Sleeping Dogs complete with all the DLC for $8. Worth it?
If you like open world games, hong kong style action flicks, or kung fu and one-liners, then yes. It's a pretty fun game, and it has a decent amount of depth to it.
I bought the DLC a while ago and never got around to playing it. The sidequestsI thought were mostly pointless but I've never really been much for sidequests to begin with. The only ones I did were the street fight ones because I think it unlocked new moves? I can't really remember. As for the game itself I enjoyed it much more than other open world style games. The shooting is pretty solid and the hand to hand was surprisingly good and fun to do. Also when I discovered I could hold the door open while driving that was pretty fun for a while just checking people as I drove.
Got Planetary Annihilation. At least I can enjoy the game now without having to play people :-p plus lol 15 bucks for a game that was 60 and still isn't technically "officially" released :-p
I'm at $10 from cards alone and still rising. Nothing worth spending it on that I didn't already have, though.
Also, X rebirth is on flash sale right now(and for the next five hours from this post) for a decent price. If you're into freelancer, privateer, or other flying around and building things/trading/shooting nefarious sorts/being shot at for being a nefarious sort etc games, pick it up. It caught a lot of flak early on because it was broken to buggery, but it's fixed up pretty well now, and there's new features and content being added pretty frequently.
Found out I missed out on my first 3 summer sale cards because I was level 7, not level 8. In previous sales, you only had to be level 5. Upon further analysis, Steam levels are a hilarious joke (I've never even thought about Steam levels for 2 seconds prior to this).
Experience seems to be almost entirely based on crafting badges. Since the winter sale, I've only played through 3 games with drops, so I sold the cards for 2 of them and that paid for the Hotline Miami cards I didn't have. Crafted that and now I'm a cool kid at level 8.
Fun facts - if you sell enough shit on steam within a 12 month period, steam makes you promise that you're definitely really paying taxes/not a US citizen on that money you're gaining via the market.
I'm not deep enough into Risk of Rain to have a completely formed opinion of it yet. So far, I'm happy I picked it up at $2.50 but I think I would have been unhappy getting it for much more.
I was on quite a streak not buying anything so far this sale, when Castle Crashers at $1.50 caught my eye. Then I realized there was a bundle for both that and Battleblock Theater for a whopping $2.50. Done. First blood has been drawn.
I disagree. I found the humor to be too absurdist. The superpowers were gimmicky and the plot was a bore. It's still a perfectly good sandbox game, but I'd wait until it goes for $5, even though that probably won't be until the next sale.
Also, X rebirth is on flash sale right now(and for the next five hours from this post) for a decent price. If you're into freelancer, privateer, or other flying around and building things/trading/shooting nefarious sorts/being shot at for being a nefarious sort etc games, pick it up. It caught a lot of flak early on because it was broken to buggery, but it's fixed up pretty well now, and there's new features and content being added pretty frequently.
Experience seems to be almost entirely based on crafting badges. Since the winter sale, I've only played through 3 games with drops, so I sold the cards for 2 of them and that paid for the Hotline Miami cards I didn't have. Crafted that and now I'm a cool kid at level 8.
Steam will show you all games that have card drops.
Also go into your inventory in click on a badge. To the right you will see a sell button and a badge progress button.