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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear

    can't tell if joking.

  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    When we hit peak oil then we will all start using fuel cell cars; then the environmentalist will have something legitimate to complain about. Water vapor, unlike carbon dioxide, does actually reflect the sun rays.
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    Oh my god, you have literally NO concept of how these things work.

    Oil is essential. Oil is the most important thing in the world. Society needs oil like it's people need oxygen. No, nuclear power will not save us; rather, finding a way to produce crude from biomass will. And fuel efficiency is a big part in ensuring that green crudes are affordable for everyone.
    We totally don't need oil for anything other than cars.
  • @Jack-O-Lantern Let's go about this a different way. What country do you believe has the right amount of government?
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear

    can't tell if joking.
  • OK guys, reading assignment. Jack and Theo, go look up what petroleum is used for in modern Western society. (Hint: fucking. everything. from food to toys to essential medical devices to industry to transportation.)
  • I want my incandescent light bulbs back, easy bake oven don't work no more :(
  • I want my incandescent light bulbs back, easy bake oven don't work no more :(
    They haven't even gone yet...but personally I want a good, dimable light bulb to replace incandescents.
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    I don't think you understand engineering.
    Nuclear energy and hydrogen cars.
  • OK guys, reading assignment. Jack and Theo, go look up what petroleum is used for in modern Western society. (Hint: fucking. everything. from food to toys to essential medical devices to industry to transportation.)
    I'm being sarcastic; I don't own a single thing that's not made with oil.

  • Jack, if you're wondering why you feel like everyone is against you, please read this:

    It's because you don't seem to really understand what goes in to some of the things you take for granted, and you don't seem to be willing to learn about it before making a snap judgment, and most of us don't really have to time to explain it all.

    I mean, for example take a look at the healthcare problem. Rym explained it pretty well, but he is oversimplifying it as well. Insurance works contrary to the way most things in a capitalist society works: Insurance companies make more money when people use their services less. So therefore, when you let them compete freely they'll try to get as many people signed up for their services as they can but will try their hardest to deny absolutely everything. Without regulations, they'd probably just deny everything until people actually started leaving, and without a regulation about pre-existing conditions people wouldn't be able to leave and find better coverage. They would simply die.

    Healthcare has to be handled differently because it's something that is basic to life. That is why there are regulations around it, same as there are regulations and mechanisms that help keep people from starving or thirsting to death or choking on dangerous gasses.

    And that's just one part of the healthcare problem. There are others, like the fact that kids graduate college with mountains of debt now and need coverage under their parents health coverage longer simply because it takes longer to find a job.

  • There are plenty of places on this Earth without a functioning government. All you need is an AK-47 and a plane ticket. Freedom!
    You missed my point. I like government. I don't like Big government. Scale EVERYTHING back.
    To what extent would you scale government back?
    Cut everything by 50%. Yes that includes the military as well.

    And to a certain extent I am upset about regulations, but I recognize some are necessary. Like the car seats, that's a safety thing. Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing though, and you can only make a car so light and the holes in fuel injectors so small.
    There are many cases where a regulation is used to spur industry development.

    Case in point is the Jack in the Box outbreak that brought E.coli O157:H7 to the public view. Industry had known about the organism for years, and could detect it culturally. The knew it had the capacity to cause disease, and they knew it was getting into their product. However, without regulations in place, they didn't see a need to do anything yet, because nobody had died.

    And even when people did die, they fought regulation tooth and nail. The USDA forced a testing regulation on the industry. They cried foul, said the technology wasn't in place to do that kind of testing, and that it would cripple the industry.

    A year later, test kits were commonplace. 10 years later, the bug is virtually a non-concern in beef - and the industry is fine.

  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I'm not worried about peak oil because I'm pretty much exclusively interested in algal crude synthesis (which is incredibly promising). That said, if you think we just don't need oil if we have nuclear power, you're living in some weird rainbow mirror universe where you think that Drexler Assemblers are possible and will just solve all of our problems.
    Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    I don't think you understand engineering.
    Nuclear energy and hydrogen cars.
    Plastic, soap, medicines, airplane fuel, prosthetics, Legos, pretty much every major construction material, most high-temperature smelting feedstocks for metals, etc. Come on, kid, this isn't difficult.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    I don't think you understand engineering.
    Nuclear energy and hydrogen cars.
    And we research this technology with government sponsored research grants, right?
  • What if we could get away from all this steam technology.
  • What if we could get away from all this steam technology.
    Digital distribution is the way of the future, and you can shut your goddamn mouth otherwise.
  • edited October 2012
    Fun Fact: It's not used for much of the military, because diesel companies successfully lobby against making petroleum fueled militant vehicles.
    EDIT: Ninja'd by approximately everyone. @Muppet.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • What if we could get away from all this steam technology.
    Man, if we had a way to directly capture the energy of a nuclear reaction and turn it right into electricity for large scale production, shit would be so on!
  • Fun Fact: It's not used for much of the military, because diesel companies successfully lobby against making petroleum fueled militant vehicles.
    Also because they already have nuclear fueled hover vehicles.
  • @Jack-O-Lantern Let's go about this a different way. What country do you believe has the right amount of government?
    Well I can't speak to that as I don't know much about other governments.
  • @Jack-O-Lantern Let's go about this a different way. What country do you believe has the right amount of government?
    Well I can't speak to that as I don't know much about other governments.
    You don't know much about technology or government regulation in this country but you manage to pipe up about it.
  • What if we could get away from all this steam technology.
    Man, if we had a way to directly capture the energy of a nuclear reaction and turn it right into electricity for large scale production, shit would be so on!
    That is pretty close to how a nuclear battery works. I like the atomic decay battery packs they put on curiosity and other space ferry objects.

  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    That's so simplistic it's idiotic. I'm sorry, but you're making a ridiculous point.

    Show me an electric fighter jet. An electric cruise missile? Are any actually on the horizon? How about an electric APC?
  • @Jack-O-Lantern Let's go about this a different way. What country do you believe has the right amount of government?
    Well I can't speak to that as I don't know much about other governments.
    Being as polite as possible, because I honestly don't get the impression that you're a bad guy (just young and incredibly naive), but this right here pretty much disqualifies you from criticizing the government. You need to have some basis for comparison in order to have any clue what you're talking about.
  • >Rand style arguments
    >oil is only used for cars
    >Tiny government arguments
    Fun Fact: It's not used for much of the military, because diesel companies successfully lobby against making petroleum fueled militant vehicles.
    EDIT: Ninja'd by approximately everyone. @Muppet.
    Really? Because despite being most commonly fueled on Diesel(as in, that's what they normally use), many millitary vehicles will run on everything from Diesel to vegetable oil, to Kerosene, almost every type of Jet Fuel, even Methanol and Petrol. The design spec doesn't say "Doesn't run on petrol", it says "Runs on fucking near everything." Humvees, MRAPS, Tanks, they even have motorbikes that will run on just about anything that'll burn. The only things that generally don't are the aircraft, because aircraft are usually a different kettle of fish, both operationally and mechanically.

    Where'd you get that wierd idea?
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    That's so simplistic it's idiotic. I'm sorry, but you're making a ridiculous point.

    Show me an electric fighter jet. An electric cruise missile? Are any actually on the horizon? How about an electric APC?
    The military had a nuclear jet in the works but they could never figure out what to do with the waste; the beast plane was to dump it; just as commercial flights dump the passengers feces.
  • Fuel efficiency isn't a safety thing? What, exactly, do you think happens to all of Western Society when we hit peak oil?
    We go nuclear
    That's so simplistic it's idiotic. I'm sorry, but you're making a ridiculous point.

    Show me an electric fighter jet. An electric cruise missile? Are any actually on the horizon? How about an electric APC?
    The military had a nuclear jet in the works but they could never figure out what to do with the waste; the beast plane was to dump it; just as commercial flights dump the passengers feces.
    There was also the trail of fallout that the engine created, IIRC. A real-life chemtrail that would actually sterizilize civilians.
  • Oh right WUB like chemtrails aren't already real. Pfffft.
  • Fun Fact: It's not used for much of the military, because diesel companies successfully lobby against making petroleum fueled militant vehicles.
    EDIT: Ninja'd by approximately everyone. @Muppet.
    Really? Because despite being most commonly fueled on Diesel(as in, that's what they normally use), many millitary vehicles will run on everything from Diesel to vegetable oil, to Kerosene, almost every type of Jet Fuel, even Methanol and Petrol. The design spec doesn't say "Doesn't run on petrol", it says "Runs on fucking near everything." Humvees, MRAPS, Tanks, they even have motorbikes that will run on just about anything that'll burn. The only things that generally don't are the aircraft, because aircraft are usually a different kettle of fish, both operationally and mechanically.

    Where'd you get that wierd idea?
    My uncle who serves in the National Guard. I guess I reinterpreted it a little. He told me that most vehicles use diesel as fuel, but it didn't occur to me that they would be multi-faceted.

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