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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Reddit as a whole is a cesspool.
  • edited November 2012
    This is my new favourite reaction Gif.
    Bowie's permanently dilated pupil is oddly noticeable in that one.
    Reddit as a whole is a cesspool.
    Pretty much. Like some Japanese sewage plants have started doing, you can extract some gold from all the shit, but it doesn't change the volume of shit that flows through on a constant basis.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • [davidbowiesmokingweed.gif]
    This is my new favourite reaction Gif.
    I feel like this exists because, by some emergent property of biologic systems, it just has to.
  • I'm not trying to sound flip but how can we trust anything Petraeus says now that this scandal has come to light? He's probably better off not testifying.
  • I feel like this exists because, by some emergent property of biologic systems, it just has to.
    this made me smile (:
  • edited November 2012
    I'm not trying to sound flip but how can we trust anything Petraeus says now that this scandal has come to light? He's probably better off not testifying.
    The dude cheated on his wife. So did Martin Luther King, Jr. Being unfaithful makes you a pretty shitty person, but it doesn't make you particularly compromised outside of your relationships.
    I feel like this exists because, by some emergent property of biologic systems, it just has to.
    this made me smile (:
    I'm glad!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Actually think about this, no one has any dirt on him, he's no longer part of the administration, he pretty much can say what he wants without having to worry about the consequences since he's already screwed. I'm assuming he's going to say everything was done by the book.
  • Roe, I just finished that Rolling Stone article. (Got a bit distracted >.<) That's fucked up. I knew about it on a cursory level but damn. Anyway, thanks for linking it.
  • edited November 2012
    Actually think about this, no one has any dirt on him, he's no longer part of the administration, he pretty much can say what he wants without having to worry about the consequences since he's already screwed. I'm assuming he's going to say everything was done by the book.
    Yep. Please also note that Petraeus resigned of his own volition out of a personal need to "set the right example," and it took the CIA a full day to process his resignation because they didn't want him to go. He wasn't forced out; the White House really likes him.

    Say what you will about the morality of conducting a war in Iraq, but I really like David Petraeus, and I think he's a man of pretty strong character. Most people wouldn't throw away an illustrious career to set a good example; admirable people fuck up too.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I kind of feel like I did when Weiner resigned: if it didn't affect him on the job, it's irrelevant.
  • I'm not trying to sound flip but how can we trust anything Petraeus says now that this scandal has come to light? He's probably better off not testifying.
    You're missing some green there.
  • I'll bet you a dollar that the media will lambast him if he says anything contradictory.
  • I'm pretty sure all of the media is already lambasting him. Unfortunately, I don't even check any of the main news sites (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, blah blah blah) and only know wha is "major news" based on what political cartoons are coming out... but based on THAT he is apparently a man who never wore pants.

    Also, I don't care what he did in private and I'm pretty sure getting caught cheating is hell on his marriage. I don't doubt that quitting was not a professional consideration (aside from setting a good example), but was more motivated by private considerations.
  • I read that 43 embassy/diplomatic personnel died on Bush Jr's watch, but haven't been able to verify it.
  • edited November 2012
  • I'd sign that, but I got banned from that site due to a pony petition I wrote.
  • I'd sign that, but I got banned from that site due to a pony petition I wrote.
    So they granted you a stay of execution?

  • I'd sign that, but I got banned from that site due to a pony petition I wrote.
    So they granted you a stay of execution?
    I phrased that poorly. I, Greg TvH, was not banned from the site, but rather my account was deleted, and that e-mail address can't get another one.
  • Distribution of secession petition signers by county:
  • It's almost as if improving people's lives will make them vote for you. Who'd a thunk?
  • Reddit as a whole is a cesspool.
    A wretched hive, you might say?
  • It's almost as if improving people's lives will make them vote for you. Who'd a thunk?
    It's a crazy idea, but it's just crazy enough to work.

  • Running on the treadmill at the gym today, I ended up watching food network/Fox news the subtitles were not on the Fox news TV but dear god, watching their news coverage compared to CNN a few screens away was crazy, you'd think that Benghazi was the only story going on right now. It was republican after republican being interviewed and lots of quotes from Rush Limbaugh, why they are quoting that gas bag is beyond me.
  • What do you think of this? It's an infographic of the election that takes into account the actual votes by population of counties. I think it might be a more accurate portrayal of the country than the simple red/blue state (or even county) graphics, and shows some interesting local information (for example, I didn't know the north bay (above San Francisco) voted more Democratic than the city itself (or the east bay, for that matter)). Cool stuff.
  • Maybe they're showing some enthusiasm for Leon Panetta?
  • Hey guys, look what I found:

    Read it. It's long, but read it. Then let's discuss it.
  • Also, I'm not sure why Republicans lost the Latino and Hispanic votes. I guess it's because it's hard to compete against Sant--

    Oh, right. Even Republican cartoonists with "I have lots of black friends" draw conservative groups of people as 100% white.
  • Hey guys, look what I found:

    Read it. It's long, but read it. Then let's discuss it.
    That was a great read. I also had no idea that the muslim community was so heavily supporting the republicans in the 70s and 80s, though it does make a lot of sense. How the Republicans tarnished their reputation not just with muslims, but with the entire world through their actions is still unbelievable to me, and it only becomes more unfathomable when putting it into such a concentrated form.
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