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Atomic Trivia War 9000: The Podcast: The Game



  • Warhammer 40k is not a fucking boardgame. It's Tabletop gaming! T_______T

    Listeners, please submit awesome boardgame questions please. Jason's sucked.
  • I just completed writing my 5-question designer board game set, will send it over later tonight.
  • Ro, you couldn't even answer questions about Candyland.
  • You just asked her about the wrong games.

    I thought that was Dumbledore's secret?
  • edited June 2011
    That sounds like something from Law & Order: SVU Hogwarts series.
    Ro, you couldn't even answer questions about Candyland.
    Because that game sucks and I haven't played it since I was a child.

    Now, Run For Your Life, Candyman is a more fun and sillier game. In that game I could remember the characters. How can you forget awesome names like Lady I Scream, Bad Ju Ju, Necro Wafer, Molly & Pop, Grisly Gummies, or Sweet Toof?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Those are racist.
  • edited June 2011
    You just asked her about the wrong games.

    All ya'lls is wrong, cause the GREATEST BOARD GAME EVER!!!1!1!!111 is pictured below in paltry 2-D.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • All ya'lls is wrong, cause the GREATEST BOARD GAME EVER!!!1!1!!111 is pictured below in paltry 2-D.
    I would honestly answer questions from that category as well and no, I do not own that game.
  • All ya'lls is wrong, cause the GREATEST BOARD GAME EVER!!!1!1!!111 is pictured below in paltry 2-D.
    I would honestly answer questions from that category as well and no, I do not own that game.
    It would be terrifying it there was a Twilight catagory because it would imply one of two things: a) Jason read the books or b) Jason watched the movies both of which are equally painful experiences. On one hand, the books have the pacing of a particularly slow art house film and the bad writing of Dan Brown filtered through Ann Rice and then swallowed by some guy and pooped out his smelly bum. On the other hand, the movies have Robert Pattinson who looks like he's trying to imitate Neve Campbell from the Scream movies...badly.
  • It would be terrifying it there was a Twilight catagory because it would imply one of two things: a) Jason read the books or b) Jason watched the movies both of which are equally painful experiences.
    Not necessarily. I often do categories about things with which I have no firsthand experience. It takes a lot longer to do the fact-checking, but it's not impossible.
  • Not necessarily. I often do categories about things with which I have no firsthand experience. It takes a lot longer to do the fact-checking, but it's not impossible.
    You think Jason watched Sex & The City? LOL
  • Not necessarily. I often do categories about things with which I have no firsthand experience. It takes a lot longer to do the fact-checking, but it's not impossible.
    You think Jason watched Sex & The City? LOL
    Oh you know he did, he is a self proclaimed "Miranda".
  • Oh you know he did, he is a self proclaimed "Miranda".
    I was thinking more along the lines of Stanford Blatch.
  • Ro is that image from some sort of fucked up Sex and the City Uno set?
  • Ro is that image from some sort of fucked up Sex and the City Uno set?
    I have no idea. It's just some random image I found. Totally resembles Jason, imo. He looks FABULOUS!
  • That's funny, because Jason totally told me earlier he was more Carrie than Miranda. I think it's the reporter thing he identifies with.
  • That's funny, because Jason totally told me earlier he was more Carrie than Miranda. I think it's the reporter thing he identifies with.
    And that Jason has a long horse face.
  • Revenge, my friends, is a dish best served with trivia questions. Step lightly.
  • Franklin said some things Whitey wasn't ready to hear.
  • What?! I sent 95 questions? Damn.
  • Re: my question. Pixar doing Listerine was more than just CG liquid swishing around in your mouth!
  • Re: my question. Pixar doing Listerine was more than just CG liquid swishing around in your mouth!
    Well, I remembered the MAIN point the commercial was trying to tell you, not Tarzan bottles!
  • Re: my question. Pixar doing Listerine was more than just CG liquid swishing around in your mouth!
    They also did commercials for Trident and Tropicana.
  • I think they animated the "I've fallen and can't get up" lady for LifeAlert, too.
  • I think they animated the "I've fallen and can't get up" lady for LifeAlert, too.
    No, I'm pretty sure that was actually voodoo.
  • I'd just like to say this thread is a fascinating history lesson in a couple month old podcasts.
  • Yeah, we're still doing this thing, almost 40 episodes in. This week, we learn that Omar's people sent monkeys with bombs to fight Hitler. Starring Paul Chapman of the Greatest Pony Ever Podcast.
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