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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Actually, I don't think that's the case. I think they're just plain clueless. Some of them may think they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires, but I think most of them just listen to Fox News and/or Rush Limbaugh and take the crap they say at face value without actually looking at the evidence. They honestly believe that taxes are crazy high now compared to the past, that we're more regulated now than we ever have been, etc., and that's bringing them down. I mean, these are the same people who say, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"
  • Actually I think it's a combination of the two. I know people who would fit into both frames of mind.
  • Yeah, there are definitely some who overlap between the two groups. I don't doubt that.
  • I thought of another hate person who became better.
    Lynx and Lamb, those neo-nazi child singers, grew up and abandoned white nationalism. They are not perfect, but they because much more liberal.
  • Actually I think it's a combination of the two. I know people who would fit into both frames of mind.
    My experience is that they simply want to feel superior, in most cases to buoy low self-esteems. The rightists I've associated with by and far are looking for the social permission to say, "Look! I have the best answer! X is the problem." The poor and vulnerable and afflicted are easy targets for such a mindset.
  • ScoJo, I'm trolling your father hardcore. That is all.
  • ScoJo, I'm trolling your father hardcore. That is all.
    I'm watching ScoJo's timeline now. I predict hilarity.

    And ellipses.
  • Ro lacks subtlety. :D
  • edited January 2012
    Well, here's the post in question. It's about that article Jason posted a while ago about "What if Tebow was Muslim?"

    I can't post for much longer because I'll be recording a podcast in about an hour.

    @Jason, as I said before I don't think they would get it if i was more subtle and frankly I don't give a shit. The stuff he is posting is retarded, so I'm responding in kind.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Yo, Mr. Johnson, I'm happy for your Islamophobia, and I'mma let you finish, but I've got four years of Religious Studies and Theology under my belt and Imma tell ya 'bout Islam.
  • Oh how I wish to see this.
  • heh, sorry I keep my facebook semi-private because of the fact I am active in Politics :-p
  • How big business started the intermingling of religion and corporate interests.

    Romney is using same tactics. Romney: Obama will 'keep us from being one nation under God'
  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?
  • Hey look, a third party candidate that isn't a psychopath:
    Jill Stein
    She has practically no chance, but it's a candidate that doesn't horrify me.
  • Romney is using same tactics. Romney: Obama will 'keep us from being one nation under God'
    Oh, it seems that I have been wrong about America this whole time, I thought that the thing dividing you was your black and while political system where the other party is the enemy who is bad and wrong instead of being just the guys with different opinions. Nice to know that that's not the case, but it's (once again) all Obama's fault.

  • edited January 2012
    Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    Nothing is an impeachable offense unless the other party completely controls Congress. Otherwise FDR might have been impeached over his court packing threat or Obama over Libya or the recent "recess" appointments. Who was it that said, 'he's made his decision let's see him enforce it'?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    I don't see how it would lead to impeachment, really. In terribly bad taste and an abuse of powers, for sure, but I don't think it's illegal.
  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    I don't see how it would lead to impeachment, really. In terribly bad taste and an abuse of powers, for sure, but I don't think it's illegal.
    So you have made this system to distribute the power, but it can be ignored if the powerhungry king dick in charge so wants. That sounds like another fine American system that must be a work of geniuses.

  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    I don't see how it would lead to impeachment, really. In terribly bad taste and an abuse of powers, for sure, but I don't think it's illegal.
    So you have made this system to distribute the power, but it can be ignored if the powerhungry king dick in charge so wants. That sounds like another fine American system that must be a work of geniuses.

  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    I don't see how it would lead to impeachment, really. In terribly bad taste and an abuse of powers, for sure, but I don't think it's illegal.
    I'd call it treason, since he's tacitly ignoring the Constitution in favor of being a tyrant.

    But at least he actually seems to want smaller government - he wants to be a monarch.

  • Time for one from Gingrich - In which he says he would ignore the supreme court as president.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be grounds for impeachment?

    I don't see how it would lead to impeachment, really. In terribly bad taste and an abuse of powers, for sure, but I don't think it's illegal.
    I'd call it treason, since he's tacitly ignoring the Constitution in favor of being a tyrant.

    But at least he actually seems to want smaller government - he wants to be a monarch.

    I'm not sure it'd fit the bill for treason. The best way to get him out would be some sort of vote of no confidence, though I'm not even sure if we have such a mechanism. This is where we need someone who has more knowledge of the political system. From what I can recall, impeachment is just the formal process by which a President is charged with a crime, hence the perjury charge for Clinton. I'm pretty sure being a terrible person still isn't illegal.
  • A little study of history tells you how this plays out.

    Look up the following quotation:
    "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it! "

    Basic social studies would tell you that the Supreme Court's only real enforcement power is based solely on its prestige in the eyes of the American people. Any two branches can effectively stymie the third if they work in unison, but no one branch can take on the other two.
  • The Legislature can ignore the President if it has a two-thirds majority in both houses to override Presidential vetos.

    The Legislature has the most power, here is one quick example of how control of the just the House can stymie the Executive:

    It's budget time, Executive branch needs its money so it can operate. Rather than create one big fat budget bill with all of the budget items in it the House breaks it down into several budgets. They send up the must pass budgets first (military and such) and follow it with budgets for various government agencies that they support, on the trailing end are the budgets for things they don't support. Once all of the budgets for things they like are signed by the President they stop sending up the budget bills for things they don't like and those things die by being starved of money.

    President Clinton lied under oath, went through impeachment and was not kicked out of office. It was spun as, "well, he only lied about sex, everyone lies about that," and Ken Star's focus on sex didn't help much. He did lose his license to practice law over it but not his job as President.

    There were a lot of calls to impeach President Bush but by the time Democrats had enough of the Legislature to have a chance to win an impeachment he was two years out from leaving office. At that point none of the 'crimes' he would have been impeached over would have been worth the gain of kicking him out of office early. Instead Democrats chose to obstruct him and make his last two years a double length lame duck session.

    While I don't support Obama as President I also do not feel the 'crimes' he is guilty of rise to the level of impeachment. The only 'crime' he is guilty of is telling Congress to go fuck themselves.

    War Powers Act vs. Involvement in Libya
    Recess Appointment Power vs. Senate definition of recess

    As much as I would like to see him gone I would prefer he be voted out by the people rather than by the Senate.
  • With how much people like congress today, your best bet is to tell Congress to F off as much as you possibly can.
  • Perry is out of the race.
  • Perry is out of the race.
    Just gotta get Santorum, Paul and Romney out too.
  • heh, As much as I despise Newt Gingrich, he'll make the general election debates interesting at least.
  • Well if anything he is definitely a person who knows the plights of the black man and how to help them.
  • heh, As much as I despise Newt Gingrich, he'll make the general election debates interesting at least.
    For sure, he's so arrogant that he forgets to encode the racist shit when he's in front of TV. Although I'm sure the mainstream Republicans will just eat it up.
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