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What movie have you seen recently?



  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2012
    The Great Escape is aptly named because it truly is great in every way. When you have stars such as Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Richard Attenborough, and Donald Pleasance planning an escape from an SS POW camp; how can it be anything but great?

    Also, it has perhaps the greatest scene involving motorcycles ever.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I am watching Slither you guys.
    To quote on of the characters:
    "Well now, that is some fucked up shit!"
  • Skyfall was really pretty.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2012
    As a James Bond nerd, I have to say that Skyfall ranks in the top 10 (top 5 for me personally) as one of the best Bond films I have ever seen. Not only is it the most beautiful Bond film (the cinematography and lighting is jaw-dropping), but it is also one of the most gripping and emotionally resonant. This is the Bond film that is a more worthy follow-up to Casino Royale than Quantum of Solace will ever hope to be. I totally recommend this movie to be seen by everyone, it will stay with you for years.

    Also I saw Wreck-It Ralph today as well. It is what everyone here said it was and then some.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Skyfall was pretty amazing :D
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Absolutely. There is totally enough in there for somebody who has never seen a Bond film before. There will be some things that might be lost on you if you've never seen a Bond film before, but that is what revisiting is for. I guarantee some aspect of Skyfall will impress you because by itself it is an incredibly well crafted film by the director of Jarhead and American Beauty.

  • Wreck-It Ralph was OK. Solid movie, but nothing special. I enjoyed it.
  • edited November 2012
    Wreck-It Ralph was OK. Solid movie, but nothing special. I enjoyed it.
    It's certainly not Pixar-good, but it's solid, yeah. Basically, I think it comes down to this: I wouldn't recommend it to anyone above the age of 13-ish if they don't like vidjigames, but if you're a gamer-type, it's definitely worth seeing.

    Seriously, though. Paperman, right? Stole the show.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Casino Royale is as much a reboot as a sequel and also excellent on its own merits; if you don't know if Skyfall is for you, check it out.

  • Seriously, though. Paperman, right? Stole the show.
  • I'd really prefer to see just Skyfall for now if I can since I have enough weekly class screenings to watch already, as well as schoolwork and work-work to keep up with, so that makes it hard to me to see too many extra "just for fun" movies at the moment. Sounds like I'd be okay to see it on its own, though, so hopefully I can get to see it soon!

    Though, I will admit, I'm really tempted to watch this either before or after Skyfall just to see what the effect is on a non-fan.
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Skyfall is the only Bond movie I've ever seen, and I liked it a lot.
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Skyfall is the only Bond movie I've ever seen, and I liked it a lot.
    Do you think you will see more. Because if you do and don't know which to watch next, I would suggest Goldfinger, Dr. No, From Russia With Love, and Casino Royale (in that order) afterwards as a starting point.

  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Skyfall is the only Bond movie I've ever seen, and I liked it a lot.
    Do you think you will see more. Because if you do and don't know which to watch next, I would suggest Goldfinger, Dr. No, From Russia With Love, and Casino Royale (in that order) afterwards as a starting point.

  • Cloud Atlas was a really good movie. They took a lot of liberties in their adaptation (the whole last hour basically), but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
  • To those who have seen Skyfall: would you recommend it to someone who has never seen a Bond film in its entirety before? Like, would it be awesome to a non-Bond fan the way that Ghost Protocol was for non-Mission-Impossible fans?
    Skyfall is the only Bond movie I've ever seen, and I liked it a lot.
    Do you think you will see more. Because if you do and don't know which to watch next, I would suggest Goldfinger, Dr. No, From Russia With Love, and Casino Royale (in that order) afterwards as a starting point.

    Thunderball is a complete bore. Next I suppose you'll be recommending Moonraker (why would you? It is one of the worst Bonds).

  • Bond Movies should be viewed in context here is the Genreal gist from someone who obsessed over Bond as a punk kid (seeing all films at least 30 times on VHS).

    - Thunderball is the best, it is a SPY film and that is what Ian wanted the series to be
    - On Her Magisty's Secret service is number two George played an AMAZING James Bond that had a shitty agent
    - Dr. No to Diamonds are Forever is the SPECTRE series (overarcing Story line) it was brought back in Never Say Never (the unofficial one) but watch Thunderball, its the same film plot wise
    - Live and Let Die to Moonraker do not have over arcing story, see Man with the Golden Gun, best Rodger Moore Bond movie.
    - For your Eyes Only to The Living Daylights is the Russian series (overarcing story), see The Living Daylights and A View to a Kill
    - The "final" film was supposed to be License to Kill since it ties everything together, go see that
    - Minor Reboot with Pierce Brosnan, only see Goldeneye, the rest are shit
    - Major Reboot with Daniel Craig, see Casino Royale and Skyfall

    My top films:
    1) Thunderball
    2) On Her Magisty's Secret Service
    3) Goldfinger
    4) From Russia with Love
    5) Goldeneye
    6) Man with the Golden Gun
    7) Dr. No
    8) The Living Daylights
    9) A View to a Kill
    10) License to Kill

    Also Ian's books DO NOT hold up well if you read them.
  • The only Bond movie I've seen is Moonraker. I quite enjoyed it. It was a fun amount of camp. Everyone else tells me its too campy, which makes me think I would find the other Bonds too serious.
  • Best Bonds:
    1) Pierce Brosnan (the movies stank, but he embodies bond)
    2) Timothy Dalton
    3) Roger Moore

    Sean Connery (while entertaining in his own right) is always Sean Connery (with the possible exception of Robin and Marian, though that could just be Audrey Hepburn's awesomeness spilling over onto his performance).
  • Also Ian's books DO NOT hold up well if you read them.
    Slight quibbles with the rankings but this is so true. They read more like an adolescent's wet dream of what being a spy is like.

  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2012
    Just saw Dog Day Afternoon for the first time. I'm worn out from watching because A: It was so goddamn good and B: I'm tired from just keeping up an intense fascination and interest in the film. Off to see Serpico next.

    Best line in the film

    Sonny: Kiss me.
    Detective : What?
    Sonny: When I'm being fucked, I like to get kissed a lot.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • The only Bond movie I've seen is Moonraker. I quite enjoyed it. It was a fun amount of camp. Everyone else tells me its too campy, which makes me think I would find the other Bonds too serious.
    Nah If I were you focus on the Rodger Moore era, lots of camp to be had there.
  • edited November 2012
    Saw Skyfall last Friday and of the current three Daniel Craig Bond films, it was my second favorite. Don't get me wrong, the movie was enjoyable. It had a lot of the classic Bond feel. Plus, it had a few very special nods to previous Bonds.

    One of my biggest gripes of the movie was
    the scene on the island with all the computer servers. It seems pretty ridiculous for all those servers to be in an open fucking dusty abandoned warehouse in a tropical climate. Yeah, because that seems plausible for some super hacking rogue thought to be dead MI-6 agent.

    I do love the Adele song. Good stuff.

    Edit: Also saw this over the weekend for my friend's movie night: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

    This was a pretty cool flick. For those who enjoy the horror genre, you may want to consider this. It's a documentary of a reporter interviewing a would be serial killer slasher and how he works and his methods. It's in a world where Freddy, Jason, and Michael Myers are real people and why they do the things they do.

    There is supposed to be a Kickstarter for the sequel. I may just back that.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I am the poster child for "I won't see/play/read any sort of sequel or follow-up until I've experienced the things that came before it," but that's just not what James Bond movies are about. You can, and should, just watch whatever ones you feel like. There is a standard formula for a Bond movie, but understanding that is even less important with the newest movies, as they are trying to get away with that and just make good movies that stand out on their own.

    Honestly I don't even think you'd miss any of the nods and jokes they make about old-school Bond. As long as you understand the concept of hokey old spy movies, you'll pick up on every one.

    Skyfall was fantastic. Kind of sad that I'm not going to get a chance to see Wreck It Ralph but I'll catch it on DVD.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2012
    Zebraman is Takashi Miike's stab at making a superhero/tokusatsu movie of his own. He is mostly successful and the film is an interesting tribute to all of the tokusatsu shows like Ultraman and Super Sentai. This film honestly felt like it was inspired by the films of Minoru Kawasaki (Executive Koala, The Calamari Wrestler, etc) except it was very restrained and not as crazy as the latter's output. Despite all of that, the film is incredibly madcap and entertaining on its own. I'm going to be seeing the sequel (Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City) soon because I enjoyed this film.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Fun fact, Zebraman is one of my dad's favorite movies.
  • Fun fact, Zebraman is one of my dad's favorite movies.
    Yo, being cool is genetic.
  • Nope. My Dad is super cool and I a MASSIVE DORK.
  • My dad is, without a doubt, where I get my love of the weird and campy.
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