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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • For the purpose of not stopping this conversation cold, let's concede that the north hate to fight and win the civil war for moral reasons alone.

    I'm more interested in what the two separate countries would look like today? Opinions?
  • There's more variables in that speculation than I can possibly fill in. How does this effect the rest of westward expansion? What happens during the Great War? There's just too many blanks that are too hard to fill in.
  • The south would probably have ended up an economic satellite of the north. I suspect several northern-sitting confederate states would have, within a few decades, petitioned to rejoin the Union.

    If the confederacy let them go, it would fall even further behind. If it fought to keep them, the Union would likely have had pretext for war and forcibly re-united the nation again anyway.

    I see no outcome where the southern states are better off in any span of time had they achieved their independence.
  • Southern states would fall prey to the exact same problem that the Articles of Confederation encountered. The Southern Government would have to increasingly force federalism principles into the gov't or rejoin the Union.
  • I see no outcome where the southern states are better off in any span of time had they achieved their independence.
    Agreed. Given the general tendency of the South to continue antebellum policies as much as possible within the constraints of the Constitution and the various Civil Rights acts, we can see a watered down version of what the South would be like if it had won based on what it's like now: dirt poor except for a couple of resource-rich states like Texas. As it is now, the southern states, with exceptions such as Texas, take in more in Federal tax dollars than they pay back in taxes. The northern states, by and large, are the opposite -- paying more in federal taxes than they receive from the Feds. Without the North to prop them up, they probably would've even been worse off.
  • I think people are spot on. I'd imagine both countries would have fought together in WWII and the cold war. Bringing the two militaries close. The real question would be when segregation would have ended in the south. I think it could have been as late as South Africa in the 90's
  • I think people are spot on. I'd imagine both countries would have fought together in WWII and the cold war. Bringing the two militaries close. The real question would be when segregation would have ended in the south. I think it could have been as late as South Africa in the 90's
    There is no way a southern government would survive into the 20th century.
  • I actually think that the Confederate States would fall sometime in the '40s to an African-American communist revolution inspired by those in Russia and China.
  • I actually think that the Confederate States would fall sometime in the '40s to an African-American communist revolution inspired by those in Russia and China.
    Interesting. I don't think the US would have allowed such a thing to stand. Cold War and all.
  • Depends on whether it was Roosevelt or Truman. FDR would let them do what they wanted. He was very non-interventionalist (well, he didn't want to start wars) and had great respect for the Soviet Union. He considered communism a force that was wrong, but not evil, and could be allowed to exist elsewhere in the world. Truman on the other hand probably would've listened to MacArthur and nuked 'em.
  • edited June 2012
    In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver, cheese Danish would no longer be consumed. Since beavers build lots of dams and would instead cause humans to build many dams to appease them, low-lying lands would be flooded, including the Danish city of Copenhagen, which would prevent its signature pastry from ever being created and enjoyed by mankind.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver, cheese Danish would no longer be consumed. Since beavers build lots of dams and would instead cause humans to build many dams to appease them, low-lying lands would be flooded, including the Danish city of Copenhagen, which would prevent its signature pastry from ever being created and enjoyed by mankind.
    Nice Big Bang Theory reference.
  • edited June 2012
    Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
    Great. My parents are going to support that for sure. They still say college made me liberal, atheist, and "un-American."
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • I think people are spot on. I'd imagine both countries would have fought together in WWII and the cold war. Bringing the two militaries close. The real question would be when segregation would have ended in the south. I think it could have been as late as South Africa in the 90's
    Actually, I think the Confederate South would be pretty likely to ally with Germany in WW2. They both had that racist streak.
  • In light of the recent Health care opinion, would you think me petty if I took this moment to say, "SUCK IT, Republicans!"?
  • Apparently I agree with Chief Justice Roberts. The individual mandate is Constitutional under the taxation clause, not the commerce clause (which I've been saying all along).
  • Actually, I think the Confederate South would be pretty likely to ally with Germany in WW2. They both had that racist streak.
    Because of their economic handicap, I doubt they would be the aggressor in any wars.
  • Actually, I think the Confederate South would be pretty likely to ally with Germany in WW2. They both had that racist streak.
    Because of their economic handicap, I doubt they would be the aggressor in any wars.
    Aggressor? Probably not. However, they can be a second-tier ally with an aggressor. Someone has to provide the cotton for those Nazi uniforms.
  • In light of the recent Health care opinion, would you think me petty if I took this moment to say, "SUCK IT, Republicans!"?
    They'll just write it off as "activist judges".
  • I can't wait to see how the right reacts to Roberts' decision.
  • I am very excited to watch the Daily Show tonight.
  • Actually, I think the Confederate South would be pretty likely to ally with Germany in WW2. They both had that racist streak.
    Because of their economic handicap, I doubt they would be the aggressor in any wars.
    Aggressor? Probably not. However, they can be a second-tier ally with an aggressor. Someone has to provide the cotton for those Nazi uniforms.
    But would they use it since it's not picked by the master race?
  • Republicans don't care about activist judges. They care about judges who don't activate under their control.

  • Aggressor? Probably not. However, they can be a second-tier ally with an aggressor. Someone has to provide the cotton for those Nazi uniforms.
    But would they use it since it's not picked by the master race?
    Why not? Many of the concentration camps doubled as forced labor camps. I could see them accepting an argument that picking cotton is a task below that of the master race.

    Geeze... it feels icky just pretending to think like a Nazi though...
  • Oh, and in other news, apparently #movingtocanada is trending among Republicans on Twitter.
  • Fuck that, they should move to Somalia.
  • Oh, and in other news, apparently #movingtocanada is trending among Republicans on Twitter.
    That's hilarious considering Canada's health care system.
  • Oh, and in other news, apparently #movingtocanada is trending among Republicans on Twitter.
    Hah! You mean the place with the evil socialized healthcare? ;^)
  • Oh, and in other news, apparently #movingtocanada is trending among Republicans on Twitter.
    That's hilarious considering Canada's health care system.
    I know, that's what I was thinking. I thought we (supporters of not-horrible healthcare) were the ones wanting to move to Canada. I just... don't get it anymore.
  • I know, that's what I was thinking. I thought we (supporters of not-horrible healthcare) were the ones wanting to move to Canada. I just... don't get it anymore.
    It's nothing that new though. I remember Rush Limbaugh saying he would move to Costa Rica if the ACA passed (he didn't, heh). Costa Rica also has universal health care.
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