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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Porn Star Jenna Jameson endorses Mitt Romney
    I hope no one will realize she's trolling.
  • Well, she did say that "when you're rich, it's good to have a Republican in office," and FWIW, she is pretty rich from her porn star days.
  • Well, she did say that "when you're rich, it's good to have a Republican in office," and FWIW, she is pretty rich from her porn star days.
    I believe she's also still with recently retired MMA fighter Tito Ortiz who made quite a lot of money in his career.

  • Best line of the article: "Porn stars do on the screen what Romney’s tax plan may do to the middle class."
  • Well, she did say that "when you're rich, it's good to have a Republican in office," and FWIW, she is pretty rich from her porn star days.
    Well she apparently was pro-Hillary last cycle
  • edited August 2012
    People on reddit are putting together a Trolling political movement for the purpose of demanding that Romney prove he paid his taxes (and then claim that any proof provided are forgeries).

    Introducing "The Returners".

    It's juvenile, distracting from real issues, actually kind of has a point and is pretty friggin funny.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I want to make a quick side-note on the Chick-Fil-A debacle, although without the intent to start another flamewar:

    I noticed today (and was surprised I'd forgotten about it earlier), that the Southern Poverty Law Center, the leading organization for identifying and researching hate groups, officially considers the Family Research Council an anti-gay hate group. There's something to be said for the government not interfering with companies based on statements, but I think that financially supporting hate groups is a somewhat different matter.
  • In that article I kept reading FRC as "Front Row Crew" and made myself chuckle at the thought of Scrym being so evil.
  • Romney's campaign troubles with the truth seems to get worse with his dipping in the polls in battleground states.
  • Oh yeah, Fox News saying Olympians are not patriotic enough.
  • People like this keep saying "American exceptionalism". I don't think it means what they think it means.
  • Can we apply Rym's Jack Thompson rule where we don't talk about a thing until they do an even crazier thing than the most crazy thing they last did to Fox News? I'm getting really tired of the same old shit.
  • How is this even news? I do not even....
  • edited August 2012
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited August 2012
    You know how we're not supposed to talk about crazy conservatives until they top their last craziness?
    Bryan Fischer is advocating kidnapping the children of same-sex couples.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Why "Bobby"?
  • edited August 2012
    I always knew chess players were no good!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ghost chess players doubly so.
  • In other news, the Republican party STILL doesn't understand Venn Diagrams.
  • Ummm... yeah... can't understand that diagram at all...
  • How can you not! Its a graph that clearly shows that ovals are evil. As such one first things to go when Romney is elected are ovals.
  • edited August 2012
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • How can you not! Its a graph that clearly shows that ovals are evil. As such one first things to go when Romney is elected are ovals.
    His office shall be either further rounded or squared.

  • edited August 2012
    From everything I have read about his positions, I am absolutely convinced that Paul Ryan is the anti-me. Just about everything he stands for is the complete opposite of what I believe in.

    Seriously, this guy thinks that in vitro fertilisation should be banned. Why?!

    (Note: I am the product of in vitro fertilisation, so when someone comes out and says it should go away, I get a little testy.)
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited August 2012
    So, I don't know much about the guy, but it seems (from a cursory examination) that Paul Ryan is a flat taxer who really hates abortions, wants to dismantle pretty much all public infrasrtucture, and doesn't get along with "brown people." Am I hitting the mark?

    EDIT: Also, he really likes wiretapping, and really doesn't like government oversight of CIA interrogations. Yikes, this guy is a piece of work.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • He's basically Ron Paul, but without the Overt racisim, sexisim, conspiracy theories and ill-fitting suits.
  • It's certainly not overt, but it's definitely there. If the last republican presidency is anything to judge by, Ryan is the real candidate and Romney is who they'll use as their puppet just like Bush/Vader.
  • I like Ryan. He's young and still believes that things can be changed and there is good in the world. If I agreed with his policy, I wouldn't want this campaign to succeed because he's more useful in the House than as VP.
  • I like Ryan. He's young and still believes that things can be changed and there is good in the world. If I agreed with his policy, I wouldn't want this campaign to succeed because he's more useful in the House than as VP.
    Yeah, it's funny like that. He's young, idealistic, still has the passion and drive he needs, the world of politics hasn't sucked him dry of all hope yet. His policy and ideas are just shithouse, and that's the only problem, but it's the worst one.

  • It's certainly not overt, but it's definitely there. If the last republican presidency is anything to judge by, Ryan is the real candidate and Romney is who they'll use as their puppet just like Bush/Vader.
    They've figured out the game! You put your (relatively) high charisma face up front to tank, and let the damage dealing strikers move in for a backstab!
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