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iPhone/other smart phone questions



  • Between Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, and pirate bay, I rarely want for anything.
  • johndis said:

    Apreche said:

    There are basically zero exclusive Playstation games worth playing.

    Wrong + Fail opinion
    I am super anal and maintain a spreadsheet of all the games that I would like to play, given ludicrous amounts of free time. I've never owned a PS3 yet my list of games is very small. For the entire generation, it's barely cracked 10 games. However, that is much more than zero, and Scott is now getting the "shouldn't speak in absolutes" pile-on. I'm sure one day I will either borrow someone's old dusty PS3, or I will wind up streaming some games if the PS Now service delivers and is too cheap to pass up.

  • It really is Zero. Unless of course you like wasting your life away on JRPGs, but the 3DS is actually better in that department nowadays.
  • Last of Us... (Controller drop)
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Last of Us... (Controller drop)

    How about no!!!
  • edited January 2014
    Last of Us actually looks kinda cool but I could barely care less about another apocalypse game setting and I was sick to death of zombies 5 years ago let alone now.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited January 2014
    johndis said:

    Apreche said:

    There are basically zero exclusive Playstation games worth playing.

    Wrong + Fail opinion

    PS3 I find this more applicable to than PS2. At the time of the PS2 it was the only system worth getting any games for. There was nothing on the PC, Xbox was shit besides Halo and the GameCube had a handful of classics. PS3 exclusives range from pretty decent to poor (on my scale at least). The only exclusive I got invested in was Heavy Rain, The Last of Us (despite its awful, frustrating combat), and Demon's Souls (which I kinda got bored of plus Dark Souls is just a much better game).
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Last of Us is possibly the first true adult themed game. Not adult in the "OMG boobies" sense but adult in that the themes and events of the game are ones that resonate with adults. More so if you have kids.

    Muppet, you would likely get the full experience from the game because you are a father and would more easily identify with the character of Joel. While some of the combat can be shit the story is where it is at.
  • Gahhhhhh story games I'm barfing here folks.
  • My list is mostly weird indie games that I just want to try out, but are only on PS3, with the occasional click-and-see-the-story adventure. Games I want to try are:
    - Flower
    - Journey
    - Last of Us
    - Heavy Rain
    - A bunch of the PixelJunk games (the newer ones are now on PC)
    - 3D Dot Game Heroes
    - Dyad (wait nevermind this got a PC port)
    - Closure (wait this got a PC port too upon further inspection)
    - Noby Noby Boy

    So fuck I guess I was overstating as well. I still not zero, but the list doesn't even crack 10. It probably fluctuated around this number for years, but PC ports come to those who wait.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Last of Us is possibly the first true adult themed game. Not adult in the "OMG boobies" sense but adult in that the themes and events of the game are ones that resonate with adults. More so if you have kids.

    Muppet, you would likely get the full experience from the game because you are a father and would more easily identify with the character of Joel. While some of the combat can be shit the story is where it is at.

    I've had more than my fill of depressing, use-kids-to-make-you-sad, apocalyptic style games.
  • Tokyo Jungle is kinda weird and fun. I'm not sure if Valkyrie Chronicles is any good but people seem to like that as well. Demon's Souls is worth giving a shot. I am a fan of MGS which I know not everyone is but there is MGS4. Dragon's Crown is great until they have you go back through all the B paths. I do want to try Beyond: Two Souls. Uncharted has the same awful combat that The Last of Us has but people seem to like those games.
  • I gotta say, the PS Store (or whatever) sure did seem to have a lot of wacky, artsy fartsy "avant garde" type games that seemed really compelling. There's really nothing experimental or genre-busting on XBL.
  • MATATAT said:

    Demon's Souls (which I kinda got bored of plus Dark Souls is just a much better game).

    IMO Demon's Souls is still really good in comparison to Dark b/c it has way less obtuseness, especially in the multiplayer stuff. I also really like the Mega Man style level selection 8)

  • Matt said:

    My list is mostly weird indie games that I just want to try out, but are only on PS3, with the occasional click-and-see-the-story adventure. Games I want to try are:
    - Flower
    - Journey
    - Last of Us
    - Heavy Rain
    - A bunch of the PixelJunk games (the newer ones are now on PC)
    - 3D Dot Game Heroes
    - Dyad (wait nevermind this got a PC port)
    - Closure (wait this got a PC port too upon further inspection)
    - Noby Noby Boy

    So fuck I guess I was overstating as well. I still not zero, but the list doesn't even crack 10. It probably fluctuated around this number for years, but PC ports come to those who wait.

    Ok, so yeah. PS has a bunch of cute demo artsy games. Those are games you only need to play for 10 minutes or so. I played flower at a PAX once I think. I played Journey for a few minutes. They are not games you have to own and pay full price for, ever. Maybe you'd buy them on Steam for $5.

    I guess Last of Us and Heavy Rain are big time games. I don't give any shits about them. I've heard of them, but I didn't even know they were PS3 exclusives. I'm sure they will be on PC some day.

    Noby Noby Boy is on iOS.
  • Both of those are published by Sony and will probably never be ported to any other platform but whatever neither seem that special anyway!
  • edited January 2014
    johndis said:

    MATATAT said:

    Demon's Souls (which I kinda got bored of plus Dark Souls is just a much better game).

    IMO Demon's Souls is still really good in comparison to Dark b/c it has way less obtuseness, especially in the multiplayer stuff. I also really like the Mega Man style level selection 8)

    I highly disliked the isolated level design, but I sort of got used to it. Demon's Souls has its fair share of obtuseness as well when you consider the world tendency, character tendency, and some of the events associated with those mechanics. I found the multiplayer to be slightly more confusing at first. I thought the changes to it were easier to grasp in Dark Souls. The character stats were evened out more and the amount of variety was just expanded in all aspects but I digress.

    Also Rain looks like it might be neat on PS3.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I'm bitter about the Dark Souls MP cause Gravelord invasion mechanics sounded so damn cool but it doesn't work before NG+ and then barely ever works after that anyway afaik. Also I forgot about world tendency, which was an on paper cool mechanic but was fairly stupid hhaha.
  • Apreche said:

    I guess Last of Us and Heavy Rain are big time games. I don't give any shits about them. I've heard of them, but I didn't even know they were PS3 exclusives. I'm sure they will be on PC some day.

    I guarantee 100% no Naughty Dog game will come to PC and I doubt either of the Quantic Dream games past Indigo Prophecy will ever be released on PC.

    Although with the amount of games you seem to like it seems like you could barely endorse a PC as a gaming platform.
  • MATATAT said:

    Apreche said:

    I guess Last of Us and Heavy Rain are big time games. I don't give any shits about them. I've heard of them, but I didn't even know they were PS3 exclusives. I'm sure they will be on PC some day.

    I guarantee 100% no Naughty Dog game will come to PC and I doubt either of the Quantic Dream games past Indigo Prophecy will ever be released on PC.

    Although with the amount of games you seem to like it seems like you could barely endorse a PC as a gaming platform.
    Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream games are so trash, they are basically movies with mild interaction and no mechanics required. A better use of your time would be to just watch a movie. The mechanics of virtually all console games become trivial in a PC player's hands.

    The stories are also useless.

    They make all the money they need with their exclusives and call it quits because developing the game for any other platform is not worth the cost of the bad press and time.

    I have only tried "Uncharted", "Heavy Rain" and "The Last of Us". They are all "meh" with a dash of "how stupidly easy is this map" with a side of "controlling camera angles and characters using analog controls in a 3d environment is terrible".

  • edited January 2014
    Unless your playing on baby mode they can be absurdly frustrating. I'm not defending them as good games but claiming they're too easy can be easily solved with a bump up in difficulty. Naughty dog used to be better IMO. Crash bandicoot was some grade A platforming in its day and I loved the first two jak and daxter games. The story in Last of Us is pretty damn good but the game is hampered by annoying stealth in hard mode. I've heard you can run and gun in normal. I don't really find the appeal in the uncharted series. And fuck the quantic dream haters. I enjoy their train wreck of a narrative. Also analog sticks are fine you just need to step your game up.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I can make a better story from playing a few hours of "Papers Please" than the entire campaign of "The Last of Us".

    I never got into the 3d platformers and during the PS2 period we evolved from the Nintendo 64 back to PC gaming.
  • Well you say you've only tried the game which can mean you played part of the first level. You're going to have to bring more than that to get some credibility.
  • True, I guess I'm extrapolating and also building on 2nd hand knowledge from people who have played the game (some who have low thresholds for story appreciation and others who have a high threshold for story appreciation but are capped by their game mechanics).

    As far as the difficulty level goes I play every action / adventure / FPS game on the highest difficulty. The console ports which I have played through have had laughably poor AI for NPCs.

    I played through Splinter Cell Blacklist on its highest difficulty without killing anyone except in scripted sequences meaning if I ever got caught I would die immediately however I found this trivial once I realised the limited perception of the AI. I perceived that the AI in Last of Us could be bypassed more easily than in Splinter Cell. I extrapolated this knowledge in an assumption on how the game engine works for the entire game. Meaning if I was playing with a mouse and keyboard this game would be simple in it's stealth aspect for me.

    The last surprising and less scripted AI I have encountered from the genres of games I listed was F.E.A.R and Crysis.
  • sK0pe said:

    As far as the difficulty level goes I play every action / adventure / FPS game on the highest difficulty.

    This is what I do to! I feel then I get the highest value for money in the shortest time.

    Also, when playing Half Life and Half Life 2, I replayed almost small bit of every stage so I could get through it without losing any health, and with the lowest expenditure of ammo. I feel I now have no need to ever play them again, as I completed them as near to 100% as possible.
  • Well the Ai in the last of us is meant to be bypassed. It's easy at first but gets much harder. The difficulty of it is usually due to the poor stealth mechanics which make it impossible to tell line of sight sometimes. It's also inconsistent with those line of sights it seems. Get caught and your two options are fight or flee. Fleeing is difficult because you usually need to move some shit to jump on something and escape and fight just means expend all your resources. This is fine for humans and is almost always manageable. The problem is fucking clickers who you MUST use a gun on if they are aware of you. Eventually you can unlock something to use shiv to melee kill them out of stealth.
  • There is also a problem where the AI is not always consistent. Normally if you make a lot of noise the enemies will zero in on you. However there is a part of the game where you start up a very noisy generator which triggers a battle.

    If you have been playing the game the rational thing to do would be to run away from the generator because it will attract every monster in the area. However, no matter what you do all of the monsters will converge on you. You can go hide in a closet, crouch down and make no noise and the enemies will still seek you out. It is very annoying because according to the way the game has always worked the monsters should all attack the generator.
  • Sony systems are fairly dope b/c, like Nintendo systems, you get a lot of weird + cool + good exclusive localized japanese games, but with Sony you also get the big name US releases in a good format (rather than typically bad scaled down ports). The localized releases arent publicized very well so you have to be a cool underground sexually attractive fashionable and intelligent hipster type of person with large muscles quite like myself to know about them. Not really, but you do have to pay some attention to the psn blog to catch the good shit.
  • Proprietary storage is really stupid though and the weird thing is that you can put any hdd you want inside a PS3/4. Maybe the platform is easier to control or something tho, so they don't fear the homebrewers as much w/ the living room consoles.
  • johndis said:

    Proprietary storage is really stupid though and the weird thing is that you can put any hdd you want inside a PS3/4. Maybe the platform is easier to control or something tho, so they don't fear the homebrewers as much w/ the living room consoles.

    This is the company that released a console stating they were fine with the console hardware being used for virtually any purpose including installing an alternative operating system.

    They then proceeded to remove this functionality.
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