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What movie have you seen recently?



  • edited August 2012
    Opening Scene: tough looking attractive woman enters a diner, apparently for a covert meeting. She see's her contact and realizes it isn't who she's expecting: "Shit". He tells her "come on, you've done enough damage" she says "no" and then there is probably one of the dirtiest, most brutal thrown downs in recent movie history (outside of Indonesia anyway) with a female lead putting most male action stars to shame.

    Haywire is basically a demo reel for Gina Carano. She plays mercenary special forces operator Mallory Kane who finds herself left high and dry, holding the bag and in the cross hairs of her former employers and every police offer she happens to meet so she has to run, climb on stuff, fight and deliver tough lines pretty convincingly to get work in a better movie get back to America so she can protect her family and get revenge.

    The plot is really just a scaffold that justifies fight scenes and chases but it's a bit overly coy; it doesn't spoon feed you the plot like most action movies but it also doesn't do much to hold your attention when fists aren't flying so it's pretty easy to miss the details.

    Gina Carano is GREAT in the fight scenes; they're vicious, shot straight on and pretty much rely entirely on her physical prowess to be convincing (and they really are). If they ever make a westernised, white washed Ghost in the Shell, she NEEDS to play the Major. Unfortunately there are also these over long straight shots of her traversing over roof tops and running after and away from people that aren't really any more impressive than watching any physically fit person running, jumping and clambering over things without hurting themselves and stumbling; this isn't slick parkour or Jackie Chan style "I can't believe I just saw a human do that" acrobatics at all. She does her own stunts according to the internet but they do the "someone jumps down behind something and then the star emerges from behind the thing and runs towards the screen" trick so often I didn't know for sure until I looked it up. She wasn't, however, allowed to do one notable gag for insurance reasons which is probably the must brutal and impressive fall in the movie. You'd know it if you saw it.

    There is also a pretty impressive cast including Michael Fassbender and Ewan McGregor, who pull their weight for having relatively small roles as well as Bill Paxton, Antonio Banderas and Michael Douglas who really do nothing to warrant their presence.

    Pretty much anything that isn't Gina Carano rearranging peoples' bones and faces is pretty weak but that bone/face rearranging is worth being bored for probably 70% of the show. Give her Neveldine/Taylor, give her Paul Greengrass, this woman is legit and punches circles around the rest of the female action stars out there.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Watching Brave right now!
  • I watched "The Expendables 2" yesterday and it was pretty great, if you know what you are getting into :D
  • My aunt is a totall film nerd so last night she made me watch the Keaton Batman and Fellowship of the Ring. Batman is more or less perfect, but I didn't like it that much. I like my Batmans to be fairly close to deities, and Keaton was far from that. Also, the number of deaths at his hands is kinda disturbing.

    Fellowship... meh. The only thing I have to say is that they should've left the extra hobbits at Rivendale. They were nothing but trouble and offered no additional skills.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2012
    The only thing I have to say is that they should've left the extra hobbits at Rivendale. They were nothing but trouble and offered no additional skills.
    But they did provide some much needed comic relief, mostly in the later installments.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • They also provided much needed Ents.
  • I live tweeted the whole thing as @TWatchamacallit and I think I had some good lines. "Lady of the wood sounds like an aggressively PC term for slut."
  • Saw ParaNorman. It was pretty solid. It also had probably the most flawless stop-motion animation I've ever seen.
  • Saw ParaNorman. It was pretty solid. It also had probably the most flawless stop-motion animation I've ever seen.
    ^Those words^ + "it's beautiful"
  • The Bourne Trilogy is so freaking solid.
  • The Bourne Trilogy is so freaking solid.
    Never seen the second or third movie. Maybe I should take a look some time.

  • Watched The Illusionist (French 2010) again with my girlfriend. Such a beautiful film. A lot more adorable/heartwarming moments than I remember. I mostly knew the really depressing stuff that happens midway through.
  • edited August 2012
    Watched Iron Skies. That was an amazing movie.

    It wasn't the most moving piece of art Ive ever seen, but the humor was right on, and the space battle. **drools** I haven't seen a space battle that good since I cant remember when.

    Anybody else seen this one?
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • The Bourne Trilogy is so freaking solid.
    Never seen the second or third movie. Maybe I should take a look some time.

    I would actually recommend watching all three in rapid succession. They don't spoon feed you many reminders and they pretty liberally mention people and events from previous movies. They weave together really nicely.

  • Finished the LOTR movies. Two Towers was alright. Really didn't like Return of the King. All in all, I'd say those are the best made movies to have nothing to them -- except for the last one which is has serious pacing problems but more substance.
  • I just watched The Sting by renting it from Amazon. Jesus God, that was one hell of a con.
  • Just saw Expendables 2 and it... was. It just was.
  • Did ninjas kidnap the president in this one?
  • Did ninjas kidnap the president in this one?
    No :(
  • I was at trivia last night and my group thought that the answer to one of the questions was The Expendables. The problem was that no one except me had seen The Expendables so they were asking me what happened.

    I don't remember anything from that movie.

    I remember they were after some girl for a while because she was maybe kidnapped then they had a chase. Then there was a crazy powerful shotgun and then I think the movie ended.
  • God Bless America is like Falling down meets Natural Born Killers. More people should watch this movie.
  • The Expendables 2 was a great comedy flick. :D
  • I just watched The Sting by renting it from Amazon. Jesus God, that was one hell of a con.
    I just watched this a few weeks ago as well. Such a good film.
  • Before Prometheus came out I added Alien 1-4 to my Netflix queue. Apparently everyone else did as well, because they never showed up. Torrenting fixed that situation right quick. I had already seen 1-2, but not 3-4. Now I have rewatched 1-2 and seen 3-4.

    Wow 3-4 are awful. IMDB thinks that 3 is slightly better than 4. I actually think 4 is slightly better, but they both still suck ass. Noticed in the credits of 4 that Joss Whedon wrote it. I can safely say I still dislike every Joss Whedon thing I have ever experienced.

    And as much as Prometheus isn't as good as 1-2, it's way way better than 3-4.

    1-2 are still super amazing best awesome, just in case that needed to be said.

    Here's a summary of my "what Alien 3 should have been" fan-fiction that I will never write.

    Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop safely return home on time with no problems and no xenomorphs. No fucked up alien mama drama. It's never made clear that there is a government other than the corporation, but I'm going to say there is. Who else would the weapons division be selling to? They get in touch with the government before the corporation gets them. Everything seems awesome and is going very well.

    Now where are the aliens? The same place they were in Alien 1! Even though the queen is dead, and the air purifying thing is blowed up, the original engineer ship from Alien 1 is still there. LV-426 has at least one egg left on it, if not more. So the government sends big time military power to nuke the fuck out of it.

    When they get there, they drop the nukes. Where is the conflict in this movie? Right here! The corporation also sent ships. They shoot the nukes out of the sky. Epic human vs. human space battle! The corporation sent ships out to the planet before Ripley convinced the government to do so. They get there first. They got eggs. They got Alien'd. The rest of the movie is a Human vs. Human vs. Alien space battle. Board the other guys ship, oh but there's aliens fucking us both up! Those kinds of scenes.
  • I'd watch that!

    As for Alien 4, I'd seen his name in the credits of that and also Serenity. When watching Firefly, the connections between the two were very strong. There's an almost one-to-one relation between crew members of the Serenity and the crew of the pirate/smuggler ship in Alien Resurrection.

  • Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop safely return home on time with no problems and no xenomorphs. No fucked up alien mama drama. It's never made clear that there is a government other than the corporation, but I'm going to say there is. Who else would the weapons division be selling to? They get in touch with the government before the corporation gets them. Everything seems awesome and is going very well.

    Now where are the aliens? The same place they were in Alien 1! Even though the queen is dead, and the air purifying thing is blowed up, the original engineer ship from Alien 1 is still there. LV-426 has at least one egg left on it, if not more. So the government sends big time military power to nuke the fuck out of it.

    When they get there, they drop the nukes. Where is the conflict in this movie? Right here! The corporation also sent ships. They shoot the nukes out of the sky. Epic human vs. human space battle! The corporation sent ships out to the planet before Ripley convinced the government to do so. They get there first. They got eggs. They got Alien'd. The rest of the movie is a Human vs. Human vs. Alien space battle. Board the other guys ship, oh but there's aliens fucking us both up! Those kinds of scenes.
    That is actually pretty close to the plot line of the Aliens comic, except the comic has less human vs human battles and more Xenomorphs infesting Earth.

  • Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop safely return home on time with no problems and no xenomorphs. No fucked up alien mama drama. It's never made clear that there is a government other than the corporation, but I'm going to say there is. Who else would the weapons division be selling to? They get in touch with the government before the corporation gets them. Everything seems awesome and is going very well.

    Now where are the aliens? The same place they were in Alien 1! Even though the queen is dead, and the air purifying thing is blowed up, the original engineer ship from Alien 1 is still there. LV-426 has at least one egg left on it, if not more. So the government sends big time military power to nuke the fuck out of it.

    When they get there, they drop the nukes. Where is the conflict in this movie? Right here! The corporation also sent ships. They shoot the nukes out of the sky. Epic human vs. human space battle! The corporation sent ships out to the planet before Ripley convinced the government to do so. They get there first. They got eggs. They got Alien'd. The rest of the movie is a Human vs. Human vs. Alien space battle. Board the other guys ship, oh but there's aliens fucking us both up! Those kinds of scenes.
    That is actually pretty close to the plot line of the Aliens comic, except the comic has less human vs human battles and more Xenomorphs infesting Earth.
    I guess there is an Aliens comic, but I never actually thought about what was in it.
  • edited August 2012
    There also comics about Red aliens Vs Black aliens. I dont know what happens but I would give it a look.

    Also Jiro Dreams of Sushi is now streamable on Netflix.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • There also comics about Red aliens Vs Black aliens. I dont know what happens but I would give it a look.

    Also Jiro Dreams of Sushi is now streamable on Netflix.
    I am watching that Jiro ASAP.
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