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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Wondering how similar (or not) it is to their old Man O War game
  • Board games don't cross over with anime that often, but here's a new game debuting at Essen:
  • Board games don't cross over with anime that often, but here's a new game debuting at Essen:
    OMG what a great idea. Lupin III is the perfect theme for a cooperative/competitive game. I should get this even if it sucks.
  • Went on a mini buying Spree over the weekend and bought the new Elder Signs game, Innovations, and On the Brink, the expansion to Pandemic.

    So far, the expansion is pretty cool, and changes the game enough that it's not so easily solvable.

    I've been reading over the rules for Elder Sign, but haven't played it yet. I like that you can play it solo, and any game that can turn a 4-6 hour session of Arkham Horror, which I love but it's just too long, into a 90minute-2 hour game, is right up my alley.

    I've played Innovation lots of times with a friend's copy, and really enjoyed it as a chaotic filler game, and thought it was out of print, so when I saw it at the store, I snapped it up because it's a fun game with just enough strategy and just enough luck to fit a good 30 minute game.
  • Board games don't cross over with anime that often, but here's a new game debuting at Essen:
    *cautious applause*
  • edited September 2011
    Usually if a Tanga deal doesn't sell out in an hour, it's not that great of a deal. I thought Dominion for $22 was a steal as well, but then it turns out after $7 shipping, it's the same price that Amazon sells it for every day w/ free shipping.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I picked up a copy of Battleship Galaxies and am REALLY excited to try it out, been excited about this one for awhile.

    I also played another round of Battlestations last night and was very happy to find that it is still as fun as I remember it. It's a great combination of board game and RPG, without being too heavy into either. An absolute, absolute blast of a game to play.
  • edited October 2011
    i tried the new Star Trek deckbuilding game. It was like Dominion, but with more complications like the mission cards had to gotten by either having the requirements or if it's a ship defeating it. Getting them was basically fighting for victory points, but you needed 400. Someone said it had the Monopoly effect as in there is a clear winner, but the game play wont stop. Ever. This is the second needlessly complicated Star Trek game I tried and hated. Oh Why can't there be a Trek game for me! Noo~!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I actually own the Star Trek: Fleet Captains game, which is absolutely spectacular (in my opinion). It's simple, but a lot of fun.
  • Risk Legacy showed up on Saturday. Now to assemble a group of dedicated gamers who will actually play its campaign through. Yes, the games are shorter than standard Risk games so that should help. Apparently the game will assume its final shape in 15 games or less. After that, all of the changes to the board & deck of card will be complete, and you can play the resulting game as many times as you want afterwards.
  • A wargame without any random elements and is PURE skill? Color me intrigued.
  • Neato. I'm intrigued by this.
  • A wargame without any random elements and is PURE skill? Color me intrigued.

    It's called Diplomacy
  • I'm not very familiar with the hardcore train games but it looks like that's about to change. The latest crayon rails game, Nippon Rails (part of the Empire Builder series from Mayfair Games) showed up on my doorstep unexpectedly this morning. Time to see what all this craziness is about.
  • Picked up Arkham Horror: Elder Signs. Looks good and all but the core mechanic is based on Yahtzee. Roll a bunch of dice to get specific face results in order to complete an action.
  • Picked up Arkham Horror: Elder Signs. Looks good and all but the core mechanic is based on Yahtzee. Roll a bunch of dice to get specific face results in order to complete an action.
    Fantasy Flight actually just announced an iOS and Android version of the game this morning. The notes give a lot of clues as to how the game might change if they ever put out an official expansion. Most complaints I've read on that game are that it winds up being too easy. The mobile app version only allows you to play against the most powerful Old One, makes the decks of cards a bit more vicious, and strips out the ability to assist other players. Looks like they're taking those comments to heart.
  • How is the Arkham Horror app? I was going to get it but it costs money.
  • It's not the actual game, it just helps by digitizing and automating all of the fiddliness. I've never actually seen that app in person as I'm not a big Arkham Horror fan so I didn't buy it myself. You shouldn't write off an app solely because it costs money though. There is some good stuff out there.
  • I let the credit card on my iTunes expire so buying apps in not going to happen.
  • Opened the shrink on Ticket to Ride: Asia map pack last night. Got in a 6-player game on the team map (2-person teams). The map had some neat little twists like destinations that have no names and are otherwise worthless aside from their positioning. There are also triple routes.

    We had fun, but there are some really funky rules with shared information, and there is no discussion of game strategy allowed. Each person gets their own set of 27 trains and holds their own ticket and train cards. The team gets two of these big wooden card holders, and each person can put 1 of their tickets in the holder, allowing the opponent to see it. If you want to share more tickets, you have to skip a turn and can move two more ticket cards from your hand to the holder.

    Train cards work similar. When you draw two new train cards, 1 must go to the card holder and one to your hand. The ones in the holder are shared with you and your partner, and either of you can use them.

    Was kinda weird but at least a novel experience. I really want to play again so that says something, but it might just be b/c I can't figure out how I feel about the team play.
  • Dominion: Hinterlands came out today. We're getting it tomorrow. I'm honestly "meh" about more expansions, but Jeremy is excited.

    I still have to play Smallworld: Underground.

    In regards to board games, I'm learning more towards iOS games for the iPad.
  • Dominion: Hinterlands came out today. We're getting it tomorrow. I'm honestly "meh" about more expansions, but Jeremy is excited.

    I still have to play Smallworld: Underground.

    In regards to board games, I'm learning more towards iOS games for the iPad.
    If all board games turn into video games, tabletop will end up merging with handheld at PAX.
  • I don't think that's necessarily the case. I think board games will still exist, but it's nice to have as a video game to be able to play on-the-go, or with various people all over the world.

    I'm also sure that there are certain board games as video games as well as they are more fun when played together vs online.
  • Dominion: Hinterlands came out today. We're getting it tomorrow. I'm honestly "meh" about more expansions, but Jeremy is excited.

    I still have to play Smallworld: Underground.

    In regards to board games, I'm learning more towards iOS games for the iPad.
    If all board games turn into video games, tabletop will end up merging with handheld at PAX.
    The ability to spend 3 days at a table playing a physical board game is most of the reason why I go to a gaming con, PAX included. I love the digital board games and they keep my fire for the hobby alive when I can't go to a game night, and help me stay connected with friends I might only otherwise see at cons. When we get together for real though, it's time to put that stuff away.

  • As long as you don't have to deal with someone's SBD farts.

    I'm looking at you, Rym.
  • As long as you don't have to deal with someone's SBD farts.

    I'm looking at you, Rym.
    So are you saying when he ate that big Chipotle lunch earlier in the day, he was just metagaming?

  • edited November 2011
    We're writing about the order you placed on November 13, 2011. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship the item(s) as soon as we expected and need to provide you with a new estimate of when the item(s) may be delivered:

    "Dominion: Hinterlands"
    New Delivery Estimate: December 19, 2011
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So has anyone heard about Super Dungeon Explore? It looks pretty interesting.
  • So has anyone heard about Super Dungeon Explore? It looks pretty interesting.
    I have shamefully received a pre-release copy 2-3 weeks ago and have not played it yet. The models are incredibly detailed (they are a miniatures company primarily) and they come in up to 8 or 9 separate pieces. And there are a lot of minis. Could take several hours of gluing to get this whole thing together and I just haven't had the time.

    Risk Legacy also still sits high on my pile of shame. I have to squeeze board gaming in wherever I can each week. Rare is it that I have the same 5 people at a table, which has prevented me from playing this game. If we are gonna do Risk Legacy, we are going to do it right. It's such a shame since I also got one of the first copies of this as well.

    In other board game news. My Little Pony took over Board Game Geek today. Sits atop the hotness. This game's page is hilarious, read all the content.

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