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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Focus: Who is Paul Ryan?
    "Wants to see an America without poor or sick people, but probably not in the way you'd like."

    This would only be funny if it wasn't 100% accurate.
  • edited August 2012
    Got tired of old highschool friend posting very vague unsupported rhetoric statements on facebook. Responded to just one with an equally oversimplifying troll comment. Got back wall of text.

    Not sure if face-palm or challenge accepted guy is appropriate.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Got tired of old highschool friend posting very vague unsupported rhetoric statements on facebook. Responded to just one with an equally oversimplifying troll comment. Got back wall of text.

    Not sure if face-palm or challenge accepted guy is appropriate.
    Go for both, I'm sure someone's made a mash-up of the two.

  • The state of mainstream political discourse in America.

  • Oh look, a video that sums up this entire thread. A lunatic that fell into power gets called on for propagating bullshit, and starts trying to shout down a person with facts. Darn those facts and their liberal bias!
  • AmpAmp
    edited August 2012
    This is one step below putting your hands over your ears and going "la la la la, can't hear you". The question I pose is do people watch this and agree with the man who's argument style is denial and shouting. If so how the shit balls has it reached that stage.

    Edit; and the people that are posting this as if its a destruction of Liberal media. How is any sense is it that? Its an ill informed man shouting at someone with facts.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • This is one step below putting your hands over your ears and going "la la la la, can't hear you". The question I pose is do people watch this and agree with the man who's argument style is denial and shouting. If so how the shit balls has it reached that stage.

    Edit; and the people that are posting this as if its a destruction of Liberal media. How is any sense is it that? Its an ill informed man shouting at someone with facts.
    Nobody values truth or veracity. Well, at least half of the US population doesn't. For reference see: Romney's thriving candidacy. This is far from the United States I grew up in.

    If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

  • If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

    PBS is actually still like this. That's why no one watches it and they rarely get major figures as guests.
  • If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

    PBS is actually still like this. That's why no one watches it and they rarely get major figures as guests.
    Yes and no. Even NPR is toothless relative to a few decades ago, but it's better than FOX, CNN, NBC, etc...
  • If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

    PBS is actually still like this. That's why no one watches it and they rarely get major figures as guests.
    And why Republicans keep trying to defund it.
  • If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

    PBS is actually still like this. That's why no one watches it and they rarely get major figures as guests.
    Yes and no. Even NPR is toothless relative to a few decades ago, but it's better than FOX, CNN, NBC, etc...
    NPR != PBS
  • If you really want to get pissed off, try to find old television political segments from the 50s and 60s and watch news anchors actually asking incisive questions and taking blustering politicians to task, then wonder why that doesn't happen anymore and discover that the bulk of our national media, down to each local affiliate, is owned by 6 corporations.

    PBS is actually still like this. That's why no one watches it and they rarely get major figures as guests.
    Yes and no. Even NPR is toothless relative to a few decades ago, but it's better than FOX, CNN, NBC, etc...
    NPR != PBS
    Still, it applies to both.

  • One of my friends just figured out that "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan" is an anagram for "My ultimate Ayn Rand porn".

    You're welcome.
  • One of my friends just figured out that "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan" is an anagram for "My ultimate Ayn Rand porn".

    You're welcome.
    Your friend just made my week.

  • edited August 2012
    Nope. One too few a's and d's.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • One of my friends just figured out that "Mitt Romney and, Paul Ryan" is an anagram for "My ultimate Ayn Rand porn".

    You're welcome.
    Nope. One too few a's and d's.
    Seems right to me.
  • edited August 2012
    I apologize in advance for the ensuing Les Mis:
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited August 2012
    Apparently Romney's "tax plan" is mathematically impossible.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2012
    In the words of Grover Norquist:
    All we have to do is replace Obama. ...  We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate.
    So the good news is you don't have to worry about Mitten's tax plan...
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Yeah saw this over at Fast Karate, boy that guy sure it...erm a collection of cells. How the hell does someone get to that level of stupidity?
  • Yeah saw this over at Fast Karate, boy that guy sure it...erm a collection of cells. How the hell does someone get to that level of stupidity?
    Um, willful ignorance? Or maybe his parents brainwashed him to be as stupid as them? Other than that? No idea.

  • Yeah saw this over at Fast Karate, boy that guy sure it...erm a collection of cells. How the hell does someone get to that level of stupidity?
    Um, willful ignorance? Or maybe his parents brainwashed him to be as stupid as them? Other than that? No idea.

    Its quite daunting that there are people like that in a position of power. More worrying that people elected him to such a place.

  • I don't get scared until he gets re-election. One can hide their crazy long enough to win one election.
  • Republican Senate Nominee: Victims Of ‘Legitimate Rape’ Don’t Get Pregnant.

    It's up there with the Democrat who thought islands would capsize if too much stuff was on them.

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