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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Costa Rica also has no defense budget and one of the world's largest per capita ecological budgets.
  • edited June 2012
    Costa Rica also has no defense budget and one of the world's largest per capita ecological budgets.
    Also true. :) It's about as anti-Rush as any country can be. :)

    Then again, the Monroe Doctrine pretty much guarantees Costa Rica's safety against attack by anyone other than its neighbors.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Oh, and in other news, apparently #movingtocanada is trending among Republicans on Twitter.
    Hah! You mean the place with the evil socialized healthcare? ;^)
    They're mimicking Liberals from 2004. They're too stupid to come up with their own meme (one that would make sense.)
  • Costa Rica also has no defense budget and one of the world's largest per capita ecological budgets.
    Also true. :) It's about as anti-Rush as any country can be. :)

    Then again, the Monroe Doctrine pretty much guarantees Costa Rica's safety against attack by anyone other than its neighbors.
    Maybe he'e just looking for an excuse to move somewhere he won't go bankrupt when he has a heart attack.
  • Maybe he'e just looking for an excuse to move somewhere he won't go bankrupt when he has a heart attack.
    Given how easily he can pay for his oxycontin habit, I doubt he's concerned about that. Like it or not, the gasbag is set for life.
  • Aaaaaaand it's spam go:

    Dear Jason,

    I am reaching out to you because, as a member of the press, I thought you might be interested in attending some or all of our Atlas Summit event June 29-July 1, 2012 in the elegant setting of the Renaissance Hotel in Washington DC.

    The Supreme Court this morning upheld the major provisions of Obamacare, the president's signature piece of legislation. The mandate represents an unprecedented expansion of government power that will restrict individual liberty and throttle innovation. My presentation (which is just one of over 20 over the next 3 days) is relevant to this decision - you can see the summary below:

    Atlas Society COO Aaron Day will argue that "Atlas Should Shrug Now!" Day, a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, individual investor, and an advisor to numerous companies and non-profits (including the advisory committee for X-Prize Foundation) will share several real-world stories from his experience in the healthcare, clean technology, and internet technology industries that echo one of the key themes in the second part of Atlas Shrugged–the battle of trade versus power. Day will share his first hand experience with the effects of Romneycare, Obamacare, and the recent Supreme Court decision.
  • edited June 2012
    Actually, I think the Confederate South would be pretty likely to ally with Germany in WW2. They both had that racist streak.
    Because of their economic handicap, I doubt they would be the aggressor in any wars.
    Aggressor? Probably not. However, they can be a second-tier ally with an aggressor. Someone has to provide the cotton for those Nazi uniforms.
    But would they use it since it's not picked by the master race?
    You guys are jumping the gun. What would've happened in World War One? Remember, the primary reason that Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power was the Versailles Treaty. If that did not exist, then they would have remained a fringe political group at best.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Aaaaaaand it's spam go:

    Dear Jason,

    I am reaching out to you because, as a member of the press, I thought you might be interested in attending some or all of our Atlas Summit event June 29-July 1, 2012 in the elegant setting of the Renaissance Hotel in Washington DC.

    The Supreme Court this morning upheld the major provisions of Obamacare, the president's signature piece of legislation. The mandate represents an unprecedented expansion of government power that will restrict individual liberty and throttle innovation. My presentation (which is just one of over 20 over the next 3 days) is relevant to this decision - you can see the summary below:

    Atlas Society COO Aaron Day will argue that "Atlas Should Shrug Now!" Day, a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, individual investor, and an advisor to numerous companies and non-profits (including the advisory committee for X-Prize Foundation) will share several real-world stories from his experience in the healthcare, clean technology, and internet technology industries that echo one of the key themes in the second part of Atlas Shrugged–the battle of trade versus power. Day will share his first hand experience with the effects of Romneycare, Obamacare, and the recent Supreme Court decision.
    That's totally awesome.
  • You guys are jumping the gun. What would've happened in World War One? Remember, the primary reason that Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power was the Versailles Treaty. If that did not exist, then they would have remained a fringe political group at best.
    Well, since WW1 was basically kicked off by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria which led to everyone fighting each other due to the myriad ancient alliances and rivalries between the different European nations, odds are it may have turned out the same was as there was really no natural ally for the Confederate South to team up with in that case.
  • Libertarians are either younger than 25 or woefully ignorant. There is no third type.
  • edited June 2012
    You guys are jumping the gun. What would've happened in World War One? Remember, the primary reason that Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power was the Versailles Treaty. If that did not exist, then they would have remained a fringe political group at best.
    Well, since WW1 was basically kicked off by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria which led to everyone fighting each other due to the myriad ancient alliances and rivalries between the different European nations, odds are it may have turned out the same was as there was really no natural ally for the Confederate South to team up with in that case.
    Actually, remember the scandal about the Zimmermann telegram, when Germany tried to get Mexico to invade the US? They may have actually been able to convince the Confederacy.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Libertarians are either younger than 25 or woefully ignorant. There is no third type.
    You forgot "rich drug addicts."

  • Libertarians are either younger than 25 or woefully ignorant. There is no third type.
    You forgot "rich drug addicts."

    They're a subset of the second set.

  • edited June 2012
    Well, since WW1 was basically kicked off by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria which led to everyone fighting each other due to the myriad ancient alliances and rivalries between the different European nations, odds are it may have turned out the same was as there was really no natural ally for the Confederate South to team up with in that case.
    Not so. Realpolitik ruled world diplomacy at the turn of the century; alliances were based on perceived necessity rather than any historical leanings. Considering that the USA would have been looking for any oportunity to kick the CSA'a teeth in, the Confederacy would have been "forced" to make allies with someone. Probably England or France considering some of their most important and influential political leaders during the 1860's were very interested in making the CSA legit. In that case, Germany would have been the USA's goto partner in crime.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • I don't understand how you can call yourself a libertarian and want a personhood amendment attached to a flood insurance bill.
  • I don't understand how you can call yourself a libertarian and want a personhood amendment attached to a flood insurance bill.
    That's because those people are Liberatarians, not libertarians. Big difference between the big-"L" ones and the little-"l" ones. I consider myself a little-"l" libertarian (socially liberal, pro-gun, and fiscally moderate as I'm pro-capitalism but know we need reasonable regulations and government services because there are way too many dumbasses/jerks/etc. out there who will ruin things for everyone else without them), but I'm anything but big-"L" Libertarian.
  • I don't understand how you can call yourself a libertarian and want a personhood amendment attached to a flood insurance bill.
    That's because those people are Liberatarians, not libertarians. Big difference between the big-"L" ones and the little-"l" ones. I consider myself a little-"l" libertarian (socially liberal, pro-gun, and fiscally moderate as I'm pro-capitalism but know we need reasonable regulations and government services because there are way too many dumbasses/jerks/etc. out there who will ruin things for everyone else without them), but I'm anything but big-"L" Libertarian.
    This discussion reminds me of an MMA podcast I used to listen to(want to know how old it is? I listened to it on a portable CD player that read mp3 discs and Pride FC was the dominant MMA group) who ran ads for the Libertarian party. The entire argument of the ad was that the Democrats and Republicans both suck so you should vote Libertarian. Not for any strong political stand, just because the others suck. Yeah.
  • edited June 2012
    I found reasons to be traveling for business today so that I could listen to Rush Limbaugh in my car. I have been eating up the highway, cruising while listening to him bluster and give birth to stillborn kittens on air.

    My chest hurts from laughing.

    Also, I think I'm in love with Obama for waiting until exactly 12:05 p.m. to start his pro-healthcare press conference. It was timed exactly to cut into Rush's show, methinks.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited June 2012
    My favorite line from the opinion (so far):
    It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • You guys are jumping the gun. What would've happened in World War One? Remember, the primary reason that Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power was the Versailles Treaty. If that did not exist, then they would have remained a fringe political group at best.
    I assume the Roosevelt/Taft/Wilson debacle goes as planned and the Union still crushes der Zwietten Reich.
  • Unlikely, Wilson was born in Virginia.
  • We should play "Find everything wrong with this post"! Go!

  • edited June 2012
    I will personally stand at the airport, pretend to be flamboyantly gay, put a lei on her and hand her a "Government issue" copy of Mao's little red book, and tell her that sexual hedonisim is the number one hobby here, if she's thinking of meeting new people, since abortions are free under our universal healthcare plan. And also, she's invited to my Gay wedding!
    Libertarians are either younger than 25 or woefully ignorant. There is no third type.
    You want an example of the latter?

    QUOTE, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, on the latest news on healthcare -
    Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care rights.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba, you are my favorite. You get all the internets.
  • Rand Paul is almost as crazy as Ron Paul. Almost.
  • Give him time. He hasn't been around long enough to have shown how crazy he really is.
  • edited June 2012
    Rand Paul is almost as crazy as Ron Paul. Almost.
    Yeah, he's lower in crazy, much higher in "LOL i dunno gubmit" - because practically his entire political education comes from Ron Paul and the other neo-confederates/super-hardcore loony Libertarians/Ayn Rand Obsessives. The boy is dumber than a sack of hammers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2012
    Give him time. He hasn't been around long enough to have shown how crazy he really is.

    I'm sorry, I had to.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • My favorite quote I've seen so far from the angry people: "Justice Roberts is the Severus Snape of SCOTUS!"
  • I like the basic idea of Libertarianism, but most people who describe themselves as such are barely actual libertarians and are Glenn Beck crazy. The vague description of giving more power to the people and preserving freedom is great, but when anything the government does is spun as being evil and keeping the man down then you get Glenn Beck and Ron Paul's Libertarianism.

    Also, I wish all these people who said they are fleeing the country really would. Maybe we could actually get some work done.
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