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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • At this very moment, I would have to walk for about 30 seconds to purchase a bottle of Absinthe.
    You live a very hard life, good ser.
  • edited November 2011
    At this very moment, I would have to walk for about 30 seconds to purchase a bottle of Absinthe.
    You live a very hard life, good ser.
    Why, intellectual alcoholism DEMANDS absinthe! (or I have to talk all of 20 meters to get hammered #firstworldproblems)

    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • In NY, the supermarket can sell beer but not wine and liquor.
    When my parents visited Ohio last month, my dad marveled that we had liquor in the grocery store. It was like seeing a new color. Here, stores can get liquor licenses fairly trivially, and it is up to an opposing governmental body to show specifically that the license is adversely affecting public safety in order to get it denied. The reasons for valid appeals are very narrow, so most stores, restaurants, and clubs have liquor. Voters get to decide whether those locations can sell on Sunday -- and the voters always say yes. Always.
  • At this very moment, I would have to walk for about 30 seconds to purchase a bottle of Absinthe.
    You live a very hard life, good ser.
    Why, intellectual alcoholism DEMANDS absinthe! (or I have to talk all of 20 meters to get hammered #firstworldproblems)

    I love the UK so fucking much.

  • Just need to do something about all those security cameras...and the austerity.
  • Out of curiosity, do they allow beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and such? Here in Mass., all alcohol, whether hard liquor or beer and wine, is sold in private establishments but supermarkets are not allowed to sell beer and wine (with maybe one or two exceptions in the entire state -- and I'm not sure how they finagled getting permission to do so).
    Yes they do.

    1183 would allow private businesses to sell hard liquor.

    I've only seen a handful of commercials when I was visiting my folks. The ads for both sides were fairly crazy. I overall don't care how it's sold since I only really drink wine, which I can purchase at the grocery store already.

    It's interesting to see that Costco has by far been the largest donor for the proponent PAC with the amount of $20.8 million with Safeway and Trader Joe's at only $50k.
  • This is a joke, right?
  • This is a joke, right?
    Considering there is not one single legitimate news organization even mentioning it, and the source is and FreeRepublic...I'm very, very skeptical of the claims in that article.

  • Not to mention, the author is a straight up and long-standing republican crony.
  • My faith in humanity has been restored, at least a little bit.

  • edited November 2011
    Since I can't edit my post anymore, I have to doublepost to present you this good news.

    Russell Pearce, Senate President of Arizona and general asshole, has been ousted by a Recall election. This in spite of using such underhanded and possibly illegal tactics such as robo call floods, and having sham candidates run. Pearce is among other things the author of the Arizona anti-immigration Bill SB1070 a.k.a. the "Papers please" law.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • So... apparently the emergency broadcast test is just another ploy by Obama.

  • edited November 2011
    Republican Debate tonight! You know what this means...

    Republican Debate Drinking Game.

    Drink whenever:

    (1) Perry says something completely unrelated to the question he was asked.
    (2) Romney is laughing and at a loss for a response to something stupid Perry said.
    (3) Bachman vows to do something as President that is completely unconstitutional.
    (4) Ron Paul says the government must completely withdraw from something.
    (5) Herman Cain makes a nonsensical metaphor.
    (6) ANY candidate says, "This is not the way to create jobs!"
    (7) Hermain Cain says "I don't have facts to back this up, but..."
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Take nine drinks every nine times Herman Cain says nine.
  • Yeah, I don't have that much Scotch left.
  • Drink whenever any candidate mentions the Patron-Saint of the Republican Party: Ronald Reagan
  • Finish the bottle when you lose your faith in humanity.
  • edited November 2011
    Lets no start sucking each other's dicks quite yet. GOP voters aren't really known for picking the guy who "knows things" and "isn't a retard".
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited November 2011
    Lets no start sucking each other's dicks quite yet. GOP voters aren't really known for picking the guy who "knows things" and "isn't a retard".
    To be fair, the common idea of Bush is that he was dumber than a sack of hammers, but he did get an MBA from Harvard, and could probably name all the agencies of government.

    To be honest, if the choices were the current republican field and Bush, I'd probably vote Bush. Lesser evils, and all that. He wasn't the greatest president, but he looks like a fucking genius saint compared to all the current candidates.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So yeah, Republicans in Michigan want to force school children to recite the pledge, which is of course unconstitutional and has been struck down by the Supreme court almost 70 years ago.
  • edited November 2011
    Wow. That Perry meltderp was pretty spectacular. I almost felt bad.


    If he gets anywhere near the oval office, I swear I'll give a plastic bag to him and tell him it's a magic helmet.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I can't wait until the Daily Show and Colbert get a hold of that. It will be magical.
  • So yeah, Republicans in Michigan want to force school children to recite the pledge, which is of course unconstitutional and has been struck down by the Supreme court almost 70 years ago.

  • Something else occurred to me while listening to Perry's hurrdurr on NPR this morning. I really think that every single one of the Republican candidates thinks that the presidency is a celebrity position that you get nominated for. I'm fairly certain that they just play this election game and try to say what will get them elected with the idea that, once elected, it's just a free ride into book deals and a photo in a history book. The candidates have proven themselves a clueless bunch of slack-jawed fundamentalist wackos who pander to the furthest outskirts of right-wing nut-baggery with the hopes of getting to sit in the big chair in the oval office when it's all over so they can feel important and get paid for dicking around.
    I have seen exactly no evidence contrary to this position.
  • Of course, Rick Perry's campaign may not be over. Now he just seems more down to earth, heartfelt, and genuine.
  • Of course, Rick Perry's campaign may not be over. Now he just seems more down to earth, heartfelt, and genuine.
    God I hope not. You can even hear the audience groan. Hell, he had to be prompted by another candidate about what ludicrous thing he was going to say, and then promptly forgets again!

  • I can't wait until the Daily Show and Colbert get a hold of that. It will be magical.
    I was thinking the same exact thing when I watched the video.

    I also wonder if the audience was laughing with him or at him? If I was a conservative voter, I wouldn't consider that a laughing matter whatsoever if a possibly Republican Presidential nominee couldn't even remember exactly what sort of programs he would cut if he was in what is regarded as the highest and more powerful political positions in the world.
  • After listening to a NPR interview with people who contributed financially to the Cain campaign, I really don't think that they take the candidates' stance on the issues too seriously. I think they're more likely looking for the "character" of the person speaking, which is why I think Perry may not be out of the race. Look, he's just like us!
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