that evening she made it pretty clear that she didn't want to have anything with me, without even saying one word. Everything was from the way she would behave around us.
    Week 4
    After some exchange of text messages we decided to go back to the way we were before it got weird around us. I will quote from the texts:
    "Her: I hope I didn't hurt your feelings"
    "Me: Not feelings hurt here"
    And it was true back then. Now, suddenly I am starting to seeing her differently, which sucks. You know, I am seeing her in the same way when Annie became hot while keeping her cuteness. I am trying to be cool about but I am not sure if I can really go back to the way it was in week one.

    So, those are the details, what say you? I still believe I fail so hard!
    Also, I didn't show any real kind of interest until week 3.5
    Post edited by Erwin on
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