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First GeekTalk of 2009 - Saturday, January 10th @ 7:30 EST

edited January 2009 in Everything Else
Method: Skype
Date: Saturday, January 10th
GMT-5/EST: 7:30pm
GMT-8/PST: 4:30pm
GMT+1: 1:30am

I've got a new USB mic so this one will be recorded in awesome quality. Anyone who wants to join is more than welcome!
Add me in skype as SonicDH.


  • 01:30 in Berlin (GMT +1)
  • 01:30 in Berlin (GMT +1)
    And 12:30 AM for all of our Albion-based Participants.
  • I should be getting a new webcam so the mic on that should be an improvement. Will be joining.
    May I suggest lounge music coupled with some Opencanvas and Tribes 2 (Link leads to torrent).
  • I must be there!
  • I'd be happy to join in the party.
  • If you have some space left, I'm in.
  • I'm in as well.
  • Reporting in! I hope nothing gets in the way!
  • It seems the more female participants present the more interesting the session is. Let's see if we can get Emily and Mrs. Macross on again. ScoJo as well since he was awesome last time he was on.
  • I'm in. I am going to be back a school, so unless people are playing Smash Brothers in my room like that one time, everything should be fine on my end.
  • Needless to say, I'm in like Flynn.
  • I would, but...that night is my 21st birthday ;)
  • I would, but...that night is my 21st birthday ;)
    Oh, snap! Hope you have a good 21st birthday.

    As for myself, depending upon whether or not I go to a wedding, I might be able to attend.
  • I would, but...that night is my 21st birthday ;)
    Go party like it's 2009! ...cause, like, it is, y'know.

    @Ro I hope you can make it!
  • I see no reason why I should not be attending.
  • I see no reason why I should not be attending.
    Raptor Attack?
  • I thought everyone had their raptor contingency plan.
  • I'll try my best to be there.
  • I thought everyone had their raptor contingency plan.
    We never expected zombie raptors.
  • I thought everyone had their raptor contingency plan.
    We never expected zombie raptors.
    Speak for yourself.
  • ......
    edited January 2009
    I thought everyone had their raptor contingency plan.
    Same as my zombie contingency plan, only without the melee weapon. I'll talk with my conciousness and alarm clock when day come.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I thought everyone had their raptor contingency plan.
    We never expected zombie raptors.
    Speak for yourself.
    Normal Raptors are at least twice as dangerous as zombie raptors. I'm more afraid of regular zombies than zombie raptors. Seriously, think about it.
  • 28 Days Later velociraptor?
  • edited January 2009
    Hmmm... Okay, that would be pretty scary. Still, I fear zombie people more. Someone can get bitten and hide their impending zombification while still being in your party. They would be Sleeper Zombies.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I'll try and be there.
  • Hmmm... Okay, that would be pretty scary. Still, I fear zombie people more. Someone can get bitten and hide their impending zombification while still being in your party. They would be Sleeper Zombies.
    What if you had a pet velociraptor? Setting aside the ridiculousness of the notion of pet velociraptors, it could become a sleeper zombie.
  • So you'd have a pet sleeper zombie velociraptor, then?

    Maybe you could keep it to scare off Jehova's Witnesses.
  • I think zombie Velociraptor>zombie or Velociraptor.
  • edited January 2009
    That depends on the kind of zombie. Slow shuffling ZVs would be easier than normal Velociraptors but 28 Days ZVs would be much faster. And so, this conversation divides by zero.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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