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Random Questions



  • I don't care. Period. I asked a question and was given the answer. Don't give a shit what you guys think. It's not willful ignorance if I was asking an honest question and wanted to know the reference. I may have misspoken before, but I know the answer now. Is that really ignorance? I just don't care to consume what Carrousel is reference to.

    The only thing from my personal memory of anything related to Logan's Run, was the guy who was Guest Speaker at PAX 2008 opening ceremonies that referenced it a lot.

    Here we go again with you guys trying to tell a person if they are geeky/nerdy enough or not.
  • Maybe I should have greentexted my line. I don't actually care at-all about this.
  • edited September 2012
    I saw Logan's Run for the first time just this year. It's not that amazing; there're better geeky films to watch. In the "Weird 70s Sci-Fi" subset of the geek film canon, Tarkovsky's Stalker and Solaris are waaaayyyy better.

    Also Ro needlepointed both Yoshi and Nyan Cat sprites, so no one really has a leg to stand on when saying she's not geeky enough. ~_^
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Also a note to the single guys, go ahead and do that to the single geeky ladies.

    That will TOTALLY win them over.
  • I'm pretty sure I'm older than most, if not all, of you in here, and I have never seen Logan's Run.
  • I'm pretty sure I'm older than most, if not all, of you in here, and I have never seen Logan's Run.

    Oh wait.


  • It's cool. SquadranROE and I are going to come to an agreement we made on FB. I will eventually watch Logan's Run and he will watch the original Total Recall.

    Overall, I think he's getting the most out of this arrangement.
  • I've never seen Logan's Run. Am I not geeky?

    I'm about to do a full out Sailor Moon cosplay at an anime convention this weekend, I think that qualifies me as fairly geeky. :-P
  • Maybe I should be glad I had a science fiction literature class in high school.
  • It's cool. SquadranROE and I are going to come to an agreement we made on FB. I will eventually watch Logan's Run and he will watch the original Total Recall.

    Overall, I think he's getting the most out of this arrangement.
    He is. Logan's Run is awful.

  • Really I think they're both losing on this arrangement.
  • edited September 2012
    Lies. Total Recall is a cinematic masterpiece.

    If you don't know, you should listen to the many different podcasts about it, in the following order:

    Greatest Movie Ever.

    Fast Karate.


    That movie has some of the best one-liners that I quote from often.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Total Recall is probably the epitome of the 80's-style action movie (it came out in 1990, close enough to count as an 80's action movie IMHO), a genre that I dearly miss.
  • All this talk of Logan's Run is putting me in the mood for some 70's sci-fi. Not Star Wars though. I'm thinking 2001 (OK, late 60's). And Alien.
  • edited September 2012
    Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
  • And now I want to watch Total Recall again, even though I just watched it a few months ago before the remake came out and never saw it.

    The reason why I watched it again because the boyfriend never saw it and had to correct this.
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
    It's so good! Why wouldn't I watch it?
  • I don't care. Period. I asked a question and was given the answer. Don't give a shit what you guys think. It's not willful ignorance if I was asking an honest question and wanted to know the reference. I may have misspoken before, but I know the answer now. Is that really ignorance? I just don't care to consume what Carrousel is reference to.

    The only thing from my personal memory of anything related to Logan's Run, was the guy who was Guest Speaker at PAX 2008 opening ceremonies that referenced it a lot.

    Here we go again with you guys trying to tell a person if they are geeky/nerdy enough or not.
    For me its not about geek cred at all, its about being informed of the source of a refernce, a very CLASSIC source in this case, and getting all butthurt and defensive (and dismissive of the source material) for really no good reason. Maybe you've got a chip on your shoulder because of past discussions here but I'm not privvy to any of that.
  • Dude, just let it drop. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't know what Carrousel is, or who Salacious Crumb is, or the name of Jayne's favorite gun. We're all geeks, but some are different geeks than others.
  • I just said it's not about knowing the reference. :-) If you're going to dismiss me, understand what I'm saying first.
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
    It's so good! Why wouldn't I watch it?
    Dumb game joke - One of the most common random VO's in at least two of the STALKER games is various people saying "Get out of here, Stalker."
  • I have seen more discussion here about Logan's Run than anywhere else in my entire life.
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
    It's so good! Why wouldn't I watch it?
    Dumb game joke - One of the most common random VO's in at least two of the STALKER games is various people saying "Get out of here, Stalker."
    Ah, got it. I've played maybe 30 minutes of STALKER. Grey is pissed that I haven't beaten it.
  • It's cool. SquadranROE and I are going to come to an agreement we made on FB. I will eventually watch Logan's Run and he will watch the original Total Recall.

    Overall, I think he's getting the most out of this arrangement.
    He is. Logan's Run is awful.

    But in a particularly memorable way. I've seen many awful movies, but I remember Logan's Run: one awful, ruinous jewel apart among a sea.

    After all... a man's got to remember.

  • It's cool. SquadranROE and I are going to come to an agreement we made on FB. I will eventually watch Logan's Run and he will watch the original Total Recall.

    Overall, I think he's getting the most out of this arrangement.
    He is. Logan's Run is awful.

    But in a particularly memorable way. I've seen many awful movies, but I remember Logan's Run: one awful, ruinous jewel apart among a sea.

    After all... a man's got to remember.

    I disagree that it's awful. It's camp, but not awful.

    All of the Planet of the Apes sequels, the original ones, THOSE are awful. Oh God so awful.
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
    It's so good! Why wouldn't I watch it?
    Dumb game joke - One of the most common random VO's in at least two of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games is various people saying "Get out of here, Stalker."
    Ah, got it. I've played maybe 30 minutes of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. Grey is pissed that I haven't beaten it.
  • After all... a man's got to remember.
    I can hear the exact voice and rhythm with which your voice intones this line.

  • After all... a man's got to remember.
    I can hear the exact voice and rhythm with which your voice intones this line.
    I get that with all my friends.
  • Think I'll watch Stalker tonight.
    Get out of here.
    It's so good! Why wouldn't I watch it?
    Dumb game joke - One of the most common random VO's in at least two of the STALKER games is various people saying "Get out of here, Stalker."
    Ah, got it. I've played maybe 30 minutes of STALKER. Grey is pissed that I haven't beaten it.
    Windupbird why are you watching Stalker instead of playing Stalker. >:(
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