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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Question: Orbitals and monoliths stick around on the hex they were created. Can you take over someone else's structures if you win the hex? I'm assuming so...
    I totally stole a bunch of Scott's monoliths on turn 9 by suddenly developing the Wormhole Generator.

    It was beautiful.
  • Question: Orbitals and monoliths stick around on the hex they were created. Can you take over someone else's structures if you win the hex? I'm assuming so...
    I totally stole a bunch of Scott's monoliths on turn 9 by suddenly developing the Wormhole Generator.

    It was beautiful.
    I don't remember this.
  • Question: Orbitals and monoliths stick around on the hex they were created. Can you take over someone else's structures if you win the hex? I'm assuming so...
    I totally stole a bunch of Scott's monoliths on turn 9 by suddenly developing the Wormhole Generator.

    It was beautiful.
    I don't remember this.
    It was the second game we played. Or maybe the first. And I think it was one monolith, deep in Sector III.

  • Question: Orbitals and monoliths stick around on the hex they were created. Can you take over someone else's structures if you win the hex? I'm assuming so...
    I totally stole a bunch of Scott's monoliths on turn 9 by suddenly developing the Wormhole Generator.

    It was beautiful.
    I don't remember this.
    It was the second game we played. Or maybe the first. And I think it was one monolith, deep in Sector III.

    How do you remember this shit? I barely remember the MAGFest game except for when Rym was forced to team with me and I steamrolled the Galactic Core and your excuse for an empire.

  • You probably preferentially remember the times where you win, and downplay the times where you lose. It's a pretty standard human thing.
  • You probably preferentially remember the times where you win, and downplay the times where you lose. It's a pretty standard human thing.
    Seems I'm doing the opposite with Netrunner. All I remember is losing all the time.
  • You probably preferentially remember the times where you win, and downplay the times where you lose. It's a pretty standard human thing.
    Seems I'm doing the opposite with Netrunner. All I remember is losing all the time.
    This is a phenomenon called "sucking."

  • I assume one actually has to win once before they can start remembering it.
  • At least he is still playing after not winning. This clearly shows maturity and growth on Scott's part.
  • I need to get around to playing Agricola: All Creatures Big & Small. I saw people playing at NerdNYC and by all accounts it looks like an optimized (and slightly simplified) 2-player-only version of the game. They're doing a 2-player version of Le Havre now as well.
  • New Uwe Rosenberg game coming out later. Glass Road.
  • I am finally going to head out to my Friday night jaunt again, however soon it will be pictures and inventory in preparation for the how to stuff your box panel.
  • Game recap:

    Home of the Heartland - The only Dice Hate Me game that I would consider purchasing, it is a quick and fun warm-up that involves you picking up and delivering goods in the midwest. Won 1/2 games.

    Power Grid - You know those certain circumstances that in the beginning of the game that the absolute worse moves took place? Yea that happened to me and placed dead last.

    Glory to Rome - I won in epic fashion by completing the forum for my first building and pulling it off, it took the entire table 3 turns to slow me down from winning, but still pulled it off due to one of them making a huge mistake by following a laborer action.

    Stitchal and Chronicle - Two trick taking games, I won at Chronicle but suck at stichal, that requires a 5 suited deck of cards (look for 5th Dimention cards) but very fun.

    Castles of Burgundy - The entire game one player swore that he was killing us, I then scored 2 6 area territories to leap frog him and never looked back. The end of the game I had 31 bonus points with the help of the yellow 1 token.
  • Had a little 4th of July Board game event going on here is what I played:

    Lord of the Fries - Solid game that is out of print in which you need to complete an order as a brainless fast food worker (zombie), silly game in which the menus dramatically change the game would play again on a different menu

    DC Deckbuilder - Still a solid ascension clone and odd that one person at the table recent "got" what a deck building game contains

    Dixit Odyssey - The out of print 12 player edition, realized that "Annabel Lee" was too obscure of a clue for a picture of a pendulum that I played. Also noted according the group that I was not "picking up what they were putting down"
  • CTcon recap:

    Due to me helping panels this list is going to be much smaller then it could, issue is that the only way to get tickets to get a free game is to do learn and plays, too long of a game with nub tends to be for bad board gaming.

    Caveman the Quest of Fire: Been a while since I played it and got two games in, won both with Nate and Will thinking Rym will like this due to baby's first heuristics implementation.

    Puerto Rico: My time with Pence and Company in West Chester made me a god on the floor. Was able to be a step ahead of people who knew what they were doing and win off of Debloons.

    Jungle Speed: I killed it in a two player game, still got it.

    Channel A: An apples to apples twist that is made for me due to the fact the tropes presented, plus knowing your audience, plus being able to quickly come up with a story on the fly is nice. Thinking Languini still wins for this category but this is a close second.

    Bananagrams: I learned an important lesson, do not play this game with the tvh's you will get crushed.

    I am going to be going to Island Officials soon, if anyone would like me to pick them up a copy of Languini let me know and I can arrange buying and shipping it to you.
  • Oh man, we played a lot of Puerto Rico last month. Glad some of that training paid off at CTcon.

    I finally got the chance to play Glory to Rome last week, which is probably the variation of San Juan/Race/etc. that most of my friends will actually enjoy playing. Also bought my own copies of Acquire, Lifeboats, and Bohnanza.

    There is some talk of Eclipse going down this Friday. Soon...
  • You and I need to play Glory to Rome, I taught most of the store that game. Also I pulled the Forum victory last game and it was glorious.
  • Man, I pulled off a Forum Romanum victory in my second game. I assume someone could've stopped me if we weren't all noobs. Sewer -> Tower -> Forum Romanum.
  • The sewer is so goddamn hot.
  • Bananagrams: I learned an important lesson, do not play this game with the tvh's you will get crushed.
    Said the guy who came in second.
    I am going to be going to Island Officials soon, if anyone would like me to pick them up a copy of Languini let me know and I can arrange buying and shipping it to you.
    Me, please! I'll PM you my address.
  • Looks like I am going to be heading out there this Friday, will get pricing later today for the Languini sets. Please send me your info if still interested.
  • Come November, I will be hosting an Extra Life gaming marathon at my house, aka, my friends and I using charity as a cheap excuse to prove that board games are more important than sleep.
  • Guess what came in the mail....


    So can't wait to play this.
  • Recap:

    Greg now has the official Last copy of Languini! Congratulations it comes with a little swag. Plus I now have a list of games. I will try to remember to update the thing if interested in trading and/or purchasing a title let me know.

    Eclipse: played this twice in the past week and was in the middle of the pack, zomg guys the two turn taking system made the game playable within 6 people in under 4 hours! Boo Team Evil however (Pence/Russ).

    Pixel Lincoln: I played two games, need to play one or two more for final thoughts. Just have the base set with no expansions and it feels....light. The box design is awesome but is in despite need of more cards.

    Avalon: Its Medieval resistance with a few twists, better than resistance, still hate this genre of games.

    Ticket to Ride Europe: Manage to pull a 7 point victory while being cornered in Eastern Europe, still think it is better than USA map. Also going to force the 1911 expansion since the routes are getting known (to me).

    Castles of Burgundy: I think the 1 map may be the weakest map since no matter what map I play I can crush them in my final score

  • Like, the last ever? I don't feel comfortable with that much power.
  • Like, the last ever? I don't feel comfortable with that much power.
    Currently last ever, however they are looking to see if they can do another print run. So the title is yours on a short term basis.
  • Simultaneous turns is my favorite way to play Eclipse. Weird restrictions on research and possible race conditions with the tiles are acceptable tradeoffs, I want to be able to bust a game out and still have time for Race for the Galaxy after.

    Turn 2 explore into +8 energy > research +12 science development > research advanced labs is a pretty badass way to start when you don't need a navy to fight ancients. I was still a turn behind where I used to be on being able to push the center (I like to threaten the galactic center on turn 4, not 5).

    Looking at my plays on BGG, all I ever do since the expansion came out is ally immediately after taking the center, or ally with whoever takes the center, and I have not lost a game since. I may stop forming alliances while I'm in first place because I don't like what it does to the end of the game.
  • Invited to play Battle Star Galactica tonight. I played it once before and didn't really enjoy it. Turns took too long. One player gave himself special privileges to play some weird expansion character when nobody else was allowed such an opportunity. The "who's the cylon" game was not all that interesting. Show trivia seemed to be the main focus of play.

    What can I do to get the most out of this one?

    If that guy want to be some weird special character again without giving the rest of us the opportunity I'm going to say that I want it too. Because it won last time. :p
  • We played some other games instead.

    One of them was a Werewolf-like game called Avalon. Our Merlin fucked up amazingly.

    One of the baddies was the leader and he picked a team of Me, a loyal knight, and Merlin.

    Merlin thought that as she knew the leader was evil it'd be a good idea to betray the mission. Which is completely the wrong thing to choose.

    Rather than admit what had actually happened she accused me of being the evil person who sabotaged the first mission throughout the game despite her knowing that it wasn't true.

    I got agressively logical using my assumption that Merlin was in fact the traitor. And people paid attention to me.

    We inevitably lost in the third round.
  • Avalon is the King Arthur-themed version of The Resistance, aka the superior alternative to Werewolf/Mafia. It adds in some optional characters such as Merlin, which can be fun.
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