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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Hey now, I think all women could enjoy mining for gold if it were presented correctly. Geology is fascinating!
  • Mocking the converted is a retarded strategy. Simple as that.
  • edited November 2012
    Mocking the converted is a retarded strategy. Simple as that.
    Mhmm. I know, isn't it frustrating to be stereotyped like that?

    Seriously though, if you're looking for real discussion, you'd be best off going to SRSRecovery. Although, considering your performance in this forum, you'd still hate it.
    Hey now, I think all women could enjoy mining for gold if it were presented correctly. Geology is fascinating!
    heehee, yes it is! I was really into polarizing microscopy as a kid.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • It doesn't hurt me in the way I think you think it does. It makes me embarrassed for the people ignorant enough to think it will help or that it makes up for something.

    If its blowing off steam and commiserating through off color humor that's one thing, but when it often and transparently becomes an earnest attempt to marginalize some privileged class member in effigy, what good does that do?
  • It can be pretty therapeutic. It's annoying as an oppressed/minority to always walk the high road or have your entire pigeonhole be judged by it. Sadly, a lot of people don't get it because they've never experienced that kind of prejudice, stereotyping, ridicule, and hate.
    No doubt. But there are better places for it than that shithole. One can do satire, without being a hypocritical bully. One can certainly move against people who are doing distasteful things, without going for mob justice.

    SRS, at this point, has become something about five yards past the mile marker for self-parody. It's just a joke, but it's a joke that ceased to be funny a long time ago, but is being repeated by a group of shitty comics because they think it makes them better than other people for the telling of it, and this really kinda stopped being an analogy about twenty-six words ago.

  • edited November 2012
    SRS, at this point, has become something about five yards past the mile marker for self-parody. It's just a joke, but it's a joke that ceased to be funny a long time ago, but is being repeated by a group of shitty comics because they think it makes them better than other people for the telling of it, and this really kinda stopped being an analogy about twenty-six words ago.
    Except that *is* how it feels! The point is, *isms are old and we're sick of them. If you feel that, it's succeeding.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • edited November 2012
    I honestly think the SRS the circlejerk subreddit is still a great idea and I feel it has had a positive effect on reddit as a whole, but I can no longer participate in the Fempire in good conscious, though I agree it should exist as a safe space. To be honest, I think they should really delete everything but SRS Women and make that invite only. I basically feel that the SRS community has become a little bit like Conservapedia in that it is suffering a Poe's Paradox; they will ben anyone who is not as far into their viewpoint as they are, so the only new people who last are either dedicated parodists or people who are already in 100% agreement. Except that because of that same dynamic the goalposts of agreement shift at about a thousand miles per hour.

    (To give you an example, not to long ago there was a discussion where the conclusion was, I shit you not, that privileged people who hate bigotry are terrible because they are appropriating minority anger. Somebody got benned over it.)

    There are communities that are a lot less toxic and that's where I hang out now. SRS used to be cool but is now too busy closing ranks to have any real discussion.

    Also a ton of transphobia leaks into that place seriously its super gross. They need to clean the second wave types out pronto.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited November 2012
    Except that *is* how it feels! The point is, *isms are old and we're sick of them. If you feel that, it's succeeding.
    Except, you're wrong. That's not how everybody feels, that's how everybody views you. A minor annoyance obsessed with self-aggrandising nonsense, a narcissistic waste of time and attention. It's like the Ouroboros, if instead of eating it's own tail, the serpent has it's head jammed squarely up it's own arse.

    What people feel because of SRS isn't how minorities feel, unless all the minorities I'm not a part of just constantly feel laughter coming on with a faint tinge of pity.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    I've had some good discussion in SRSw, SRSd, SRSr, and SRSpoc. I haven't really bothered with the other parts of the fempire because I also enjoy pictures of cats.

    SRS prime bens for disagreement is fine, because it's meant to silence opposition. I haven't seen it happening in the rest of the fempire, unless someone obviously has not and has no interest in doing their homework. Admittedly, social justice movements have their share of classists, too.
    Except, you're wrong. That's not how everybody feels, that's how everybody views you. A minor annoyance obsessed with self-aggrandising nonsense, a narcissistic waste of time and attention. It's like the Ouroboros, if instead of eating it's own tail, the serpent has it's head jammed squarely up it's own arse.

    What people feel because of SRS isn't how minorities feel, unless all the minorities I'm not a part of just constantly feel laughter coming on with a faint tinge of pity.
    Unfortunately, it's not perfect because it's really difficult to make empowered people feel disempowered. You have the choice of leaving, and living in a world where that is not default. Try to imagine being surrounded by that daily?
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • edited November 2012
    The Fempire alternates between way hypocritical (SRS Anime is the biggest offender), way second wave (SRS Discussion is this way too fucking much), way self-congratulatory (SRS Men), and way circlejerky (everywhere all the time). I remember back when it was just reddit with all the terrible people swiftly benned. Now it is a whirlpool of self-reinforcing stupid memes and people piling over themselves to hold the most extreme position.

    What's particularly interesting about this is that a lot of other subreddits have started enforcing the stuff that SRS used to call for. A lot of subs ban terrible people and delete their posts now, and most places I go outside the defaults see shitty people get downvoted to oblivion over bigotry. The sad thing is that SRS is winning but is beyond the point of being able to realize that anymore.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited November 2012
    Unfortunately, it's not perfect because it's really difficult to make empowered people feel disempowered. You have the choice of leaving, and living in a world where that is not default. Try to imagine being surrounded by that daily?
    Alright, I was being polite and not mentioning it, but can you stop it with this bullshit where you're condescendingly explaining to me over and over again what it's like to be a minority? Okay, fine, judge me by two single facts about me - that I'm mostly white and male - and presume I know nothing if you wish, but let's just for the sake of saving time and my fucking temper also presume I actually know what it's like being a minority in western society. To be blunt, the way you're going about it is really fucking annoying, and presumptuous as fuck.

    Also, have you considered that it's not perfect and it's a difficult approach, because it's crass idiocy? It clearly doesn't achieve anything more than making people hate not only SRS, but the entire social justice movement, and thus both being counter productive to your stated aims as an ostensibly social justice oriented group, and making life much harder for those who are not part of your clique, but are on the side of social justice.

    Also, Sketch, well said in both posts so far.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The only subreddit worth discussion is Can we please move on to discussing that?
  • The only subreddit worth discussion is Can we please move on to discussing that?
    It's a fine resource that anyone can enjoy.

  • Wow Sketchbook. You made two posts in a row that i agree with. You're unusually well articulated and even handed today.
  • edited November 2012
    Unfortunately, it's not perfect because it's really difficult to make empowered people feel disempowered. You have the choice of leaving, and living in a world where that is not default. Try to imagine being surrounded by that daily?
    Alright, I was being polite and not mentioning it, but can you stop it with this bullshit where you're condescendingly explaining to me over and over again what it's like to be a minority? Okay, fine, judge me by two single facts about me - that I'm mostly white and male - and presume I know nothing if you wish, but let's just for the sake of saving time and my fucking temper also presume I actually know what it's like being a minority in western society. To be blunt, the way you're going about it is really fucking annoying, and presumptuous as fuck.
    LOL Hate to break it to you, but knowing about it is a lot different than experiencing it. I mean, seriously and non-sarcastically yay for you being involved, active, and knowledgeable, but I think acknowledging this is fundamental.
    Also, have you considered that it's not perfect and it's a difficult approach, because it's crass idiocy that doesn't achieve anything more than making people hate not only SRS, but the entire social justice movement, and thus both being counter productive to your stated aims as an ostensibly social justice oriented group, and making life much harder for those who are not part of your clique.
    Should we keep it more secret, so we don't bother you anymore?
    The Fempire alternates between way hypocritical (SRS Anime is the biggest offender), way second wave (SRS Discussion is this way too fucking much), way self-congratulatory (SRS Men), and way circlejerky (everywhere all the time).
    I can see that. In my social justice groups here, there are always a handful of people who are using it to feel better than other people. I haven't been around the fempire long enough to compare it to the past, so it still seems 75% ok to me.
    What's particularly interesting about this is that a lot of other subreddits have started enforcing the stuff that SRS used to call for. A lot of subs ban terrible people and delete their posts now, and most places I go outside the defaults see shitty people get downvoted to oblivion over bigotry.
    This I have been really glad to see. I point it out, sometimes, in SRSd, and people have generally been receptive to that.
    The sad thing is that SRS is winning but is beyond the point of being able to realize that anymore.
    Are they? There always seems to be some new piece of crap to supplement the circlejerk.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • edited November 2012
    Wow Sketchbook. You made two posts in a row that i agree with. You're unusually well articulated and even handed today.
    You'd likely be surprised to hear that this argument has occurred before, except I was in your place, sketch was in Girl-with-No-name's place, and there was a lot more yelling. Though, we eventually came to a conclusion, and it worked out pretty well for everyone.
    LOL Hate to break it to you, but knowing about it is a lot different than experiencing it. I mean, seriously yay for you being involved, active, and knowledgeable, but I think acknowledging this is fundamental.
    Yes, I'll remember how inexperienced with being a minority I am the next time I'm walking down the street hand in hand with my boyfriend, or the next time I've scrimped and saved enough that I've been able to fly out to Mt Isa for Corroboree, you self absorbed, condescending fucking twit. Seriously, let's be real with each other now, go fuck yourself.
    Should we keep it more secret, so we don't bother you anymore?
    That depends, am I allowed to be a minority yet, Or am I just a house nigger because you think all there is to a person is the colour of their skin and which genitals they've got? I'll thank you to Fuck right off, you presumptuous, arrogant shit.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wow Sketchbook. You made two posts in a row that i agree with. You're unusually well articulated and even handed today.
    I am always this articulate and even handed. Clearly you are just particularly observant today.
  • I do have to admit that no fun girl is basically living up to her name. She is being a bit condescending and preachy. It's unwarranted, considering the audience.
  • (; fine
    [parting shot] It goes both ways though.
  • (; fine
    [parting shot] It goes both ways though.
    That's what she said.
  • (; fine
    [parting shot] It goes both ways though.
    That's what she said.
    I'm really trying to make that work as innuendo.. but..?
  • edited November 2012
    (; fine
    [parting shot] It goes both ways though.
    Oh, I disagree absolutely. I don't care what gender you are, what race you are, what religion you believe in, what sexuality you are, because all of that is utterly irrelevant to the fact that you're being a complete shitsack. But don't mistake that disagreement as an invitation to continue, because for as much as I've enjoyed this conversation I'd rather have type 2 diabetes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    The Fempire alternates between way hypocritical (SRS Anime is the biggest offender), way second wave (SRS Discussion is this way too fucking much), way self-congratulatory (SRS Men), and way circlejerky (everywhere all the time).
    I can see that. In my social justice groups here, there are always a handful of people who are using it to feel better than other people. I haven't been around the fempire long enough to compare it to the past, so it still seems 75% ok to me.
    Here's the thing. See, I agree 100% with pretty much everything SRS claims to represent. Unlike Churba I have no problem with the tone of SRS (though I can't stay in such places too long or I just have a rage aneurism). I laugh heartily at straight white cis dudes whining about being discriminated against and I believe places like that need to exist because it is unreasonable to expect people who are discriminated against to not be angry and express that anger.

    However, you have to understand that SRS as a community used to be more than that as a collective. Yeah, the circlejerk always existed, but right behind it there was straight-up everything good about reddit with all the terrible filtered out; a nexus of good longform discussion about serious issues with a wide base of knowledgeable, nerdy people. People could disagree and that was okay. For one, we talked about things other than social justice and we didn't turn every discussion into a social justice one, which was cool. The social justice conversations had a lot of learning, a lot of venting, and even some disagreeing that lead to actual discussion instead of instant benning. It was the best place on reddit for maybe four months.

    Somewhere around the same time they went from six subreddits to twenty something broke inside SRS. I remember the day exactly when it got bad, there was an AMA with a sex-negative, transphobic second-wave feminist in SRSd, and they benned anyone who disagreed with her because we had to be respectful of this horrid, insensitive dinosaur. From there it went from bad to worse to today.

    I stayed on for a couple of months because I was trying to be understanding and, as I usually do, I assumed the problem was with me and not with the community. But I increasingly realized, with some help, (Thanks Churba!) that destroying discussion was not the same thing as being sensitive. Furthermore, the siege mentality the community maintained was super unhealthy, especially for me, as I've had issues with this in the past. Eventually I got the fuck out and I don't post in SRS anymore. I check in every once in a while click the links and see if the discussion has improved, but it's honestly getting worse.

    TL;DR SRS's community used to be kinda awesome but in becoming the Fempire it destroyed what made it good and became what everyone accused it of being. There are far better and less toxic social justice communities out there.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • /r/shitmuppetsays
    instant subscribed upboats all around
  • /r/shitmuppetsays
    instant subscribed upboats all around
  • edited November 2012
    Equal rights for women and men. Menpires up in here, no menpyres.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited November 2012
    Unlike Churba I have no problem with the tone of SRS (though I can't stay in such places too long or I just have a rage aneurism).
    I think you have me mistaken, mate. It's not so much the tone, as the behavior of it's members on the whole. The tone is tolerable, though I don't buy into it.
    I laugh heartily at straight white cis dudes whining about being discriminated against and I believe places like that need to exist because it is unreasonable to expect people who are discriminated against to not be angry and express that anger.
    That's par for the course on the former, and most certainly for the latter. Everybody deserves a voice, and the ability to have it heard in a safe space. Not safe from respectful and rational critique - after all, having one's ideas and opinions challenged is part of life - but safe from attack, judgement and unreasonable censure. And censers, too, because those things kinda hurt when you get whacked with a full one.

    Edit - Also, Muppet, try checking out both /r/egalitarian and /r/seetheotherside. They might have some of what you're looking for.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image
    This is my new favourite reaction Gif.
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