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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I'm really struggling to find a reason for the unbridled hatred of the Obama the Republicans express other than racism.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm really struggling to find a reason for the unbridled hatred of the Obama the Republicans express other than racism.
    Having less ability to kowtow to their corporate sponsors, what with an actually progressive democrat in the office. They don't give a shit about Romney, I doubt they even give a shit about Obama - as long as it's their guy in the office, lightening up on the environmental restraints and labor laws so the corporations filling their pockets have more legroom, they don't give two fucks.

    At least, that's the ones in a position of power. The American people who still somehow believe Romney is a decent human being worth voting for, I have no answer at this point other than too much buckshot taken to the head as a kid, and possible inbreeding.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • .
    I'm really struggling to find a reason for the unbridled hatred of the Obama the Republicans express other than racism.
    Not shutting down GitMo, keeping troops in Afghanistan, beefing up our military presence in Australia, continuing Plan Colombia, the NDAA, but these aren't what they're complaining about, so I think Ninjarabbi is right on the money.
  • edited September 2012
    beefing up our military presence in Australia,

    Jesus christ, man, I tell you literally every time you say it here. WE DO NOT MIND, IT IS A MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL ARRANGEMENT THAT WE WILLINGLY ENTERED.

    Seriously, we're young as nations go, but we're not fucking children, for fuck's sake. We don't need to be coddled and protected from the big bad US military doing not much more than standing around with their thumbs are their arses. If we didn't want them here, they wouldn't be here, regardless of your protests and or holding it against Obama, which you shouldn't, because it's goddamn stupid.

    Hold whatever else you like against Obama, but seriously, mind your own fucking business. We can handle our shit quite adequately down here. We don't need or want the US, liberal public or not, riding in on their white charger with a streaming stars and bars held aloft to "Save" us.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2012
    What Churba said.

    Ultimately, the main reasons to criticize the Obama administration have to do with instances of unbridled government power, and lack of respect for human rights. However, the sad fact of the matter is that this is an issue shared by both the Republicans and Democrats, and hence it really doesn't get enough attention.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • That sounds great. Revelling Geordies usually just roar for an cougar in a microdress and a beaker full of antifreeze to take the edge off and top off the lorry.
    Im not even joking. Coming in during harvest to a pub filled with awesome dudes and copious amounts of ales it one of the best things in the world. That and the wenching, thats pretty good fun.

  • edited September 2012
    Re: coinage, the 500¥ coin was so strange to me. It took me almost a week to actually grok that a coin could be worth that much.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Tipping is a great institution. It's not like brain surgeons are relying on tips. It's a service industry convention that allows customers to very directly express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service they receive. What breaks the system are cheap bastards like basically everyone in this thread. :-)
    You know there is a easy and effective way for expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction, it's called words and talking and communication. It has quite a lot more expressive power than a number spelled with money.

    Wow good luck with that one sport. Exactly the opposite is true.

    Churba - didn't really know that. That's interesting. In that case, there's no excuse at all for sub-minimum wage for service workers. It's just greed.

    Still, I think the institution of tipping and the convention of below minimum wage pay are discrete concepts and one need not sully the other.
  • But mostly, we need cooler bills. The new fives, tens, and twenties are a nice step, but they're still boring.
    Yo, how's this for you -


    Also, they're practically invincible(but they do shrink in the oven, but why is your money in the oven what are you doing goddamnit stop), and incredibly hard to counterfeit. Worth more than the US dollar, too.

    Our money is pretty goddamn cool.

    The bills being different sizes tweaks my OCD.
  • Couldn't they have switched the colors of the 100 and the 20?
  • But mostly, we need cooler bills. The new fives, tens, and twenties are a nice step, but they're still boring.
    Yo, how's this for you -


    Also, they're practically invincible(but they do shrink in the oven, but why is your money in the oven what are you doing goddamnit stop), and incredibly hard to counterfeit. Worth more than the US dollar, too.

    Our money is pretty goddamn cool.

    The bills being different sizes tweaks my OCD.
    I remember hearing that blind people fold bills of different amounts in different ways so they can easily tell which bill they're holding. Presumably the money is different sizes to make something like that easier, though I am totally guessing here.
  • Yeah I've heard that, too. It still irks me. :-P
  • Yes, the whole thing with paper bills being different sizes is for blind people. Blind Americans have no such mechanism, unfortunately. It's a serious issue:
  • Even our coins are a huge problem for the blind, as I understand it. Something about similar weights and all of them being perfectly round.
  • a friend just posted this on FB
    Silly FB-friend. Nobody ever wins an argument on the internet.

  • edited September 2012
    Even our coins are a huge problem for the blind, as I understand it. Something about similar weights and all of them being perfectly round.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The UK has the best coins for the blind. Radically different in weight, diameter, and edges.
  • The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
  • The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.

  • The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.

    Shut your mouth! How would we decide the coin toss? Who goes first at darts? Who gets the last pie on a night out! Or to throw at people! The 2p is a corner stone of the UK!

  • Newsflash for Mitt Romney: Everybody already knows you're white.
  • SHHHHHHHH, don't say that so loud! The darkies might hear.
  • The bills being different sizes tweaks my OCD.
    Yeah, like Hitman said, it's for blind people, since the bills otherwise feel the same. The windows also do double duty as a security measure, and for that purpose - all the windows are different shapes, and you can tell by feel which denomination the notes is.
    The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.
    Word. I used to just throw everything under 20P in a jar, and take it all to the coinstar every six months.

  • edited September 2012
    The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.

    Shut your mouth! How would we decide the coin toss? Who goes first at darts? Who gets the last pie on a night out! Or to throw at people! The 2p is a corner stone of the UK!

    The 50p is the best flipping coin ever made. Especially the pre-redesign, out-of-circulation, heavier 50p, one of which is in my possession and is carried expressly as my flipping coin of choice.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • my flipping coin of choice is a black Bacchus coin from Will Ferrell at Mardi Gras.
  • edited September 2012
    The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.

    Shut your mouth! How would we decide the coin toss? Who goes first at darts? Who gets the last pie on a night out! Or to throw at people! The 2p is a corner stone of the UK!

    The 50p is the best flipping coin ever made. Especially the pre-redesign, out-of-circulation, heavier 50p, one of which is in my possession and is carried expressly as my flipping coin of choice.
    The Australian 20c piece is a solid choice also.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • ugh! republicans make me so MAD argggg
  • edited September 2012

    A friend just posted this on my Facebook wall earlier today.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    The same goes for Australian coins, with the added advantage of there being less types.
    Yeah, definitely a pro. Caveat about UK coins: the 2p is useless.

    Shut your mouth! How would we decide the coin toss? Who goes first at darts? Who gets the last pie on a night out! Or to throw at people! The 2p is a corner stone of the UK!

    The 50p is the best flipping coin ever made. Especially the pre-redesign, out-of-circulation, heavier 50p, one of which is in my possession and is carried expressly as my flipping coin of choice.

    The 50p's edges make in impractical and its wighting is to heavy. The 2p has the wight and smoothness to make it the superior flipping coin.
    Post edited by Amp on
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