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First GeekTalk of 2009 - Saturday, January 10th @ 7:30 EST



  • If Rym comes on, or if we plan on you know continuing the recordings... lets try and plan something to talk about.
  • By the way when is the next GeekTalk?
  • If Rym comes on, or if we plan on you know continuing the recordings... lets try and plan something to talk about.
    I was gonna suggest the same thing.
    By the way when is the next GeekTalk?
    Next week?
  • January 17th, 4:26 PM MST. It looks like another it's time for another GeekTalk, but this thread has been hopelessly inactive. Which leads to the question; Is anyone willing and able to throw this together so late in the day?
  • Let's just run it next week. We should start a new thread though.
  • edited January 2009
    Well if we can't manage a GeekTalk, we might be able to manage an impromptu GeekChat. I've been letting the week pass without keeping this active so now we are in an ill position to meet the logistical challenges of a GeekTalk, but we can eliminate a lot of them by not recording it. Who's with me? Contact me if you are interested in GeekChatting.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • I will do it next week if I can get my new laptop running well enough.
    New laptop...WOOOT!
    Bam! I got this one except mine has an ATI Radeon Mobility HD 3650 with 512mb dedicated memory. Hot shit!
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