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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Question - If I started making custom Jungle Speed totems, how many of you would be interested?
    I'd buy two, but it would have to be exactly identical to the original wooden one. I don't want some other unofficial totem.
  • edited December 2011
    Question - If I started making custom Jungle Speed totems, how many of you would be interested?
    I'd buy two, but it would have to be exactly identical to the original wooden one. I don't want some other unofficial totem.
    That was my plan, make the dimensions identical - the weight might be a little different, since it'll be different wood, but not significantly - And then if you wanted them, names or designs burned into it, or other little customizations that don't affect the weight or function. I could also make them out of different woods, and so on, or make different sizes, shapes, whatever else, if people ask for them - but the base model would just be pretty much the same as a regular totem, but customized.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • There is an actual Formula D league in my area. There are so many different maps that they try to actually race the races that actual Formula 1 cars race at the same time. It's kinda crazy but kinda awesome.
  • There is an actual Formula D league in my area. There are so many different maps that they try to actually race the races that actual Formula 1 cars race at the same time. It's kinda crazy but kinda awesome.
    That is awesome. Is it every player for him/herself or do they have racing "teams" as well?

  • Question - If I started making custom Jungle Speed totems, how many of you would be interested?
    I'd buy two, but it would have to be exactly identical to the original wooden one. I don't want some other unofficial totem.
    That was my plan, make the dimensions identical - the weight might be a little different, since it'll be different wood, but not significantly - And then if you wanted them, names or designs burned into it, or other little customizations that don't affect the weight or function. I could also make them out of different woods, and so on, or make different sizes, shapes, whatever else, if people ask for them - but the base model would just be pretty much the same as a regular totem, but customized.

    No stainless totems?
  • There is an actual Formula D league in my area. There are so many different maps that they try to actually race the races that actual Formula 1 cars race at the same time. It's kinda crazy but kinda awesome.

    That is awesome. Is it every player for him/herself or do they have racing "teams" as well?

    There are informal teams in case people can't always make the races. Just to keep the league coherent.
  • Question - If I started making custom Jungle Speed totems, how many of you would be interested?
    I'd buy two, but it would have to be exactly identical to the original wooden one. I don't want some other unofficial totem.
    That was my plan, make the dimensions identical - the weight might be a little different, since it'll be different wood, but not significantly - And then if you wanted them, names or designs burned into it, or other little customizations that don't affect the weight or function. I could also make them out of different woods, and so on, or make different sizes, shapes, whatever else, if people ask for them - but the base model would just be pretty much the same as a regular totem, but customized.

    No stainless totems?
    I could, but I've only got a wood lathe heading my way. It would require getting time in an appropriately equipped machine-shop, which I'm not sure if I'd be able to get in a timely fashion. I'm still looking into it. That said, I can't recommend Steel totems - tried that trick before, and it is not fun.

  • What about iron totems? You put them in the fire for about an hour before playing, and then it makes the game a bit more cutthroat?
  • Gabe's post about Super Dungeon Explore now has me wanting to play the game. We haven't had the chance yet and I'm trying to get an impromptu gaming session this weekend if not next weekend. I need some board gaming in my life.
  • I was at my local game store, and Super Dungeon Explore immediately caught my attention. It definitely looks awesome, and I can't wait to try it out at some point!
  • I just have not had the time to put all those pieces together. 5 hours is tough to come by! I've had that game sitting on my shelf for weeks now. Truly a shame I couldn't get a post out on it before everyone else's started hitting.

    In good news, I'm going to be able to make it to my local game night tonight, woohoo.
  • I was at my local game store, and Super Dungeon Explore immediately caught my attention. It definitely looks awesome, and I can't wait to try it out at some point!
    Is there something about it that seperates it from games of a similar style?
  • I was at my local game store, and Super Dungeon Explore immediately caught my attention. It definitely looks awesome, and I can't wait to try it out at some point!
    Is there something about it that seperates it from games of a similar style?
    Really good marketing.
  • I was at my local game store, and Super Dungeon Explore immediately caught my attention. It definitely looks awesome, and I can't wait to try it out at some point!
    Is there something about it that seperates it from games of a similar style?
    Haven't read the rules yet, but for sure, the components. This is the publishers first stab at making a board game so I'm a bit cautious on how it will actually play, but they were previously a high-end miniatures manufacturer and it shows. These things are little works of art. It's got a big influence from the miniatures world where people care just as much about the crafting as they do about the game. My hope is that it doesn't wind up being a game with no audience (too simple for miniatures people, too complex for board gamers).

  • Honestly, this game wasn't given any special treatment at my local store. It sat on the shelves with the other board games, so I don't really see the influence of "good marketing" (unless you are referring to the interesting box art).
  • I just saw it on display as a new game that came out. Saw the cute chibi SD characters and picked it up and looked at it. I showed it to Jeremy, did a quick glance on BGG to see what others said, then teh buying.
  • The Dice Tower seems to like SDE's simplicity and straightforwardness, and said that it was akin to video games like Gauntlet.
  • Honestly, this game wasn't given any special treatment at my local store. It sat on the shelves with the other board games, so I don't really see the influence of "good marketing" (unless you are referring to the interesting box art).
    I can tell you for certain that Super Dungeon Explore does not have any exceptional marketing tactics. They've had a good presence at conventions, and have followed the standard practice of sending free copies of their game out to a boatload of bloggers. No in-store demo program, haven't seen any ads, etc. No pre-order exclusives or promotional expansion content.

    The push it's getting from Gabe seems to be completely organic, in that SDE has had demos at PAX for 2+ years now so he was likely aware of it, and happened to see it on his local store's shelf.

  • I'm going to our gaming group's annual Day of Taking. This means that I'll get to pick out a wrapped game from the pile when I get there, but more importantly I'll get to wrap up my own game to bring! Sweet!
  • Honestly, I'm really tempted to buy Super Dungeon Explore for the miniatures alone. For some reason, it's giving me the itch to get into miniatures painting.
  • If you are just starting out I would recommend painting something simpler.
  • Got to the local Wednesday board game night again last night and played in a big game of Automobile. Holy hell that game is deep. The BGG page for it is very telling in that nobody can seem to agree on what the best strategies are. Shows that the game is incredibly well balanced with many paths to victory.

    Basically, it's a money-making game where you have to build factories, produce cars, and be able to sell them. It runs through four turns, each of which is about a half hour long and involves several phases. All sorts of little gears and levers to turn but somehow never gives a fiddly aftertaste.

    Of course I hadn't played in roughly 9 months, sat down, and everyone else had. They blew right through the setup before I could even get a refresher so I made a lot of hasty decisions early on as to not make the game interminably long. It put me in last place, although by the end of the game I was only behind 3rd by an extremely thin margin. Just makes me want to play again so badly.
  • Has anyone tried Eclipse? It's been getting some insane amount of hype on BGG and looks pretty damn awesome.
  • edited December 2011
    Has anyone tried Eclipse? It's been getting some insane amount of hype on BGG and looks pretty damn awesome.
    I pre-ordered it because Timo hyped it up and the Magic 8-ball says

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Look at the post by Timo on the previous page.

    Pre-ordered where exactly Scott?
  • I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but OH MY GOD.

    X-Wing Pre-Painted Miniatures Game (it's worth going Capital First Letters for)

    So much want.
  • I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but OH MY GOD.

    X-Wing Pre-Painted Miniatures Game (it's worth going Capital First Letters for)

    So much want.
    OMG, I am so playing that at a convention, but not buying it.
  • Don't worry. I'll buy a massive set and bring it to PAX/PAX East every year for epic battles.
  • So... Star Wars meets Wings of War?
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