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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I can't tell an oak from a maple. Remember that thing in first grade where you collected tree leaves and put them in a journal and labelled and compared them? I don't. I never learned to tell plants apart, and they've never interested me in the slightest.
  • I can't tell an oak from a maple. Remember that thing in first grade where you collected tree leaves and put them in a journal and labelled and compared them? I don't. I never learned to tell plants apart, and they've never interested me in the slightest.
    Kinda the same here - EXCEPT I have a nagging feeling that such knowledge would be very useful for apocalypse survival.

    . . . goes back to reading Foxfire books.

  • edited November 2011
    But they smell so wonderful. Plastic trees are just not the same. I do feel that real trees are very wasteful and a little sad. I don't think I will have Christmas trees in my house, but I enjoy other people's Christmas Trees.
    My folks used to buy living, potted trees that they would then plant in their yard. They stopped because the trees are big, heavy, and have to be stored in the mudroom until the ground thaws. They are running out of yard space (between their wooded land and extensive gardens, there isn't much room left), and since they don't have a snot-nosed, punk-kid running stinking up the joint (lil' ol' me) who might care about having a "real" tree, they now have a nice, plastic tree. You are so right about the smell, though - I miss it so much. On the other hand, I don't miss being stabbed by stray needles on the floor or stuck to my clothes.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Things I have learned from this thread -

    - American politics is full of assholes.

    - What a Mudroom is.
  • What a Mudroom is.
    In Australia they're called dustrooms.
  • edited November 2011
    So when Michele Norris's spouse took a job with the Obama administration, she stepped down from her position at NPR to "recuse herself" from election coverage. Makes sense.

    When George Will's spouse tried to get a position with Romney's campaign, failed, and got one with Rick Perry's, naturally he did the right thing as well and stepped down.

    LOL just kidding. He not only kept his position but criticized Romney's campaign as well. I hate that guy.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Some Tea Party nuts in Wisconsin are planning to destroy ballots for a Scott Walker recall petition. This is of course a crime.
  • edited November 2011
    Right wing guerrilla journalist / douche bag Andrew Breitbart is interviewed in Playboy (via boingboing)
    KRASSNER: As a Supreme Court Justice, Thomas has declared that the Constitution gives states a right to establish an official religion, that prisoners have no constitutional right to be protected from beatings by guards, that a school official is allowed to strip-search a 13-year-old girl to look for two extra-strength ibuprofen pills, that a key part of the Voting Rights Act giving blacks political power in the South should be struck down, that an American citizen could be held as an enemy combatant with no charges and no hearing. He announced a decision that threw out a verdict in favor of a black man who had been convicted of murder and nearly executed because prosecutors hid evidence that could have proved his innocence.

    BREITBART: I don’t know the answers to these things. If you had given me this detailed information, I could have come back with my detailed response. This is like the Sarah Palin “gotcha” question on Paul Revere. I’m not able to answer this because you are coming to me armed with data, and I don’t have the ability to see whether there is a rational argument to defend it or not.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I find that interview highly ironic.
  • I find that interview highly ironic.
    Ironic but also a good answer. I'd rather more people responded with an "I don't know" when they don't know something rather than try to fake an answer.

  • I find that interview highly ironic.
    Ironic but also a good answer. I'd rather more people responded with an "I don't know" when they don't know something rather than try to fake an answer.
    It's ironic in that Brietbart uses ambushing questions, or far more unethical tactics, to intentionally manipulate video into what he wants it to be, not what happened. So the fact he was claiming he was 'ambushed' was amusing.

    In other news, here's a nice helping of stupid:
    Here's a little gem from the Koch candidate Herman Cain.
    “I’m not supposed to know anything about foreign policy,” Cain said. “I want to talk to commanders on the ground. Because you run for president (people say) you need to have the answer. No, you don’t! No, you don’t! That’s not good decision-making.”
  • poor Cain, they asked him about Uzbeki-beki-beki-stan-stan (Libya) and didn't have any commanders to remind him which one Libya was.
  • I can't tell an oak from a maple. Remember that thing in first grade where you collected tree leaves and put them in a journal and labelled and compared them? I don't. I never learned to tell plants apart, and they've never interested me in the slightest.
    Kinda the same here - EXCEPT I have a nagging feeling that such knowledge would be very useful for apocalypse survival.

    . . . goes back to reading Foxfire books.

    The only reason I know is because I got a degree in Forestry and was a tutor and a TA for Dendrology. I really don't expect other people to know this stuff. But that doesn't stop me from educating them!

    Also, Re: apocalypse survival, there's a possibility it could be useful, but for the most part wood is wood. If you're getting into very specific uses and products that come from certain trees, then yeah. But that's what you've got me for, so just make sure you keep me alive.
  • Rick Perry continues to prove he's a lunatic by insisting on a debate with Nancy Pelosi, and when she declines and mocks him in an appropriate and amusing manner, launches into "liberal-conspiracy-to-choke-the-economy" rant.
  • Rick Perry continues to prove he's a lunatic by insisting on a debate with Nancy Pelosi, and when she declines and mocks him in an appropriate and amusing manner, launches into "liberal-conspiracy-to-choke-the-economy" rant.
    Funny thing is, if Pelosi did take him up on his offer, he'd probably shit his pants.

  • She should! I think we should totally have debates between our most intelligent people and they're most charismatic people. It would be incredible to watch them get destroyed.
  • She should! I think we should totally have debates between our most intelligent people and they're most charismatic people. It would be incredible to watch them get destroyed.
    "Fortunately our handsomest politicians came up with a cheap last minute way to combat global warming!"

  • Pepper spray is just a food derivative and doesn't really hurt that much and the cops should really pepper spray more at UC Davis has a lot of liberals.
    I want to pepper spray Bill-O and then start screaming in his face how it doesn't hurt as he writhes on the floor.
  • Pepper spray is just a food derivative and doesn't really hurt that much and the cops should really pepper spray more at UC Davis has a lot of liberals.
    I want to pepper spray Bill-O and then start screaming in his face how it doesn't hurt as he writhes on the floor.
    Allow me to fill you in on what it feels like. It feels like someone has set your face on fire. Especially for people like those kids who haven't been exposed before, it's practically unbearable - you can't see, you can't speak, you can't breathe, and your face feels like it's burning, with your skin bubbling off. Blinking is like running razor blades over your eyes, and every breath is like inhaling hot sandpaper, and only makes it feel worse. Oh, and of course, there isn't anything you can really do once it's on you but lay there and wish you were dead.

    Maybe someone should point out to the pissweak little coward that this stuff is bad enough that it's against the CWC and therefore illegal to use on soldiers in the wartime.

    I like your idea, Adam. If Bill O'Rilley isn't a coward, he'll stand behind his words, and take a nice big shot of OC spray right to the face, while on camera. It doesn't hurt that much, bill, you'll be fine. Hey, it comes from capsicum plants, it's practically a vegetable, it might even be good for you.
  • edited November 2011
    Pepper spray is just a food derivative and doesn't really hurt that much and the cops should really pepper spray more at UC Davis has a lot of liberals.
    I want to pepper spray Bill-O and then start screaming in his face how it doesn't hurt as he writhes on the floor.
    They were coughing up blood. They used military-grade pepper spray (indicated minimum range, 15 feet), and sprayed it directly into the throats of students. There's legal precedent for those cops to be charged with a felony, and those students could have fucking died. Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly and Generic Fox News Blonde Bitch say that this is "acceptable force."

    Why am I even coming home in June?

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    Pepper spray is just a food derivative and doesn't really hurt that much and the cops should really pepper spray more at UC Davis has a lot of liberals.
    I want to pepper spray Bill-O and then start screaming in his face how it doesn't hurt as he writhes on the floor.
    They were coughing up blood. They used military-grade pepper spray (indicated minimum range, 15 feet), and sprayed it directly into the throats of students. There's legal precedent for those cops to be charged with a felony, and those students could have fucking died. Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly and Generic Fox News Blonde Bitch say that this is "acceptable force."
    Well, millitary grade OC spray isn't really a thing, I wouldn't think - as I said, it's against the Chemical Weapons Convention, and therefore the military can only use it in extremely specific circumstances, practically none, in fact.

    That said, there is certainly different grades of OC spray, depending on the amount of OC present in the spray - the canister he was using looked like a fucking bear spray can, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was far more than the regular 10% civilian-approved version.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011
    Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly and Generic Fox News Blonde Bitch say that this is "acceptable force."
    It's hardly surprising.

    Normally, I'm OK with police using less-lethal weapons to disperse crowds, but this really seems excessive to me. That was probably enough pepper spray to disperse a much larger crowd. And spraying it directly in the face and mouth? Who the fuck thinks that's necessary?

    I mean, yes, you should expect to get arrested and removed when the cops say "leave" and you stay put. But, I mean, how about just pulling the students up and arresting them? You've got a lot of cops - get 4 guys to pull up one protester at a time and march them away. The protesters can't possibly win, and if they actively start resisting, then you have a different situation.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Yes, if a cop tries to arrest you, physically, and you do anything against him, you are in so much trouble. Grab 'em by the arm and handcuff them, it's far less horrible than burning their lungs.
    "Non-lethal" does not mean you have free reign to use it whenever something irks you. It's like cops using their tasers on people because said people got on their nerves.
  • New from Aperture Science, the greatest development in non lethal arsenal to keep our police safe, the Duofibulator!

    Sending a ionized magnetic pulse that temporarily disrupts sinoatrial signals, the Duofibulator stops a perpetrators heart leading to quick weakness and unconsciousness for ten seconds, after which the ionized field dissipates and the perpetrators heart begins beating again with no long term damage.

    *Warning: In a small number of cases the Duofibulator leads to brain damage due to oxygen deprivation, in one out of every thousand cases test subject's hearts failed to start beating again. Use only as directed.*
  • Well, millitary grade OC spray isn't really a thing, I wouldn't think - as I said, it's against the Chemical Weapons Convention, and therefore the military can only use it in extremely specific circumstances, practically none, in fact.

    That said, there is certainly different grades of OC spray, depending on the amount of OC present in the spray - the canister he was using looked like a fucking bear spray can, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was far more than the regular 10% civilian-approved version.
    Right, yeah, I'd heard "military grade" tossed about in various places; further inspection suggests that they mean "riot strength" or something similar. At any rate, the civvy stuff blinds at 10%, and that stuff is the same strength as bear spray, meaning that they just emulsify as much OC as possible into an aqueous vehicle. You're probably looking at somewhere around 95% OC.

    Anyway, no matter what name it goes by, the manner in which it was used was utterly unacceptable.
  • Perhaps saying Romney is a flip flopper is too kind. He's just a straight up liar. He lies about his own positions, lies about his own beliefs and even lie about his opponents to get where he wants to go.

    Maybe it's just pathological. If he's in a town hall with ordinary people he just claims he's middle class. Maybe he just can't help it. Romney just subconsciously seeks approval from whatever group he is with and will lie to appear to identify with them, or vilify those who might put that approval at risk.

    Sometimes his attempts at approval are horribly awkward like his Who Let the Dogs Out moment. Sometimes his attempts are simply audaciously mendacious.

    Romney in his own words: unemployed middle class multi millionare CEO Galtian genius political outsider. And Romneycare was a wonderful beneficial piece of legislation that I would be sure to never inflict on the country as a whole
  • Pepper spray is just a food derivative and doesn't really hurt that much and the cops should really pepper spray more at UC Davis has a lot of liberals.
    I want to pepper spray Bill-O and then start screaming in his face how it doesn't hurt as he writhes on the floor.
    Allow me to fill you in on what it feels like. It feels like someone has set your face on fire. Especially for people like those kids who haven't been exposed before, it's practically unbearable - you can't see, you can't speak, you can't breathe, and your face feels like it's burning, with your skin bubbling off. Blinking is like running razor blades over your eyes, and every breath is like inhaling hot sandpaper, and only makes it feel worse. Oh, and of course, there isn't anything you can really do once it's on you but lay there and wish you were dead.

    Maybe someone should point out to the pissweak little coward that this stuff is bad enough that it's against the CWC and therefore illegal to use on soldiers in the wartime.

    I like your idea, Adam. If Bill O'Rilley isn't a coward, he'll stand behind his words, and take a nice big shot of OC spray right to the face, while on camera. It doesn't hurt that much, bill, you'll be fine. Hey, it comes from capsicum plants, it's practically a vegetable, it might even be good for you.
    Also, Don't touch your junk.

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