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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Read the rules while my car was getting inspected. This seems... promissing. Probably playing 3-player tomorrow after the 15th risk legacy game. May try to round people up tonight but it's unlikely.
  • Went to another unpub event and managed to play some more games. The one of note that you all need to keep an eye on is City Hall. The guy is from NYC and HOLY SHIT the game is awesome. Just the right amount of Euro style and length of time for players.
  • Vegas is a great game. It's a betting game where ties result in everyone losing, resulting in much hilarity and humility.
  • Went to another unpub event and managed to play some more games. The one of note that you all need to keep an eye on is City Hall. The guy is from NYC and HOLY SHIT the game is awesome. Just the right amount of Euro style and length of time for players.
    The Unpub guys are good people! I went down do Delaware for their Unpub 2 event a few months back. You are not the first person to tell me great things about City Hall. I'm gonna have to look into this one.
  • edited June 2012
    Finished a 3 player game of Eclipse. I could tell one guy got ahead fairly early and I lagged behind. 33 to 28 him, with one guy trailing at 17. It's most definitely interesting. We didn't have much combat, everyone felt that it was too risky to go in, but at the end of the day all those un-used ships accomplished nothing.

    Wish I could play that a couple more times.

    Also I did not initially anticipate that you could only research 9 things. That kinda ruined my "go research" build.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • In Eclipse you really have to upgrade your ships, do the math, and strike at the opportune moment. You only have a few turns before the game is over, so act fast. Most people are looking at their neighbors. A good strategy is to look at the ships of your more distant neighbor. Then design your ships to counteract theirs. Then attack from a few spaces away, which they won't be prepared for. Everyone is prepared to defend against an attack from adjacent forces. If you crush someone 2+ spaces away, they will be in deep shit.
  • edited June 2012
    Can you really only do every action type once? One thing we ran into was that we couldn't move enough ships into the galactic center to take it from one guy because we could only move three ships at a time.

    Edit: Yeah... appears you can repeat actions. I did not realize this, and probably influenced our game. I actually used each action once on the last phase specifically to get the other guy to move before I "had" to move, but that's not actually a thing.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I also apparently missed the line about getting all colony ships back after the round was over. So both things we were doing wrong probably slowed down the game significantly. It still was relatively fair and I think we still learned enough from that play-through to be ready to play six players on Saturday.
  • I'm going camping this weekend with a bunch of people with good taste in board games, so I present this Question to you:

    Should I purchase Porto Rico for this trip even though none of us have ever played it before and we will probably only have a chance to play it once regardless of how much we like it? Is it a game that is fun right away if you start with no idea what you're doing?

    To be clear, we have other games we can take (Dominion, Apples to Apples, Battlestar Galactica) so this isn't a question of Porto Rico or nothing.
  • It's Puerto Rico. If none of you know how to play, it will take some time to read the rules and learn it. Also, it has lots of small pieces and needs a table. How will you play that while camping?
  • Yea, Your pretty much stuck with simple card games unless you have a picnic table and even then the chance to lose pieces is way too big.
  • edited June 2012
    It's Puerto Rico. If none of you know how to play, it will take some time to read the rules and learn it.
    I'm 100% sure it will go over well with this crowd but maybe this isn't the time or the place.
    Also, it has lots of small pieces and needs a table. How will you play that while camping?
    When I saw "camping" I really mean "going to a fully furnished trailer that is close to water and a fire and isn't my house for the purpose of leisure" so small pieces won't be a problem.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • well you should have put quote marks around "camping" you wimpy "camper" :-p
  • Hey, don't judge. This afternoon, I'm going sky diving with my two year old. By "sky diving" I mean we're going to grab corners of a blanket and jump off of the couch in our living room repeatedly.
  • Who's got his copy of eclipse in the mail today and has two thumbs! This guy!
  • edited June 2012
    Hey, don't judge. This afternoon, I'm going sky diving with my two year old. By "sky diving" I mean we're going to grab corners of a blanket and jump off of the couch in our living room repeatedly.
    Whoa there don't go too crazy next thing he is going to want to do is participate in extreme ironing.


    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • edited June 2012
    I'm an ultralight backpacking board gamer. My miniature copy of Agricola is made of titanium pieces.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I drive a commercial vehicle. I could carry two pallet-loads of Agricola without it even breaking a metaphorical sweat.
  • I have the travel edition of settlers, but the cards are in German so most of the time I need to spend 5 minutes before the start of the game explaining what does what to everyone.
  • I have the travel edition of settlers, but the cards are in German so most of the time I need to spend 5 minutes before the start of the game explaining what does what to everyone.
    You should explain to them that if it wasn't for the USA, you'd be speaking...well, nevermind.

  • I have been working on a production document for a tabletop show for the Internet. I need more hobbies...
  • I have the travel edition of settlers, but the cards are in German so most of the time I need to spend 5 minutes before the start of the game explaining what does what to everyone.
    You should explain to them that if it wasn't for the USA, you'd be speaking...well, nevermind.
    I'm enough of a Great War nerd that I've already told them that.
  • I have the travel edition of settlers, but the cards are in German so most of the time I need to spend 5 minutes before the start of the game explaining what does what to everyone.
    You should explain to them that if it wasn't for the USA, you'd be speaking...well, nevermind.
    I'm enough of a Great War nerd that I've already told them that.
    Masterful trolling, chap, nearly had me.
  • So masterful I trolled myself. What was the troll?
  • edited June 2012
    I figure that if you're that much of a nerd about the World Wars, then you know that it's a lot more complex than the simple(and I add, stereotypical of Americans) portrayal of "Well, if it wasn't for us, everybody would be speaking German and/or Japanese!"

    Thus, I was about to reply, and then figured you were trolling because of your self-professed nerd-ness on the topic.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ah. Yeah. There were a few more things between the Axis Powers and victory than just MacArthur and Ike.
  • Ah. Yeah. There were a few more things between the Axis Powers and victory than just MacArthur and Ike.
    Absolutely. Now, I'm not going to be one of those people who downplay their involvement - the US was certainly of great assistance in ending the wars sooner than it would have otherwise - but like you said, it wasn't the be all and end all.

  • Ah. Yeah. There were a few more things between the Axis Powers and victory than just MacArthur and Ike.
    But you said you were a Great War nerd, those two are from the Second World War ;)

  • Yeah, because the whole "If it weren't for us you would all be speaking German" thing is actually quite applicable to the Great War. Once Russia left the war, Germany would have been left with only one front, where they actually stood a decent chance -- especially given how mutinous the French army was. They easily could have taken back Alsace-Lorraine, possibly all of France. The only problem would be whether or not Motlke and The Kaiser would've had the brains to make peace with England instead of try to invade.
  • There is a reason I need to get an exacto knife, it would make things like this much easier.


    Remove one plastic divider in a $2 craft organizer to fit the cards in Ora et Labora. Makes set up and clean up SO MUCH EASIER!
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