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Zenkaikon 2009 November 7-8 Valley Forge (List of FRC run panels)



  • "Seiner" is closer to "seinen" than "senior".
  • So how was gedavids marked for bad spelling but not this person? For shame.
  • Lay off the noob, people.
    Make the point and move on.
  • Even better would be a gekiga prom.
  • edited November 2009
    I was mocking the pointing out of spelling mistakes that we can very easily figure out given the context of the mistake. People are way too anal about this shit on here. I understand to, two, and too or their, there, and they're, because things like that can make the sentence confusing at times. This was not.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I was mocking the pointing out of spelling mistakes that we can very easily figure out given the context of the mistake. People are way too anal about this shit on here. I understand to, two, and too or their, there, and they're, because things like that can make the sentence confusing at times. This was not.
  • I don't care whether we can understand or not, the rules are just to have good grammar, to my knowledge. But whatever.
  • Axel, that is a lovely, little sentence frament you created.
  • edited November 2009
    Axel, that is a lovely, little sentence frament you created.
    Sentence fragments are not necessarily non-grammatically correct. Depending on the situation, a fragment can be perfectly acceptable in writing. Part of my writing style that gets me high praise among English teachers (namely 100's in a sea of copying and 80's) is using sentence fragments skillfully amongst my normal sentences.

    I did, however, make other errors in that sentence that I see now that go beyond sentence fragments. Therefore, sentence fragments was the least of what you could've pointed out.
    I don't care whether we can understand it or not, the rules are just to have good grammar, to my knowledge. But whatever.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • The "it" was unnecessary. If you used a sentence fragment in paper in my class, you would lose points. If it was a creative work, that would be a slightly different matter, but that would greatly depend on the assignment and context.
  • I see. I guess different people have different standards. My mom always yells at my fragments, but my teachers don't mind unless they're horrid. But I've gotten good at placing them over the years.
  • I see. I guess different people have different standards.
    I suppose that is the case. I firmly believe that English instruction must incorporate a strong adherence to the standards, rules, and conventions of English grammar.
  • I see. I guess different people have different standards.
    I suppose that is the case. I firmly believe that English instruction must incorporate a strong adherence to the standards, rules, and conventions of English grammar.
    I understand that. I know that all of one's sentences can't be fragments, or their writing becomes illegible. But I really don't think a fragment here or there is too bad.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    Even though I'm a staunch believer in having good grammar, spelling, and punctuation for a good majority of whatever you write/type...I gotta say you guys go overboard with the Grammar Nazism, so just tone it down will ya? Heaven forbid we make an error on the Platinum Tablet of Geekdom...actually I kinda wanna see someone make that, but I digress. Just don't let it bother you guys so much.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Yay, more free publicity for Zenkaikon for next year ^_^ :-p
  • @ Yupa:
    Lay off the noob, people.
    Make the point and move on.
  • @ Geoffino:
    Lay off the noob, people.
    Make the point and move on.
    Not lay off him, just don't have a constant sniper's dot over him all the time.
  • Yupa, it is the same thing.
  • Yupa, it is the same thing.
    What is?
  • Laying off of the noob meant don't go crazy with the grammar nazi on the noob. It is the same thing.
  • edited November 2009
    Laying off the noob and not having a constant sniper's dot on her, I presume.
    Too late, but the point about gender remains.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Only moderators are responsible for enforcing the rules of the forum. If you are not a moderator, you should not take it upon yourself to inform other users of their forum-related transgressions.

    Most frequently this rule applies to correction of grammar and spelling. If someone has poor grammar and spelling, don't correct them, or warn them, publicly. A private message / whisper is fine, as rules do not apply to private communications. Let moderators take care of it and go about your business.
  • Okay, good. Sail is right.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    Only moderators are responsible for enforcing the rules of the forum. If you are not a moderator, you should not take it upon yourself to inform other users of their forum-related transgressions.

    Most frequently this rule applies to correction of grammar and spelling. If someone has poor grammar and spelling, don't correct them, or warn them, publicly. A private message / whisper is fine, as rules do not apply to private communications. Let moderators take care of it and go about your business.
    This gives me the opportunity to ask something I've been wanting to know for a while. How come there are only a couple of moderators instead of maybe 6-7? I notice on a lot of forums there a lot of moderators (then again our forums are different from others), and yet there are only a couple of mods here.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    Also, I feel I was not going beyond my role by correcting people, I was simply correcting someone by calling me the wrong name. As I explained before, I've grown tired of it and I don't like it anymore. So could people please not call me that anymore? I don't think that's too much to ask is it? As excitable as I usually am, I actually consider this be one of my more mellow posts and am feeling very stoic at the moment.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited November 2009
    It's hard to change what you call someone once you get used to it, Matt. Additionally, the discussion was mostly about Emily correcting someone, not you.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    It's hard to change what you call someone once you get used to it, Matt. Additionally, the discussion was mostly about Emily correcting someone, not you.
    I wasn't responding to what Emily said. I responded to what Sail said.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I was simply correcting someone by calling me the wrong name. As I explained before, I've grown tired of it and I don't like it anymore. So could people please not call me that anymore?
    Every time you do this, you're making people call you by the old name more.
  • It's hard to change what you call someone once you get used to it, Matt. Additionally, the discussion was mostly about Emily correcting someone, not you.
    I wasn't responding to what Emily said. I responded to what Sail said.
    No, when Kate said
    Lay off the noob, people.
    Make the point and move on.
    it was mostly in response to Emily saying
    Your what now?
    in response to FireFly1991's post.

    When Kate re-iterated this quote at you, it seems that you misinterpreted it - it was to say "I already said that", not "You're guilty of this as well".
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    I was simply correcting someone by calling me the wrong name. As I explained before, I've grown tired of it and I don't like it anymore. So could people please not call me that anymore?
    Every time you do this, you're making people call you by the old name more.
    Well then, enlighten me with what you think I should do to get the effect I desire?
    Post edited by Geo on
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