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Favorite/Best Movie



  • Also, the best film ever made isPulp Fiction.
  • Also, the best film ever made isPulp Fiction.
    Obviously you have never seen Pulp Fiction. It has amazing characters, incredible dialog, and, although it has very little that emotionally touched me, I can watch it over and over again. The one thing that I dislike about Pulp Fiction is Q.T. putting himself in it. He's not a very good actor. Every other film that I have seen I've been able to point out numerous flaws, even if they are great films. Not Pulp Fiction. It is a near perfect movie.
  • Also, the best film ever made isPulp Fiction.
    Obviously you have never seenPulp Fiction. It has amazing characters, incredible dialog, and, although it has very little that emotionally touched me, I can watch it over and over again. The one thing that I dislike aboutPulp Fictionis Q.T. putting himself in it. He's not a very good actor. Every other film that I have seen I've been able to point out numerous flaws, even if they are great films. NotPulp Fiction. It is a near perfect movie.Dude, I've seen it.  It's a great film, it's a hilarious film.  I just don't think it's the best film ever made.  I mean, yuo'e saying it's better than a lot of movies. Citizen Kane.  The Godfather, Casablanca.  Schindler's List.  2001: A Space Odyssey.  Sunsey Boulevard.  On the Waterfront.  Chinatown.  To Kill a  Mockingbird.  A whole hell of a lot of other great movies.
     First off, QT being in it is a major problem, like you say, because the man cannot act at all.  Second off, I don't think "best movie" means "only having one problem".  You have to be better than the competition, and I just don't think Pulp Fiction pulls it off.  It's very good, I just don't think it's good enough. 
    It could very easily be the best movie you've ever seen, I'm not denying that. It is very good and very well made.  But I don't think it's the best movie ever made.
  • I'm not sure about the best, but my favorites are between City of God and Reservoir Dogs.
  • City of God
  • Dude, I've seen it. It's a great film, it's a hilarious film. I just don't think it's the best film ever made. I mean, yuo'e saying it's better than a lot of movies. Citizen Kane. The Godfather, Casablanca. Schindler's List. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Sunsey Boulevard. On the Waterfront. Chinatown. To Kill a Mockingbird. A whole hell of a lot of other great movies.

    First off, QT being in it is a major problem, like you say, because the man cannot act at all. Second off, I don't think "best movie" means "only having one problem". You have to be better than the competition, and I just don't think Pulp Fiction pulls it off. It's very good, I just don't think it's good enough.

    It could very easily be the best movie you've ever seen, I'm not denying that. It is very good and very well made. But I don't think it's the best movie ever made.
    I guess you're right, because I have sadly not seen any of those films you listed. I did sort of mean best movie I've seen. My mistake. I'll make sure now to watch the movies you posted, though.
  • edited November 2007
    Best movie: I can't say definitively, I would nominate these:
    Kurosawa's Red Beard (Akahige), and Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai), Sunset Blvd., Lawrence of Arabia, Vertigo, Citizen Kane, and Casablanca.

    Favorite movie: Lawrence of Arabia
    Favorite director: David Lean

    Movies you should see: all of the above, plus Touch of Evil, Most of Alfred Hitchcock's works (39 Steps, Strangers on a Train, North by Northwest, and Rear Window for sure), everything by Akria Kurosawa, and some cold winter day grab a copy of Doctor Zhivago and enjoy.
    Post edited by am_dragon on
  • edited November 2007
    I went through the ratings stored on my blockbuster queue to remind myself. My favorite movies are Crash (the Paul Haggis one) and Children of Men. Notable movies that follow close behind are The Matrix, Primer, Fight Club, Office Space, The Departed, 28 Days Later, Thank You for Smoking, and The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
    Post edited by xenomouse on
  • I was thinking about this and for some reason "The Shawshank Redemption" floated to the top of my mind.
  • I second The Princess Bride.

    I like Saving Private Ryan and for some reason, Chronicles of Riddick.
  • YAY! Someone else has seen Primer. I love that movie. The guy who wrote/directed/stared in it shows exactly how good low budget can be. The movie was made on something like $7,000.
  • YAY! Someone else has seen Primer. I love that movie. The guy who wrote/directed/stared in it shows exactly how good low budget can be. The movie was made on something like $7,000.Yeah, I knew it was made on a dirt poor budget, and I was really surprised at how good it was.
  • I remember Primer, I remember seeing that a movie film festival. It was pretty cool. I liked their concept of time travel and enjoyed it because it was different from what I normally watched back then.

    Overall, most movies I see at the Seattle International Film Festival, I tend to really enjoy. I missed out on the last few years, I should probably go again. >.>

    As for other movies, there are just too many to recall, however, The Fifth Element always has a soft spot in my heart.
  • I've watched Goodfellas five times in the past month. I love the scene where Henry says, "That's when I knew Pauley was going to whack Morrie." Then there's the mass culling of all the guys who screwed up the heist and drew the feds' attention.
  • edited November 2007
    For me it has to be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I've seen it about 10 times (including twice at the cinema, something I normally would never do) and it gets better every time.
    Post edited by Sean on
  • Manos: The Hands of Fate, with a little help from MST3K.
  • Favourite Movie -
    "The Matrix"
    Best Movie -
    Hard to say, I rarely watch movies only for their composition and no adaptations of any other media make "best" movie worthy contenders although I love a lot of them ("Fight Club", "Shawshank Redemption", "Lord of the Rings Trilogy", "The Departed", "Gangs of New York", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Kill Bill"... etc.)
    Thinking about it, I'm quite ignorant when it comes to (good) original movies).
  • The best movie ever made is a toss up between It's a Wonderful Life (the ultimate feel-good movie) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (simply stunning).

    Runners up would have to be: Die Hard, The Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, JFK, Citizen Kane, M, Nosferatu, and The Shining.

    My favorite movie would have to be Die Hard (Everything about it is just wonderful).

    Runners up would be: Terminator 2, Death Becomes Her, Lost Highway, Raiders of the Lost Ark, JFK, M, Eyes Wide Shut, and Airplane!
  • Runners up would be:Terminator 2, Death Becomes Her, Lost Highway, Raiders of the Lost Ark, JFK, M, Eyes Wide Shut, andAirplane!I saw M a few months back because it's often touted as one of the best films of all time. I didn't expect too much since it's so old, but - in the end - I was really surprised at how good it was. It's effects on story-telling in movies (especially in the crime drama genre) seem very obvious.
  • Fritz Lang is a god among directors. Metropolis is one of the most breath taking films ever created, especially once you take into account how they accomplished "blue screening". He chipped away segments of large mirrors to project large backgrounds behind the actors. M was his first "talkie", which is surprising since the dialog is fairly natural.
  • I watched M at like 11 PM and expected to fall asleep and finish it later, but to my pleasant surprise I was thrilled for the entire 2 hr runtime. I just find the movie ridiculously compelling and interesting to see where the "serial killer" genre originated.

    Cramit, you mentioned that it was his first talkie, which reminds me of the other thing that was brilliant about that movie, I love the scenes like the Police Raid, where all the cars pull up and it is completely silent, there is no background noise whatsoever. I love it.
  • M is an amazing film, especially the early part. However, it loses me during the extended chase scene. There are too many parts where the chase could have ended, but some character was unbelievably stupid. It's worth it to wait for the end though.
  • The best movie ever made is clearly a boy and his dog.
  • The lines between "best movie" and "favourite movie" are really blurred for me. When a movie is very good, I tend to like it a lot. The technical aspects of the film contribute, but so do the creative aspects. It's kinda hard for me to make the difference between best and favourite, though I can see why other people do it.

    Anyway .... my favourite/best film is The Godfather. A typical choice, but typical for a reason.

    The full list (my top 52 films) is here. Yes, I do have a lot of free time.
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