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What movie have you seen recently?



  • There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
  • It's Star Trek.
    Oh yea *Scott Rubin might have some good opinions on movies but NEVER EVER trust his opinion on Sci-fi*
  • For the record, the 2009 Star Trek is currently in the IMDB Top 250. It's also on my hard drive. Thus I included it in the options. Mary Poppins and Logan's Run are the only two films not in the IMDB Top 250 among those options, though they're on the hard drive and I thought they'd be on the verge of the Top 250.
  • For the record, the 2009 Star Trek is currently in the IMDB Top 250. It's also on my hard drive. Thus I included it in the options. Mary Poppins and Logan's Run are the only two films not in the IMDB Top 250 among those options, though they're on the hard drive and I thought they'd be on the verge of the Top 250.
    Yeah, IMDB top 250 does have this problem that movies that are hot now go way up the list without first standing the test of time. If you want to avoid some of that, there are plenty of alternative lists to go by. The Board Game Geek list has the same problems.

    Also, I just printed out a new IMDB 250 list today, but I still have my old list from back in the day which has a lot less of those problems. Despite the fact that the lists are over 5 years apart, they is very little change between them.
  • Yeah, I've noticed that. The most astonishing one for me when I compiled it today was Kick-Ass clocking in at #247 or so, beating out Nausicaä. Found that completely unfathomable. Kick-Ass was a fun and entertaining movie, but I don't think it's close to the 250 best movies of all time, and it is definitely not better than Nausicaä.
  • The results skew toward newer movies, which then slowly drop over time.
  • The results skew toward newer movies, which then slowly drop over time.
    Thanks Rym. Did not figure that out myself...
  • edited January 2011
    There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    Quoted three times for emphasis. Seriously. Watch that shit.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    There is no contest. The Godfather wins that list.
    Quoted three times for emphasis. Seriously. Watch that shit.
    It's an offer you can't refuse. Trust us. If you don't, you'll end up sleeping with the fishes.
  • Or a horse's head.
  • Watched Scarface. Read the Wikipedia page on it afterward. Really shows me how desensitized I, or perhaps the world in general, have become to violence, drugs and graphic language compared to only 30 years ago. Critics were outraged then about it then, now it's just normal. Then again, I pretty much grew up with things referencing scarface, e.g. GTA Vice City. Or more recently the South Park episode with Cartman as the KFC dealer.

    The movie is long, but didn't get boring. Good one, but not necessarily one of my favorites.

    For contrast programming, and because I got an hour and 25 minutes to kill, I'm now going to watch The Jungle Book. I'll watch Godfather tomorrow.
  • For contrast programming, and because I got an hour and 25 minutes to kill, I'm now going to watch The Jungle Book. I'll watch Godfather tomorrow.
    The Jungle Book has been one of my favorite movies since I was about one year old. I love that movie!
  • I remember good things about The Jungle Book, but I hadn't seen it in ages. I had also never seen it in englisch. To me "The Bare Necessities" was always "Probiers mal mit Gemütlichkeit" which translates to "Just try a little comfort". Actually a very good adaptation of that song from the original into a different language. Great movie anyway. But I really wonder why The Lion King is the only Disney animated feature among the IMDB Top 250. The Jungle Book belongs in there IMHO.
  • I remember good things about The Jungle Book, but I hadn't seen it in ages. I had also never seen it in englisch. To me "The Bare Necessities" was always "Probiers mal mit Gemütlichkeit" which translates to "Just try a little comfort". Actually a very good adaptation of that song from the original into a different language.
    I personally think that all the Disney song dubs are pretty good, at least insofar as the French versions are concerned. Does the German title retain the pun? (I'm guessing it dosn't)
  • Not really. Unless you want to be "clever" and say "Probärs mal mit Gemütlichkeit".
  • edited January 2011
    All of them in that order except Star Trek.
    What? FU the new Star Trek was pretty good. You are right it does not deserve to be in "that" list but it definitely should be watched.
    It's Star Trek.
    Of possible interest to you, Scott: the 2009 Star Trek movie actually shares a lot of styling in common with classic Star Wars. The characters and setting might be Trek, but the dialogue, pacing, editing, and emotional beats are closer to Star Wars. This was demonstrated pretty neatly by Red Letter Media in their review of the movie last year.

    In other news, I've seen a lot of movies lately, but the latest one I saw was Season of the Witch. Oddly enough, would have been better if it had been more actively terrible. Seriously, either go with the campy, over-the-top, anachronistic dialogue, or go with the serious, supernatural medieval period piece. Just pick one, and preferably the one you're good at (hint: it's not the serious version). That said, still some so-bad-it's-good moments in it. Like Ron Perlman headbutting a devil monster. And such classic lines as "...We're gonna need more holy water." Also, some unironically good make-up effects, mostly for the plague sufferers/corpses. AWFUL computer graphics, though. There are some wolves in the movie that are particularly awful-looking when they go all evil and shit.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I just attempted to watch Star Trek IV not knowing anything about the plot before watching it, and all I can say is this:

    H-U-M-P-B-A-C-K W-H-A-L-E-S?!
  • I watched Yojimbo last night and Sanjuro tonight. The main character is one of the greatest badasses in cinema history, and I think I've got a man-crush on Toshirō Mifune.
  • I watched Yojimbo last night and Sanjuro tonight. The main character is one of the greatest badasses in cinema history, and I think I've got a man-crush on Toshirō Mifune.
    I share your man crush. I prescribe watching 7 Samurai to see his naked ass.
  • I share your man crush. I prescribe watching7 Samurai to see his naked ass.
    Smack dat ass Mifune! Entice your enemies and admires alike!
  • dsfdsf
    edited January 2011
    I saw freejack last night. Emilio Estaves and I think Anthony Hopkins was the bad guy. OH AND CAN'T FORGET MCJAGGER.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • edited January 2011
    As for 12 Angry Men, it is indeed a very, very, fine film.
    This. I just saw it.
    xkcd's timeline alone is enough reason to take an interest in it, although I decided to download and see it when it was praised by Scott.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I saw freejack last night. Emilio Estaves and I think Anthon Hopkins was the bad guy. OH AND CAN'T FORGET MCJAGGER.
    Nothing like getting sent to the future!!!!!! 2009...... They definitely did not predict what New York City would look like...
  • Saw Unthinkable last night at a friends. A very simple but good movie driven by the characters and very little else.
  • Just saw Tron Legacy. It was really a ditz of a movie, pretty and fun, but rather vapid.
  • Idiocracy is a film full of grim truths and dark prophecies.
  • Just saw Tron Legacy. It was really a ditz of a movie, pretty and fun, but rather vapid.
    pretty much my opinion. Not sure why people like it.. THOUGH most people like a ditz....
  • Idiocracy is a film full of grim truths and dark prophecies.
    It's got what plants crave.
  • edited January 2011
    Wanted to see Tron: Evo in 3D.

    Local cinema had two showings in 2D and the only 3D showing was at midnight.

    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • On a plane in Brazil, and the movie options were either films that didn't interest me at all (Bucket List, Eat Pray Love Vomit, etc) or movies I'd seen before (Social Network). So I watched Disney's Aladdin. It was pretty good! I think I enjoyed it more this time round than when I first watched it 20 years ago, or whenever it came out.

    Then I watched an episode of Big Bang Theory, and wished I hadn't.
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