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Bike Get!



  • Apreche said:

    Apreche said:

    Rym said:

    I should bike more, but it seems like everything near my new house is either walkable or farther than I want to bike. Nothing I want seems to exist in the biking sweet spot.

    Get bike. Drive bike to biking trails on a Saturday morning. Bike a bunch. Picnic.

    Once you do that regularly, you'll find that what you consider to be "too far" becomes a long, long way.

    80 miles is "too far" for me.
    Part of it is also that those "too far" places involve traveling on high speed roads where riding a bike would be suicidal.
    Unless it's a freeway, interstate, etc. where bicycles aren't permitted anyway, you can bike it.
    I have no doubt that if everyone drove correctly a bike could be ridden there, but it's 6 lanes and a 45 zone. It's suicide.
    That's an interstate. You don't bike on that in the US. In Australia, the highways had bike lanes on the side.
    That's not an interstate, it's VA route 234 business. There are traffic lights.
  • The furthest I've biked for far is 40km (24.86 miles for you aliens), That pretty much gets be anywhere in London and back home.

    The only excuse I have to drive a car is, carrying shopping and or passengers.
  • Also, not having a car can drastically increase your definition of "biking distance".
  • Also, not having a car can drastically increase your definition of "biking distance".

    I personally own 3 vehicles.
  • I should point out that while Scott's right, it's not common. But we often have cycling paths and the like that take a similar route, though are not a marked lane on the highway, so same difference, really.
  • Last Sunday my bike was stolen, because I improperly chained it to the bike rail. Yes I blame myself. I was securing 2 bikes with 1 lock and had the D lock around the other bike, and the cable looped around mine.

    The other bike fine and unharmed, mine, gone never to be seen.

    Uninsured, frame number unknown. FML. I feel disabled. How do I go places....?
  • RymRym
    edited July 2015
    My bike commute is getting faster and faster. Moving time of 24:40.


    24:39 moving
    26:32 total

    18.1mph avg speed (including traffic) Top speed well over 30MPH
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited July 2015
    That's about how far my work is from my new place. I haven't rode my bike to work since I moved a couple months ago but I haven't figured out a route yet and I'm worried how the ride home will be. It's almost entirely downhill one way.

    Google says it would take me 48 minutes to ride my bike based on some sort of data.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • RymRym
    edited July 2015
    MATATAT said:

    Google says it would take me 48 minutes to ride my bike based on some sort of data.

    I find that Google's biking time estimates are 50-100% longer than my actual biking time.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • My commute home today.
  • I do about 23-25mins for 8km commute quite consistently. This is on my now gone single speed bike, I do about the same on a slightly heavier geared bike.

    Not hard to imagine I can cut that time down on a lighter geared bike. I use Endomondo to track, my Samsung Gear 2 keeps an ok record of my heartrate also.

    Any particular differences between Endomondo and Strava?

  • Finally got my new bike.

    Far more durable than my single speed bike, not finding myself having to avoid as many bumps in the road. Had the framed marked by the police, and have insurance too. Fucking bike thief fuckers. It's bright green, should anything happen to it, should be easier to recover. Really hope to avoid that!

    The bike seat is eating my but though. I need something like this or some padded underwear really.

    But wtf is this thing?
  • Someone suggested that Black Friday might actually be the ideal time to buy a bike, assuming you are buying it from a bike shop. It's already the time of year that bikes are cheapest. Shops are trying to unload last year's model and will get next years in soon, if not already. Plus if there's a Black Friday sale, holy crap.

    I'm sure that many bike shops aren't even open, and those that are might not even be having a sale, But if you find one that is, it could be a terrific deal. Best part is you won't have to fight anyone for it.
  • Pulled the trigger and ordered a Priority bike.
  • What's the best way to use your phone to navigate while riding a bike? Something like this?

    Also, headphones while biking in the city is super dangerous, right?
  • edited March 2016
    Ikatono said:

    What's the best way to use your phone to navigate while riding a bike? Something like this?

    That's not bad. I used to use a tub mounted one that included a storage pouch, but I built my own out of steel about a year and a half ago that my phone just slides into and is then secured with a strap (it literally cant move the fit is so good). But I prefer the overkill option, if possible.
    Ikatono said:

    Also, headphones while biking in the city is super dangerous, right?

    And sometimes illegal!
    I recommend building your own speaker system.
    But, again...

    I prefer the overkill option, if possible.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ikatono said:

    What's the best way to use your phone to navigate while riding a bike? Something like this?

    Also, headphones while biking in the city is super dangerous, right?

    The Apple Watch taps your wrist to turn left or right or go straight. That's the best way to navigate, as you can leave your phone in your pocket.

    Don't listen to music when biking. Earbuds with podcasts or other spoken word is fine, as it doesn't block out the sound of traffic.
  • ... Yes it does? Putting stuff in your ears blocks sounds from going in your ears.
  • There are open earbuds that don't much affect hearing.

    I still would never listen to anything while I rode.
  • Starfox said:

    ... Yes it does? Putting stuff in your ears blocks sounds from going in your ears.

    Technically in NYC they allow one earbud, but zero is best.
  • Ikatono said:

    What's the best way to use your phone to navigate while riding a bike? Something like this?

    I got this.
  • edited March 2016
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • How do people park their bikes? Mine got shoved to the back of my shed and thus I never use it. I need a better solution. The front of the shed is of course the most obvious solution, but I'd have to move them every time I do anything in the yard.
  • That's the new bike room you mentioned on the podcast right?
  • That's the new bike room you mentioned on the podcast right?

    No, that's a random photo of a bike hanger from the Internet.
  • My new bike is super legit! Using it to commute to work, which isn't a bad ride at all.
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