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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • Agricola desperately needs a storage solution - I can't think of another game with this ratio of pieces : plastic insert. (A lot : None)
    Buy a Plano box!

  • Ok, so I need a better click-tracking solution for Netrunner. I want to make four really high quality chits that are different on either side, so it is clear when they are flipped.
  • Scott, if you have any art skills, stop by a craft store (not sure if you have Michael's over there). I picked up a 7 piece wooden disc set to use for one of my other games, but they would work perfectly for Netrunner as well. For a few bucks more, you can pick up a simple wood engraver and create your own custom tokens. I want to get one of the engravers, but my funds are tight right now.
  • Get a copper, silver, gold, and platinum coin.
  • Old processors, one person gets AMD and the other gets Intel
  • Old processors, one person gets AMD and the other gets Intel
    That's not a bad idea, but they're probably a little too big. Can anyone think of anything else that is flat and is clearly different on each side? Coins are usually one color, so not the best choice.
  • Othello discs.
  • God, I want to build something involving a power glove for this.
  • Small candies. You eat each click, and repopulate the bowl every turn.
  • Carve individual little wooden statues of your identity. Destroy each one as you use a click.

    Dollar bills. Tear them up with each click, replenish from your wallet.
  • Othello discs.
  • I like using the colored stones for my Runner/Corp. I just use the color of whomever I'm using.
  • I like using the colored stones for my Runner/Corp. I just use the color of whomever I'm using.
    I like this idea. I think I'm going to use white and black Go pieces. (Go stones? What are they called?)
  • Yeah, they're called stones.
  • edited May 2013
    Board game recap:

    I played Shogun (Queen version) with Pence at Games Keep *waves*, got my ass kicked by Russ who took over one side of Japan and refortified small sectors on the other. Also I believe I now know how to teach Shogun for the Anime Boston panel.

    I bought and played Copycat again, it is a fun game and scored an achievement (yes there are achievements in this game). However I think I need to reread the rules about the deck since I think there are too many card for each age for a non four player game.

    Viva Java was played, and I still have the same complaints and Rym and Scott have. However half the table said they play it again to "make sure" while a third really dug the game.

    DC Deck Building is a nice ascension clone but need a bigger super villain deck to make sure you can't count on the effects that take place. Also Scarecrow on your first turn is awesome, especially combined with Aquaman's power of placing it on the top of the draw deck as soon as you buy it.

    Also did a two player game of Castles of Burgundy, it is vastly different enough to change the entire technique of winning the game.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I love two player Burgundy
  • Played four player burgundy tonight. Was really good. Will try two player.
  • edited May 2013
    Board game recap:

    I played Shogun (Queen version) with Pence at Games Keep *waves*, got my ass kicked by Russ who took over one side of Japan and refortified small sectors on the other.
    I almost won because people left me alone and I took all the building bonuses in the center of the map! It didn't hurt that I had enough cubes left in the tower to keep the peasants from destroying the territory I took from you.

    Been playing a lot of Mage Knight recently. Actually really enjoyable, although I'm surprised it's so high on the BGG rankings. It seems like the number of people who would be interested in such a heavy hand-management optimization game would be smaller.
    Post edited by pence on
  • I've recently acquired Mecatol Rex for my board game crew, now I don't have to bother trying to get Dune, hopefully. I've read they were the same game with different clothes. Not to mention they are already obsessed with Twilight Imperium, which has the same universe as MR.
  • I have created another game, it's pretty simple, so it is already in the beta phase and I think I want to try some blind play testing. I have a pdf set with the rules, cards and board components set up. It plays 2-4 players, and takes about 15-30 minutes depending on the number of players and speed of play (analysis paralysis can happen mid to late game).
    All anyone who prints it out would need are some pawns (I am using Sorry! pawns), something for wall tokens (I am using Stratego pieces), and some card sleeves (54 cards, you can use a deck of playing cards to reinforce them).
    The game is pretty simple at it's core. You play a card, place a wall (usually), then move a pawn. If your pawn is trapped with 4 walls, it is removed by the trapping player as a tie breaker point. Last one standing wins... Send me a message is you want to try it out, and I can send you the pdf files.
    Most of the feed back I am looking to get is clarity on the rules, and maybe some ways to make it more engaging either via different cards or something.
  • I was invited to play test Tasty Minstrels upcoming Captains of Industry today! I knew nothing about it so I peeked at the BGG page and like the little on there. NDA withstanding, I'll share what I can when I'm done.
  • What's the deal with Eridians in Eclipse? They seem to start w/ a couple huge advantages and no real drawbacks? I'm just noticing this now in the iOS version, so maybe there's some info about them that isn't shown in the species section of the app..
  • What's the deal with Eridians in Eclipse? They seem to start w/ a couple huge advantages and no real drawbacks? I'm just noticing this now in the iOS version, so maybe there's some info about them that isn't shown in the species section of the app..
    By the time you hit the third or fourth turn, those two missing influence discs start to hurt a lot. All of your actions are less efficient for the entire game. Every time I've seen an entire empire teeter over the brink and collapse entirely, they were playing Eridani.
  • edited May 2013
    What's the deal with Eridians in Eclipse? They seem to start w/ a couple huge advantages and no real drawbacks? I'm just noticing this now in the iOS version, so maybe there's some info about them that isn't shown in the species section of the app..
    Huh, now that I look at them, they are pretty great.

    EDIT: OH RIGHT. The influence discs.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited May 2013
    What's the deal with Eridians in Eclipse? They seem to start w/ a couple huge advantages and no real drawbacks? I'm just noticing this now in the iOS version, so maybe there's some info about them that isn't shown in the species section of the app..
    By the time you hit the third or fourth turn, those two missing influence discs start to hurt a lot. All of your actions are less efficient for the entire game. Every time I've seen an entire empire teeter over the brink and collapse entirely, they were playing Eridani.
    Ohhh, they start with two less influence? Yeah the iOS rules dont mention that part! Looks like you can get a strong start with them, but you'll have a hell of a balancing act later on.
    Post edited by johndis on
  • I think the key to winning with Eridani is efficiency. You can't hold as much territory. You can't take as many actions. You absolutely need points from things like orbitals and monoliths to get more with less. You also need to use the head start in powerful ship tech to "score" by preventing others from scoring by shooting them in the face.
  • They are considered one of the weaker races. I've won with them, but I've also played the game a TON at this point. Generally with them I rush a dreadnaught early.
  • I recently created another pdf with walls for my new game, so all anyone would need to play is a way to print the game and some pawns.
  • Speaking of walls...

    Does anyone know when the fuck Castellan is supposed to come out?
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