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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • I play games just to have fun, but I derive that fun by winning ;-p
  • This is what people don't understand: most games only work if each player is playing to win. That doesn't mean winning has to be what gives you enjoyment, but it must drive the manner in which you act, or else you are ruining the game for every other player. With tabletop games, where we often play with strangers, and games require a significant time investment, a large amount of trust is being placed in you to play to win. If you don't, you're being a dick.
  • You're right. Fun is intrinsic to the act. Therefore, the win isn't really necessary. It's a discrete thing from the fun. Winning can be more fun, or less, depending on the circumstances, but just *playing* is fun.

    It's more than a little bullheaded to say that playing for amusement rather than victory is somehow insulting or boorish. If you're taking the game so seriously that everyone else's investment is absolutely required in exactly the same manner as yours... you may be a little tightly strung.

    I can understand that mindset at the Olympics. Over a board game? Calm down.
  • To beat a dead horse, we all play everything to win whether we admit it or not. It just happens to be that we are not all playing the same game. You can phrase that in terms of utility, but I'm going simpler here.

    Some people just want to win at the "doing and thinking as little as possible while getting by" game.
  • To beat a dead horse, we all play everything to win whether we admit it or not. It just happens to be that we are not all playing the same game. You can phrase that in terms of utility, but I'm going simpler here.

    Some people just want to win at the "doing and thinking as little as possible while getting by" game.
    Nope, it's not about laziness or low investment.
  • Mini Recap:

    Hannabi - We finally hit 19!

    Fluxx the board game - Its flux...with card board...nope.

    Castles of Burgundy - Almost solved this game, working on the harder maps to force myself to get better at trickier scenarios

    Puerto Rico - The maneuver of Factory/Harbor is a killer
  • The alternate Agricola decks are invariably worse than the base decks.

    The decks aren't that stupid, however. They're necessary. Otherwise, the game is a fairly straightforward state machine and strategy locks in. They provide that little variation in strategy and available tactics that is necessary for replayability.

    However, they are broken in another sense: some loadouts are just superior in every way. The solution is to do a draft 7 Wonders style.
  • So there may or may not be the chance of me appearing on a dice tower network podcast or two in the future. Trying to think of the most obscure obscenity to say to have it not be flagged...
  • There's a dice tower... network? Wha?

    I really need to start watching more boardgame podcasts. I watched a few dice tower things on Risk Legacy and... I forget the other thing.. and they were really interesting.

    ...but watching awkward geeky guys be awkward and geeky makes me uncomfortable. :P
  • Pence I have remember the Innovation set, prepare to add it to your collection tonight.
  • Aww yiss. How much did you want for 'em?
  • Aww yiss. How much did you want for 'em?
    Thinking $20-25?
  • Recap:

    Freedom The Underground Railroad - Yes this is a co-op games where you are the underground railroad attempting to free slaves.

    Wow was this game a nice breath of fresh air, and much better than pandemic since although one person could tell you what to do there is no real "solution" on how to maximize the slaves to get enough money to buy congress to abolish it outright.

    Not for sale yet but keep an eye out for this one.

    Yomi - Opening hand was the following: Q, Q, Q, Q, A, A, J needless to say I won that game.

    Coup - A nice game to play, the problem was I was playing with new gamers so I couldn't tell if they were liars or not, did not do so well my first time out.

    Caveman the Quest for Fire - 2 people did not realized they hit the winning condition and I could not prevent others from winning AND win myself.

    Shadow Warriors - 2nd game of this, went better than the first but towards mid game I identified EVERYONE without using a single hermit card.

    Puerto Rico - The Expansion buildings threw off my normal game but did fairly well being pinned out of the money game.

    Castles of Burgendy - The New maps are killing my winning streak with this game, but makes it that much more enjoyable to do.
  • I love Coup (Sam might like it even more), and should have actual cheat sheets and cards by November so we don't have to use inkjet printouts and playing cards anymore. Rebalanced Shadow Hunters is a little harder to do up nicely, but I'd love to get paste-ups and a replacement for the mortal coil board.

    I'm pretty sure everyone in that Castles of Burgundy game had a higher score than I've ever seen before.
  • I'm starting to get good at Glory to Room. Good good.

    I love that game. It has enough layers to keep me interested long after the initial plays are through and done, much like Tigris & Euphrates or Puerto Rico.
  • I'm starting to get good at Glory to Room. Good good.
    If you liked Glory to Room. You should check out Honorable Unmentionables.
  • As well as games of Smash Up, Ticket to Ride, a few games of 7 Wonders (played with Fan created cards, which were erm weird don't think I would bother with them myself), King of Toyko, Cards against Humanity UK edition (where I came to the conclusion that I was right, it just isn't that good after you have seen the cards) I would have much rather have got in on the game of Big Idea and Citadels. I managed to get in some new games that I haven't played before.

    Galaxy Truckers Anniversary edition (I have played the orignal once) and the expansions are rubbish make the game horribley hard, what with the things that invade your ship. I had a hard enough times trying to build ships that work with just the basics without having to try and fit in interal defence systems, weapon cupboards and canteens (ok I made the last one up but I'm not suprised it isn't there)

    Dominant Species - It was fun, although I would say that after I won by the best part of 100 points because I was playing with a whole side of the map by myself as the other 3 players battled it out on the other side. However it is too long which would put me off playing it again, for what is basically a work placer game and the board/componants are very dull to look at.

    Cthluthu Gloom - It's ok but really needs a group that is going to embrace the story telling element which I wasn't playing in.

    Back to the Future - Pretty much no skill involved, just flip some cards over and hope for the best.
  • I'm starting to get good at Glory to Room. Good good.
    Room Demands Nickels?
  • Oh forgot to mention the random find, I now own the Tunnels expansion that connects Small World to Small World Underground.
  • I'm starting to get good at Glory to Room. Good good.
    Room Demands Nickels?
    Room can go fuck itself.

    Updated Ro and Jeremy's game list. (New games are Hanabi, Tokaido, Castellan, and Dark City expansion for Legendary)

    Also, Hedge Maze Hijinks new updated version. I returned a mechanic back to it's original state (play, then draw) and added new spell cards.
  • Just put in my shipping info for my copy of Velociraptor!Cannibalism!

    Now we wait.
  • Yeah, I put in mine too. I am still confused on whether or not I am supposed to get the stretch goal stuff (I pledged the $48 level). I hope Game Salute is quick with their shipping.
  • Wow that pre-order for Glory to Rome (Black Box Edition) is still listed as pre-order 3 months later.

    Why is it so hard to get a supply of board games to Australia?
  • Wow that pre-order for Glory to Rome (Black Box Edition) is still listed as pre-order 3 months later.

    Why is it so hard to get a supply of board games to Australia?
    Look on the website it will be available "early 2014."
  • edited October 2013
    Yeah, I put in mine too. I am still confused on whether or not I am supposed to get the stretch goal stuff (I pledged the $48 level). I hope Game Salute is quick with their shipping.
    I'll ask. My wedding photographer is part of the team.

    I will note that there is no option to buy any additional expansion box, so I think they are part of the full game.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • The answer:
    It's all coming together in the same package. DoomGlitter isn't in the box, but she's coming with it. The Mythos expansion is coming with it too. I think you'll really love it.
  • Awesome, I am really looking forward to it. I tried the Print and Play version when the campaign ended, before they started making improvements or got final art. I really enjoyed the game in its early stages and I am happy to know I will finally have it in my hands. I also got some insight on how to make sure I am more prepared when I go to publish my games.

    I have been making sure to put my newest game, Hedge Maze Hijinks through some thorough play testing before moving on to even the more expensive prototype phase.
  • Wow that pre-order for Glory to Rome (Black Box Edition) is still listed as pre-order 3 months later.

    Why is it so hard to get a supply of board games to Australia?
    Look on the website it will be available "early 2014."
    This message wasn't up when I first preordered it and the site I ordered from said it would be ready to ship in September. Well I guess I can wait a bit longer.

    On another note has anyone played "Betrayal from House on the Hill"? My friend recommended it to me after he played it somewhere.
  • I played it a long time ago and enjoyed it. It is one of those games with cooperative game play, but at a certain point, one of the players must play against the rest when things get real. I wanted to own it after playing it, but it was out of print and difficult to find. They finally reprinted it (I think another company rescued it) and I bought it quickly. I am not sure where I put it though. I haven't played it in quite a while, and want to play it again.
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