Airbags have to deploy extremely quickly. By the time you have even realized you have crashed, they are already mid deployment and ready to save your life. They may have broken some bone in your arm or hand depending how you were holding the wheel.
I don't usually take part to these gun discussions, because while I'm basically anti-gun person I can accept that people might like to go to a shooting range, or hunt, or just collect guns. But anyone who states, or has stated that they are willing to shoot another person in cold blood scares the crap out of me, no matter what the reason. I'm pretty happy that most of such people are separated from me by and ocean.
Romney accused Obama of releasing secret files in regards to the killing of Osama.
Are these guys fucking kidding? They've got so tiny a platform to puke from that now they're throwing around spurious, unproven allegations to try and win points?
Ah Texas. Man's gun goes off in a Walmart (he was reaching for his wallet), he shots himself in the ass. Shrapnel hurts two people, including a 5 year old child. He runs from the store and gets arrested after a foot chase.
“I went to one living room in Liberty City; she was a single mom, 45 years old, 300 pounds,” he recounted. “All she was talking about was her $646 check which was coming in three days which she needed to buy more food.” This got the crowd’s attention, and the room filled with the sound of harrumphs. But it wasn’t this woman that set Greene’s mind on fire. It was her children. “One had been shot, one was in jail, two had gang problems.” He trailed off. “The role models those kids have—gang members—of course those kids are going to go in the wrong direction.” If the kids were given access to education, he continued, to after-school programs—
“Dream on,” Ferguson drawled in response, and the audience broke out in applause. “Dream. On.” ----------- Ahahah rich people are terrible. And I have a feeling Objectivism has made the whole situation worse, cause it essentially eradicates any psychological desire for social morality.
I think the worst thing is that while theres a couple Jeff Greene's in the world who realize they have it good, and want to stabilize the wealth gap to safely maintain their way of life; theres probably a ton more who are fighting for looser gun and self/home defense laws, so they can just use their resources to militarize if people actually did rise up.
Ah Texas. Man's gun goes off in a Walmart (he was reaching for his wallet), he shots himself in the ass. Shrapnel hurts two people, including a 5 year old child. He runs from the store and gets arrested after a foot chase.
>_< GAH! I've been around guns all my life, because my father and brother hunt. Did no one teach him how to turn on the safety!?! How the hell did they let him have a lic... Oh, yeah, because it's my state. @_@
If they didn't live so far away, I could get any one of my many 8-12 year old cousins to say bullshit politic in front of a camera if I paid them enough.
(To be fair, I think that guy weighs less than tommy or joshy)
Are these guys fucking kidding? They've got so tiny a platform to puke from that now they're throwing around spurious, unproven allegations to try and win points?
also, airbags are pretty deadly for someone my size.
Arizona Tea Party founder Wes Harris wants to recall McCain for defending Mulsim aide of Hilary Clinton, accusing her of being a Mulsim Brotherhood infiltrator.
“Is [Abedin] a Muslim? Is she an active Muslim?” Harris asked the Times. “I rest my case. That’s all she needs to be.”
EDIT: to make link not-HufPo
Truth shines.
“Dream on,” Ferguson drawled in response, and the audience broke out in applause. “Dream. On.”
Ahahah rich people are terrible. And I have a feeling Objectivism has made the whole situation worse, cause it essentially eradicates any psychological desire for social morality.
I think the worst thing is that while theres a couple Jeff Greene's in the world who realize they have it good, and want to stabilize the wealth gap to safely maintain their way of life; theres probably a ton more who are fighting for looser gun and self/home defense laws, so they can just use their resources to militarize if people actually did rise up.
Romney: "Hey, I'm smart, I read books, I've read Guns, Germs and Steel. Also, here's a bunch of other racist bullshit."
Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs and Steel: "I'm pretty sure you didn't read Guns, Germs and Steel. Also, here's why pretty much everything else you said is racist bullshit.