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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • If you're even vaguely familiar with Reddit, you should check out the current stylesheet for r/circlejerk.
  • Ron Paul is an entire case of crazy unto himself, that's for sure, but if you look at him in context of the other possibilities, he may not really be THAT out there. You've got:

    A woman who is apparently fighting against the institution that not only provided her financial security and employment for decades, but wants to lead that institution because God told her to.

    A job creator whose understanding of the basics about the world he exists in is laughable, but wants to lead a powerful country because God told him to..

    But at least it looks like we are going to escape a Palin presidency?
  • Ron Paul is an entire case of crazy unto himself, that's for sure, but if you look at him in context of the other possibilities, he may not really be THAT out there.
    Sorry, but putting our entire financial system back 100 years is pretty fucking crazy.
  • It goes along with the conservatives' idea that "way back when" was far better than today.

    Although realistically you are absolutely right. The man is a nutcase and if he had his finger on the button I'd be worried about it wearing out from over use.
  • It goes along with the conservatives' idea that "way back when" was far better than today.
    I think the only time this was actually true was the Dark Ages.
  • It goes along with the conservatives' idea that "way back when" was far better than today.
    No, Ron Paul is a fundamentally different beast from the social-religious conservatives who want to take things back to the "good ol' wholesome daystm". He's a man who actively believes that returning to a non-fiat system of money will objectively provide a better economy.
  • I think the only time this was actually true was the Dark Ages.
    Nothing was good in the "Dark Ages", not that they really were a time more a general name given to a period so that people can understand it. Yeah history nerd.
  • I think the only time this was actually true was the Dark Ages.
    Nothing was good in the "Dark Ages", not that they really were a time more a general name given to a period so that people can understand it. Yeah history nerd.
    I think his point was that, if you lived in , say, France/Gaul around 700AD, you could look back and say "yeah, things were better back then."
  • Well in that case it leads to the real question of; What have the Romans ever done for us then!
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2011
    Least you're not the Judean People's Front. Fucking splitters.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Least your not the Judean People's Front. Fucking splitters.
    Or the Judean Popular People's Front. Splitters.
  • Yeah fucking Judean Popular People's Front. Splitters.
  • I think the only time this was actually true was the Dark Ages.
    Nothing was good in the "Dark Ages", not that they really were a time more a general name given to a period so that people can understand it. Yeah history nerd.
    I think his point was that, if you lived in , say, France/Gaul around 700AD, you could look back and say "yeah, things were better back then."
    This was exactly my point.
  • Well things sort of weren't, in terms of history. I get what you mean but it is a bit like saying that getting shot in the leg is a lot better than getting shot in the foot.
  • edited September 2011
    Ron Paul is an entire case of crazy unto himself, that's for sure, but if you look at him in context of the other possibilities, he may not really be THAT out there. You've got:

    A woman who is apparently fighting against the institution that not only provided her financial security and employment for decades, but wants to lead that institution because God told her to.

    A job creator whose understanding of the basics about the world he exists in is laughable, but wants to lead a powerful country because God told him to..
    Ron Paul, while not saying that God told him to run for the presidency, does indeed follow the same religious-crazy school of thought that Bachmann and Perry do, Dominionism. Or at the least, if he does not belive it, he has the exact same opinions and views as someone who does. Ideologically, Perry and Paul are surprisingly close.
    Although realistically you are absolutely right. The man is a nutcase and if he had his finger on the button I'd be worried about it wearing out from over use.
    Yeah, I'm a little concerned about that myself - Sure, he's against the war in iraq, but if you look at his plans and policy ideas regarding the military, it's mostly because he wants America to almost entirely withdraw from the world - all military, all aid, all international organizations and coalitions, literally every thing they can possibly withdraw from the world - and become a nation pretty much entirely isolated from the rest of the world, with heavily fortified borders.

    I can't say it as fact, but I'm moderately sure this is strongly related to his belief that the NWO/illuminati are going to take over the world and unite under one world government, mark of the beast, blah blah conspiracy theory blah.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I can't say it as fact, but I'm moderately sure this is strongly related to his belief that the NWO/illuminati are going to take over the world and unite under one world government, mark of the beast, blah blah conspiracy theory blah.
    Cha dude don't you know anything! If there was a real conspiracy then Dan Brown would have written a book on it.

    On a more serious note. Does anyone in the Senate (or where ever they find him) sit back and go, "Yep we have a crazy man here, should properly look to get him put somewhere safe".
  • The GOP have a proud history of putting their mental deficients in the White House.
  • The GOP have a proud history of putting their mental deficients in the White House.
    You know what? I'd prefer George W Bush to Bachmann, Perry, or Paul. Sure, he was a bit of a religious nut, but was otherwise pretty normal, and even on his worst day and the other three's best, he is nowhere near in the same leauge.
  • Bush looked more lost than anything else, these others look crazy.
  • edited September 2011
    Bush looked more lost than anything else, these others look crazy.
    That's true. Bush had, related to us through another politician, that he felt god was telling him to go to war, and while he seemed a little lost at times, that's half forgivable, considering the tumultuous time he was president - not that I'm saying it excuses his actions, but being a little lost is forgivable. Bachmann has, for just one example, freaking out and claiming some sort of insane hostage situation because she was asked polite questions by a lesbian and an ex-nun in a bathroom. Rick Perry has his ludicrous ideas of biblical economics. Ron Paul has religion so thick you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw, is a crazy-ass conspiracy theorist, and is a paranoid fool to boot.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Bush looked more lost than anything else, these others look crazy.
    That's true. Bush had, related to us through another politician, that he felt god was telling him to go to war, and while he seemed a little lost at times, that's half forgivable, considering the tumultuous time he was president - not that I'm saying it excuses his actions, but being a little lost is forgivable. Bachmann has, for just one example, freaking out and claiming some sort of insane hostage situation because she was asked polite questions by a lesbian and an ex-nun in a bathroom. Rick Perry has his ludicrous ideas of biblical economics. Ron Paul has religion so thick you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw, is a crazy-ass conspiracy theorist, and is a paranoid fool to boot.
  • Registering the Poor to vote is un-american.

    It gets only worse with the comments section. American "thinker" this is not.
  • Registering the Poor to vote is un-american.

    It gets only worse with the comments section. American "thinker" this is not.
    See this thread, with rebuttal.
  • Registering the Poor to vote is un-american.

    It gets only worse with the comments section. American "thinker" this is not.
    See this thread, with rebuttal.
    I fucking love this quote
    If patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, Americanism is the rhetorical destination of choice for demagogues, a shiny bow wrapped gaudily round a box devoid of argument.
  • dsfdsf
    edited September 2011
    Obama drops, Perry surges in polls

    The good news is that Perry still isn't strong enough to beat Obama yet, but he is rising. At this point I really don't care anymore I think. Or at least I don't won't to care. I don't think Obama is going to do the things we need to do to recover, and any Republican that gets elected will run us further into the ground. I'd say I have a pretty dismal outlook for the US.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Obama drops, Perry surges in polls

    The good news is that Perry still isn't strong enough to beat Obama yet, but he is rising. At this point I really don't care anymore I think. Or at least I don't won't to care. I don't think Obama is going to do the things we need to do to recover, and any Republican that gets elected will run us further into the ground. I'd say I have a pretty dismal outlook for the US.
    All they have to do is show what a religious nutbag Perry is and show how he's bankrupted his state and how they have the worst healthcare and education systems in the country, and he has no chance.
  • dsfdsf
    edited September 2011
    Obama drops, Perry surges in polls

    The good news is that Perry still isn't strong enough to beat Obama yet, but he is rising. At this point I really don't care anymore I think. Or at least I don't won't to care. I don't think Obama is going to do the things we need to do to recover, and any Republican that gets elected will run us further into the ground. I'd say I have a pretty dismal outlook for the US.
    All they have to do is show what a religious nutbag Perry is and show how he's bankrupted his state and how they have the worst healthcare and education systems in the country, and he has no chance.
    Really? you think people will see it that way when shown evidence that supports a conclusion? Maybe I just have so little faith left in Americans that I believe despite hard evidence of Perry's complete incompetence, he's still got a good chance of winning.
    Let me change that. I think that because of hard evidence of Perry's complete incompetence he's got a got chance of winning.
    Post edited by dsf on
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