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Fail of Your Day



  • The job interview I had was 18+. They didn't mention as much anywhere online, though, so I had to go all the way across town to be told it. On that note, I'm writing a song titled "12 Bar Blues in the key of Legally A Minor".
  • ((sad trumpet))

  • Got an unpaid gig telecommuting work that I don't like in a field I'm not interested in.

    Why do I do this to myself?
  • Greg said:

    Got an unpaid gig telecommuting work that I don't like in a field I'm not interested in.

    Why do I do this to myself?

    ...wait what?
  • I don't know why I took it either. It just made sense at the time.
  • Not sure if this is quite a fail, but it's certainly an "umm, ok, er, uh, thanks but no thanks."

    Got an email from two different Microsoft recruiters asking if I wanted to attend some career fair they're happening for jobs in their cloud services division. I'm not interested in changing jobs at the moment, but that's not the point. If I was thinking about changing jobs, it's certainly something I'd be interested in attending.

    Here's the catch: the career fair is in Redmond, WA. I live just outside of Boston, MA. As far as I can determine, I'd have to pay for my own airfare, hotel, etc., if I wanted to attend the fair, with no guarantee I'd even get a legitimate interview, let alone a job (which would also require moving to Redmond, but that's a separate issue).

    Nothing against Redmond or the Seattle area -- I hear it's nice, and, hey, PAX Prime and a few of you other FRCers out there. However, I'm not going to plunk down a several hundred bucks just to attend a job fair out there.

    Needless to say, I politely declined.
  • This is one of the finest examples of fail I've seen in recent memory - A SJW tumblrista and a Bitcoin Libertarian argue it out over twitter, and neither of them understands anything the other is talking about.
  • Sounds more like neither one knows what the fuck they're talking about.
  • Sounds more like neither one knows what the fuck they're talking about.

    That's just a nice bonus.
  • That's embarrassing to read.
  • Hehehe oh god. Internet liberal meets internet libertarian. Where's my popcorn?
  • Bitchcoin
  • I've been having fun with some kid on twitter.


    He can't get past the FSM argument. I'm grooming him toward it, but I don't know if I have the patience to take him to his conclusion.
  • I've had the worst two months of my life. That includes being a freshman in military school. Never knew I could cry like this. Fuck.
  • Wyatt said:

    I've had the worst two months of my life. That includes being a freshman in military school. Never knew I could cry like this. Fuck.

    We should pick a weekend and play some games. We don't see you enough up there in your Albany wilderness!
  • Rym said:

    I've been having fun with some kid on twitter.


    I know that guy from another forum where I'm a mod. That was a pretty interesting read.
  • I got denied another job because of my age. Fuck the war on children.
  • Greg said:

    I got denied another job because of my age. Fuck the war on children.

    Guess you can blame all those socialists and communists who worked to ban child labor at the beginning of the 20th century...

    (Yeah, yeah, I'm just kidding here... What happened this time? Somewhere else where they can't hire you cause they serve alcohol/tobacco/etc.?)
  • edited March 2014
    Not even. It was a Dunkin'. No explanation given, they just have a policy against it. The manager didn't know why, she was just given orders from higher ups.

    And since you've brought them up, y'know why I love the socialists of the Labor Movement? Because their child labor laws only affected under 13s. They knew by the time you hit my age, you should be able to have a real job.

    EDIT: found the perfect image:
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yeah, I'm just kidding, as I said. I'm all for banning child labor for kids under 13. Kids over 13 at most should be somewhat limited to jobs that don't affect school hours, etc. (so summer, after school, etc., jobs are okay).

    That is an odd policy for a Dunkin, though. I mean, you see teenagers working at McDonald's and such all the time -- it's like the prototypical teenage job. I'd figure Dunkin would be the same, since they're basically both fast food joints.
  • It's probably due to changes in the way we treat liability for minors. If an adult does something stupid on the job and gets somebody hurt, they're the ones liable. If a kid does it, Dunkin might be liable for "not supervising them properly."

    Tort law is dumb.
  • Yesterday, March 4th, I got 3-day eviction warning on my current apartment for not paying the month of march. The new management didn't alert anyone that they had changed our terms from having a month (with daily late fees) to not having much time at all. Granted, they are allowed to do that, but it's still a enormous douche move. I only started working on Monday, so I don't even know if I'll be able to play beforehand. The property manager even said that he could nothing but talk to the owner of the place, and not not keep my fingers crossed. My only saving grace is that he takes pity in me, to which my new-found job might help towards. But for now? Homelessness, sweet! 8D
    Not a joke. Not fake. Not Onion. Goddamnitsomuch.
  • ...
  • Half way thru my 5 week training assistance (paid vacation) and starting to feel a bit homesick. Should have packed a cat. =P

    Not a joke. Not fake. Not Onion. Goddamnitsomuch.

    Is it bad that when I read "must be at least 18 years of age" I had a knee jerk reaction of "fucking war on children!"
  • Greg said:


    Not a joke. Not fake. Not Onion. Goddamnitsomuch.

    Is it bad that when I read "must be at least 18 years of age" I had a knee jerk reaction of "fucking war on children!"
    So you would support lowing the federal age of possession to say, 16?
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