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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • They really, really do. Just check out this. The comments are overwhelmingly mind-blowing. Meaning that I want to blow my brains out after reading them. So much inane stupidity on the part of the Republicans, and people swallow it hook, line and sinker.
  • Republican economic philosophy is mostly summed up as the rich will not work if they are paid too little and the poor will not work if they are paid too much.
  • edited November 2011
    In 2002 a Michigan kid named Matt Epling, a homosexual, was a victim of a violent, homophobic assault. He was then threatened with retaliation if he sought help and, the day before his family was going to go to the police, ended up killing himself. Since then, Matt's family has been trying to get the State of Michigan to pass anti-bullying laws. Finally, after years of delaying from the state Republicans, the law has been passed

    EXCEPT, there is an exception: the law cannot prevent you from bullying if you are doing it out of a sincere moral or religious conviction.

    Naturally, since we live in a world constructed entirely out of irony, this law is called "Matt's Safe Shools Law".

    Senator Gretchen Whitmer responds.

    So if you're in Michigan and you see an effete, sullen boy who looks utterly defeated by the hatred pored on him by the world, feel free to yell "FUCK YOU YOU FAGGOT QUEEN. YOU JIZZ GARGLING ABOMINATION. YOU DISGUST ME. I HOPE YOUR ASSHOLE FALLS OUT AND YOU DIE OF SEPSIS. YOUR DAD SHOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU TO DEATH YOU COCK SMOKING SCUM". Just make sure you're wearing a crucifix when you do it.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Irony being that many Christians would say at the same time "Oh, but that doesn't reflect on us, because those are not TRUE Christians."
  • edited November 2011
    It's like saying "We want the right to do something horrible to someone else even though we say we don't support it and say don't do it."
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Just... argh. I bet that will be going up against some higher courts fairly soon. I wish I had more time to see if there is any legal precedent to allowing people to be horrible to each other due to religious or moral convictions.

    I mean... in that manner you could say the KKK was alright, right?
  • Just... argh. I bet that will be going up against some higher courts fairly soon. I wish I had more time to see if there is any legal precedent to allowing people to be horrible to each other due to religious or moral convictions.

    I mean... in that manner you could say the KKK was alright, right?
    That's the thing. You are allowed to hate someone, and say you hate someone all you want. The KKK can be pro-white, pro-fundamentalist, anti-everything and say it as loud as they want.
    They can not threaten violence. They can not encourage others to violence. They can not harass or menace people.
    The woman is defending the 'right' to do those last three things if it comes from a religious source. Ergo: It is now okay in her eyes for Muslim fundamentalists to threaten and bully and berate her on a daily basis for not wearing a headscarf and/or burka. It's their religion, after all.

  • That makes sense, freedom of speech and all that. But, as you mention, freedom of speech can easily become assault if the person being railed against feels like they actually may be injured or feels threatened by the words. That's something most people don't remember about the "assault" laws in (I believe) most states. Freedom of speech only covers you until the other person starts to feel threatened or in actual danger.

    So I'm sure this law will be challenged.
  • That's why I put 'right' in apostrophes. It's not a right that exists. Freedom of speech and religion does not mean freedom to do whatever the fuck a person wants in the name of religion, which is exactly what is being argued in the video.
  • edited November 2011
    In 2002 a Michigan kid named Matt Epling, a homosexual, was a victim of a violent, homophobic assault. He was then threatened with retaliation if he sought help and, the day before his family was going to go to the police, ended up killing himself. Since then, Matt's family has been trying to get the State of Michigan to pass anti-bullying laws. Finally, after years of delaying from the state Republicans, the law has been passed

    EXCEPT, there is an exception: the law cannot prevent you from bullying if you are doing it out of a sincere moral or religious conviction.

    Naturally, since we live in a world constructed entirely out of irony, this law is called "Matt's Safe Shools Law".


    So if you're in Michigan and you see an effete, sullen boy who looks utterly defeated by the hatred pored on him by the world, feel free to yell "FUCK YOU YOU FAGGOT QUEEN. YOU JIZZ GARGLING ABOMINATION. YOU DISGUST ME. I HOPE YOUR ASSHOLE FALLS OUT AND YOU DIE OF SEPSIS. YOUR DAD SHOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU TO DEATH YOU COCK SMOKING SCUM". Just make sure you're wearing a crucifix when you do it.
    Days like today, I just want to stay in the UK until I grow old and die. Or maybe not in the UK. Just out of the US.

    Fuck Michigan. It's on my non-states list.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • In 2002 a Michigan kid named Matt Epling, a homosexual, was a victim of a violent, homophobic assault. He was then threatened with retaliation if he sought help and, the day before his family was going to go to the police, ended up killing himself. Since then, Matt's family has been trying to get the State of Michigan to pass anti-bullying laws. Finally, after years of delaying from the state Republicans, the law has been passed

    EXCEPT, there is an exception: the law cannot prevent you from bullying if you are doing it out of a sincere moral or religious conviction.

    Naturally, since we live in a world constructed entirely out of irony, this law is called "Matt's Safe Shools Law".


    So if you're in Michigan and you see an effete, sullen boy who looks utterly defeated by the hatred pored on him by the world, feel free to yell "FUCK YOU YOU FAGGOT QUEEN. YOU JIZZ GARGLING ABOMINATION. YOU DISGUST ME. I HOPE YOUR ASSHOLE FALLS OUT AND YOU DIE OF SEPSIS. YOUR DAD SHOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU TO DEATH YOU COCK SMOKING SCUM". Just make sure you're wearing a crucifix when you do it.
    Days like today, I just want to stay in the UK until I grow old and die. Or maybe not in the UK. Just out of the US.

    Fuck Michigan. It's on my non-states list.
    So.. I was thinking, if I committed a crime in Norway or the UK or something, could I be extradited there? I'm almost at the point where being in jail in Sweden or Norway would be preferable to being unemployed in the US.
  • I dunno, probably. I am not a lawyer in international law, though.
  • I dunno, probably. I am not a lawyer in international law, though.
    I'm a lawyer, in the laws of romance.
  • I dunno, probably. I am not a lawyer in international law, though.
    I'm a lawyer, in the laws of romance.
    Didn't you just get disbarred?

  • I dunno, probably. I am not a lawyer in international law, though.
    I'm a lawyer, in the laws of romance.
    Didn't you just get disbarred?
    Only in Connecticut.

  • I'd suspect federal hate crime laws would already trump the state exception, so this seems like a pretty empty law to start.
  • So I was talking to a coworker today and overheard a conversation going on in a different cube set. Apparently, Obama is to blame for the European economy crashing.

    Also, if we elect him again in 4 years our economy will be worse than the European Union's.

    I walked back to my desk and put my headphones on.
  • If you are in public service and doing things with public money for the public, one should think the records of how you spend our money should be...I dunno...public?

    You'd be wrong.

    Of course, Obama's maneuver is giving everyone in Congress the squirts. The funny thing is that it's building on an executive order from Derpy Bush which banned federal agencies from accepting funding requests from members of Congress unless those requests were specifically included in legislative texts. So I guess that's one good thing he did.
  • There are a lot of loopholes in the FoIA. You wouldn't believe the shit, for example, that police can get away with where hiding records are concerned. Those loopholes are the bane of my day-to-day job.

    Today I have a reporter looking into a brutal home invasion attack. Cops are casing several city blocks telling people to pay to have locks changed because of an "imminent public danger," but they're not telling us what the danger is or what happened during the attack. They're exploiting an exception in the open records law that allows them to bury pretty much anything that's "under investigation" (read: anything that has to do with police work) and they're also exploiting the grey area that specifies what summary reports must include and how quickly they have to be produced.

    I've had cops not finish their initial incident summary report for three weeks after an event -- and it was one sentence: "Police responded to a disturbance at (address) and arrested (suspect)." And that's for a double murder.
  • Hey Adam, the thread title is botched up. Unicode characters are not okay, I guess?
  • edited November 2011
    Hey Adam, the thread title is botched up. Unicode characters are not okay, I guess?
    No edit button. Can't edit original post or thread name. But since I can't complain and can't fix it..
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I can't wait until Muslims start kickin the crap out of Catholics for eating pork or beating up drunks outside of bars.
  • Wow, that's really annoying. I just realized that you can only edit things 10 minutes from when you posted it. 文字化けを直せないんだって?最悪じゃん!(Testing Japanese)
  • (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻

    May table flipping live on!

    As for related post, it will be interesting seeing how several state initiatives will turn out. I'll be paying attention to the Mississippi zygote as a person ballot along with my own state's heated initiative about allowing alcohol (hard liquor) to no longer be sold by state ran agencies and let it be available through private vendors.
  • my own state's heated initiative about allowing alcohol (hard liquor) to no longer be sold by state ran agencies and let it be available through private vendors.
    Out of curiosity, do they allow beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and such? Here in Mass., all alcohol, whether hard liquor or beer and wine, is sold in private establishments but supermarkets are not allowed to sell beer and wine (with maybe one or two exceptions in the entire state -- and I'm not sure how they finagled getting permission to do so).
  • It varies from state to state. Maryland does not allow alcohol to be sold anywhere but in liquor stores, but in North Carolina beer and wine can be sold in grocery stores, but hard liquor can only be sold in special stores.
  • In NY, the supermarket can sell beer but not wine and liquor.
  • In NY, the supermarket can sell beer but not wine and liquor.
    It is hard to be more than about 300 meters away from a location in which you can by vodka in London. At this very moment, I would have to walk for about 30 seconds to purchase a bottle of Absinthe.

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