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  • What they should do is make the first truly multi-platform game. They should sell a box in the store. In the box will be a whole bunch of stuff. There will be a Wii game, a DS game, maybe some hardware accessories, etc. All of these separate things will work together in a unified gaming experience. Integrate it all together with a web-site, and store your pokemans in the cloud. They can basically take over people's entire lives with nothing but Pokemon.
  • I still think the best Pokemon game would involve some kind of GPS's so you could only catch certain (probably rare) types of Pokemon in certain parts of the world. Ideally they'd even make it so different parts of a city would have different Pokemon, but I'm sure that's way to complex.
    What they should do is make the first truly multi-platform game. They should sell a box in the store. In the box will be a whole bunch of stuff. There will be a Wii game, a DS game, maybe some hardware accessories, etc. All of these separate things will work together in a unified gaming experience. Integrate it all together with a web-site, and store your pokemans in the cloud. They can basically take over people's entire lives with nothing but Pokemon.
    These two ideas would basically make Nintendo the undisputed king of the video game world, and likely a revolutionary force in augmented reality for years to come.
  • I know I have mentioned this on the forums before, but I have an idea as to how to make the next generation Pokemon game. First thing that needs to happen would be to get rid of the random encounters, all of the Pokemon would roam around the areas and would all have different personalities determined by their nature, what they like and dislike, and their personality value. This would allow for them to act differently and for the actual studying of the species, which leads me to my next idea. You actually have to study the Pokemon to fill up your Pokedex. Catching them should only make it easier to observe them and allow for battling. There should also be a way for players to communicate with each other in order to share their information. This would of course necessitate the implementation of an MMO. I actually really like Scott's idea about having a bundle of both a Wii and DS game and some other necessary bits.

    The world also needs to be up scaled with a more varied amount of environments for encountering Pokemon. There are far too many Pokemon for the worlds to be as small as they are. I can understand the dividing them up into regions, but only a small amount of them should actually carry over from region to region. The player needs to have full access to the world in order to see the amount of Pokemon.

    Also, get rid of the fucking Super Contests. Once you get to the higher levels of them, they stop making any sort of sense and that makes it practically impossible to win. I hope the Pokethon in Heart Gold/Soul Silver is better.
  • Pokemon + Pokemon Snap + Dwarf Fortress + Massively Multiplayer = world changing game.
  • I am playing Dragon Age Origins. It is full of terrible choices that piss everyone off, but Elf Eflington is a pimp that does not let such things bother him.

    The Pokemon MMO should be a browser based free to play game. The primary audience of the Pogeymans is kids with little to no money. You put a cash shop in there with some super cheap cosmetic stuff and luxury items, and money will come pouring in the money hole which is installed with all the money. I agree with what Scott said about making the game playable on pretty much everything. They really need to get rid of the hidden mechanics like IVs and EVs or at least explain them in the game.
  • They really need to get rid of the hidden mechanics like IVs and EVs or at least explain them in the game.
    Yeah, EV training is really impractical to do. You basically have to have a spread-sheet constantly open in order to even track where the points are coming from and going to.
  • Yeah, EV training is really impractical to do. You basically have to have a spread-sheet constantly open in order to even track where the points are coming from and going to.
    EV training is no where as bad as IV breeding which requires a massive time sync or arcane sorcery.
  • EV training is no where as bad as IV breeding which requires a massive time sync orarcane sorcery.
    Oh god, I forgot about the formulas that people have developed for all of this stuff. The math! It burns!
  • There needs to be a new Pokemon Snap.
  • There needs to be a new Pokemon Snap.
    It needs to be incorporated into the main series.
  • MMO Pokemon with Hokuto no Ken style fighting scenes is all they need.
  • MMO Pokemon with Hokuto no Ken style fighting scenes is all they need.
    "You're already KO'd."
  • MMO Pokemon with Hokuto no Ken style fighting scenes is all they need.
    "You're already KO'd."
  • EV training is no where as bad as IV breeding which requires a massive time sync orarcane sorcery.
    Oh god, I forgot about the formulas that people have developed for all of this stuff. The math! It burns!
    Oh dear lord, alien mathematics...what was that I didn't even.
  • Has anyone tried Gyromancer? My friends tell me good things, and I think this will be the next game I get on XBL Arcade. Maybe this will make up for Puzzle Quest Galactrix.
    It's entertaining, for sure. It has a bit of change on "Bejeweled Twist" with the ability system and the way you win matches is nice, but there are some annoying things. When you get to the challenge stones, you will need google/gamefaqs/youtube ready to beat them.

    And the story? Jesus Christ. It has to have the WORST story I've ever seen in something Square Enix-related. XD
  • I'm going MMO crazy right now. I played through the Champions Online demo (tutorial), did a City of Heroes trial account, and yesterday I mysteriously found myself in possession of a closed beta key to Star Trek Online. Champions was by far the weakest of the three, ST:O showing promise - the away team mechanic is utter shit (with the potential for vast improvement, though), and City of Heroes being at the same time repetitive and yet full of surprises. I don't think I want to buy a monthly subscription to any of them right now, but I may give CoH a go at some point.
  • I'm all about Red Alert 3. Damn, it was worth the $10 in the Steam sale.
  • edited January 2010
    I've been trying, yet again, to get started playing Morrowind. Even with a whole bunch of Geeknights episodes to keep me going, I'm just not enthused at all.

    Are there any RPGs that won't bore me into not playing them?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Are there any RPGs that won't bore me into not playing them?
    Chrono Trigger.
  • Chrono Trigger.
    Chrono Trigger was the height of that style of RPG (pre-3D JRPG). Nothing has ever been made quite like it. Not only has nothing surpassed it, but nothing has even come close.

    The Mother series is very similar in many regards.
  • The Mother series is very similar in many regards.
    The real Pokemon games are also very Mother-esque.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    The Mother series is very similar in many regards.
    The real Pokemon games are also very Mother-esque.
    Unlike Pokemon, the Mother series gets the grinding problem fixed as it only lets you fight people in your level range. If you're above their level, (at least 5 and more) it automatically ends the battle with your victory as the odds are too high for you to lose and considers the battle pointless. Other than the amazingly clever dialogue and the wacky Japanese humor, that is one of the strongest points that Mother 2 (Earthbound in America) and Mother 3 has (for me anyway).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • The Mother series is very similar in many regards.
    The real Pokemon games are also very Mother-esque.
    Unlike Pokemon, the Mother series gets the grinding problem fixed as it only lets you fight people in your level range. If you're above their level, (at least 5 and more) it automatically ends the battle with your victory as the odds are too high for you to lose and considers the battle pointless. Other than the amazingly clever dialogue and the wacky Japanese humor, that is one of the strongest points that Mother 2 (Earthbound in America) and Mother 3 has (for me anyway).
    Yeah. Not having to fight unnecessary battles makes the game so great. I swear, I loved that when it started happening in Earthbound.
  • After retiring team "Axe Royale" over ten years ago and moving to South America, I have been begged by a clan of Amazon women to coach their team in this years Blood Bowl league.
  • After retiring team "Axe Royale" over ten years ago and moving to South America, I have been begged by a clan of Amazon women to coach their team in this years Blood Bowl league.
    Is this the digital league or the plastic league?
  • Been trying to play GTA IV but the damned controls are crippled beyond repair.
  • Been trying to play GTA IV but the damned controls are crippled beyond repair.
    I only have trouble running upstairs and keeping aim... are you using a gamepad?
  • edited January 2010
    After retiring team "Axe Royale" over ten years ago and moving to South America, I have been begged by a clan of Amazon women to coach their team in this years Blood Bowl league.
    Is this the digital league or the plastic league?
    Mostly painted metal plus a few self made death rollers.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Been trying to play GTA IV but the damned controls are crippled beyond repair.
    I only have trouble running upstairs and keeping aim... are you using a gamepad?
    I tried with the X-box controller and the mouse/keyboard, driving is next to impossible, the camera angles are always off, every time you have to make a sharp turn you keep staring at the side of your car instead of looking forward for a couple of seconds, so you are unable to see oncoming vehicles or walls, and the handling on the vehicles is ass.
  • edited January 2010
    Is this the digital league or the plastic league?
    Is the computer game any good?
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
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