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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I love the style, but if there's a director whose movies could be classed as style over story, it's Wes Anderson. Of the movies of his I've seen, Moonrise Kingdom was by far the best, but then again I've not seen his earlier movies.
    Have you seen the Life Aquatic?

  • Yup! I liked the first half. The second half made me want to chew my own arm off.
  • Out of the Wes Anderson movies I've seen, I'd rank them as...
    1. Royal Tenenbaums
    2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
    3. Moonrise Kingdom
    4. Life Aquatic.

    I think Moonrise is a great movie, but not fantastic due to some unnecessary fantasy-esque scenes that took me out of the movie. I feel Wes Anderson is really good at making stranger-than-life scenarios that feel strange and unbelievable, but at the same time feel realistic. However there are three notable scenes where I was taken out of the movie, which dropped it down.

    The acting was still phenomenal and I adored the ending. (Props to Bruce Willis, big time)
  • Watched brides maids under minor suggestion from Luke. Didn't particularly work for me personally, but it was not the worst thing.
  • Did you cringe at the scene I mentioned?
  • The Comedy is:

    1) Not a comedy.
    2) Very important satire.
    3) The movie with the most insanely uncomfortable "date" scene I have ever sat through. I felt physically ill.
  • Did you cringe at the scene I mentioned?
    I honestly could not guess what scene you had mentioned. Nothing made me cringe.
  • I am marathoning The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy during the storm, while I am finishing my Superman cape.
  • Skyfall is very good. It draws heavily from many movies including other Bonds, but also (in order):

    The second Bourne movie, Inception, Inception again, The Dark Knight Rises, The Silence of the Lambs, Batman Begins, more Bourne, Home Alone, Straw Dogs, Batman Begins.

    And, funnily enough, I have no problems with any of those (perceived) references. There were a few moments and plot points I had trouble with, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • Wreck-it Ralph is really, really good, you guys.
  • Saw Casino Royale for the first time 2 nights ago, it was pretty decent.
  • Frankenweenie was very good.
    The Ten was very good.
  • Wreck-it Ralph is really, really good, you guys.
    I am really considering watching this either today or tomorrow, after all the good stuff I have heard from it.
  • The Exorcist was great! Woo!
  • Drive did not have enough driving.
  • Drive did not have enough driving.
    The opening ten minutes was amazing, and I wanted lots more like that. I was very disappointed with the second half of that movie.
  • Drive was brilliant in that it showed what an 80's action movie character would be like in the real world: a murdering sociopath.
  • Drive was brilliant in that it showed what an 80's action movie character would be like in the real world: a murdering sociopath.
    Also...Albert Brooks in one of his most frightening roles ever. I almost thought that it wasn't him because he was so different.

  • I really loved Wreck-It Ralph.
  • Drive was brilliant in that it showed what an 80's action movie character would be like in the real world: a murdering sociopath.
    Not really a sociopath or a psychopath... one of the other ones I think?
  • I really loved Wreck-It Ralph.
    As you should.

    I assume that you lost it as much as I did when you saw King Candy's passcode.

  • It killed me.
  • Drive was brilliant in that it showed what an 80's action movie character would be like in the real world: a murdering sociopath.
    Also...Albert Brooks in one of his most frightening roles ever. I almost thought that it wasn't him because he was so different.
    I am not sure I would say frightening but it was definitely one my favorite roles for him.
  • Drive was brilliant in that it showed what an 80's action movie character would be like in the real world: a murdering sociopath.
    Also...Albert Brooks in one of his most frightening roles ever. I almost thought that it wasn't him because he was so different.
    I am not sure I would say frightening but it was definitely one my favorite roles for him.
    I say frightening because it is such a stark and far departure from what Brooks is known and so unprecedented that he would take such a role...I think the word is warranted in my opinion.

  • Just watched Warrior. It's a formulaic sports movie about MMA. You know that typical Rocky plot where some ludicrous underdog main character under incredible circumstances makes it to the big time. It has a lot of those annoying cliches like fake sportscasters giving corny commentaries. It also has the usual excuses to hype up the artificial tournament to be the biggest deal in the world. And don't they know Atlantic City was a shithole even before the hurricane?

    Despite that, in all other respects, this thing is actually pretty great. Yes it followed the formula, but in every other part of the recipe, other than the two I just mentioned, they chose the finest of ingredients. Even the training montage was so well done I had to think back and say to myself, yeah I guess that part was the training montage. Usually that shit stands out like priest at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve.

    You may not care about MMA. You may have seen every sports movie with this formula a zillion times. I still say you should see this one and then you probably won't need to see anymore.
  • I really loved Wreck-It Ralph.
    As you should.

    I assume that you lost it as much as I did when you saw King Candy's passcode.
    Gonna see it myself tomorrow. Glad to hear these good reviews here.

  • Wreck It Ralph was fantastic. All if the video game references were great. I'll address more later as we'll as reply to Scott's post about Warrior.
  • Wreck It Ralph was wonderful. In-jokes that didn't take away from the already good plot and characters, Sarah Silverman didn't make me want to gouge my ears out like she usually does, so a win-win all around!
  • Wreck It Ralph was wonderful. In-jokes that didn't take away from the already good plot and characters, Sarah Silverman didn't make me want to gouge my ears out like she usually does, so a win-win all around!
    Vanellope was the cutest character ever. Seriously.
  • Argo was very good.
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