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  • If I had my way, you would be immediately expelled if you fucked up making microwave popcorn at RIT.
  • If I had my way, you would be immediately expelled if you fucked up making microwave popcorn at RIT.
    I'm in an off-campus apartment complex that caters to RIT students, and we still get building alarms all the fuckin time, because these brain-dead dumbasses have no clue how to cook anything. Better still, it'll only set off your apt alarm at first, then it only sets off the whole building if it spreads to another alarm. We've had a couple alarms in our apartment, but it's *always* been trivial to clear out smoke/whatever quickly enough that it doesn't spread. I have no fucking clue what these idiots are doing with their lives.

  • Kid who made that video is an RIT All-Star. He's going places.
  • > EZ Mac Instructional Video

    Oh hey, those guys were on my floor. The guy you see in that video is the guy who occasionally got high and made sound effects for his own peeing ("WOOOOOSH! WOOOOOOOOOOSH!"). True story.
  • > EZ Mac Instructional Video

    Oh hey, those guys were on my floor. The guy you see in that video is the guy who occasionally got high and made sound effects for his own peeing ("WOOOOOSH! WOOOOOOOOOOSH!"). True story.
    That dude sounds awesome.

  • College kids these days. Back in my day, we'd just smoke oregano to get high...

    Now get off my lawn! :P
  • edited October 2012
    College kids these days. Back in my day, we'd just smoke oregano to get high...
    That sounds equal parts tasty and inadvisable.

    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • College kids these days. Back in my day, we'd just smoke oregano to get high...Now get off my lawn! :P
    Sheeeeeeiiiit. Unc, nowadays it ain't no party unless you packed a gram of MDMA chopped up with fentanyl into yo asshole beforehand, nawamsayin?
  • They call it "butt snorting"
  • I'm driving down to the barrio
    Going 15 miles an hour cause I'm already stoned
    Give the guy a twenty and wait in the car
    He tosses me a baggie then he runs real far
    I take a hit but it smells like a clove
    Oh fuck I got a baggie of oregano
    This ritual is destroying me
    But I guess it could be worse
    It could be methedrine
  • Start a fire somewhere and cook with that.
    Secret woods fire pit is a good start. I was a boy scout; I can handle it.
    Do the boy scouts actually learn to start fires anymore? The ones around here just seem to sell popcorn and go to indoor archery ranges when they're not doing glue-crafts in one of the local churches.
    We learned to start a fire with flint and steel. We usually had a little trouble getting it going, but once we did our troop consistently made the biggest fires.
  • How did people watch debates before Twitter?
  • Hmm when I was in scouts you did everything. You cleared the ground, you built the pit, you measured a safe circumference around the pit and cleared all the brush, etc, and then before you left the site at the end of the weekend, you made it all look like there had never been a fire there, including replacing the sod plugs you'd taken out, if applicable.
    That's the way the scouts still are, down here. Also, no discrimination against gay people, and the discrimination against atheists is minor, and only used in silly little political games by people at headquarters.

    Also, judging by how often Joe Boomer's fire alarm goes off, they teach people at RIT to start fires, too, and they're usually practicing in the kitchen.
  • Also, judging by how often Joe Boomer's fire alarm goes off, they teach people at RIT to start fires, too, and they're usually practicing in the kitchen.
    Funny you mention that, we just had a fire alarm around an hour ago...

  • If the burn barrel isn't glowing, it's not an official Boy Scout fire.
  • Also, judging by how often Joe Boomer's fire alarm goes off, they teach people at RIT to start fires, too, and they're usually practicing in the kitchen.
    Funny you mention that, we just had a fire alarm around an hour ago...
  • I have had people genuinely ask me A) How to boil water, B) How to make "eggs" and the worst, C) How the oven works. There was one guy who's parents would by all of his food and cook for him on the weekend, he lived on nothing but microwave meals as he could not cook. After a first year he moved back home.
  • edited October 2012
    If the burn barrel isn't glowing, it's not an official Boy Scout fire.
    Man, fuck burn barrels! A proper boy scout fire should be seen from space!

    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Barrels? Who uses barrels?

    Barrels are for hobos. We built bonfires in the scouts.
  • Barrels? Who uses barrels?

    Barrels are for hobos. We built bonfires in the scouts.
    Those poor scouts... do they get a badge for that?
  • My friends and I don't consider it a fire unless it can reduce a beer bottle to a glowing orange puddle.
  • My friends and I don't consider it a fire unless it can reduce a beer bottle to a glowing orange puddle.
    Funny story about that. So we had built such a bonfire in my friend Chris' yard and were drinking many alcoholic drinks, my friend Chris being Irish was well out in front. I noticed one of the bottles he threw in the fire had lost it's shape and commented on it. Chris told me how it's hot enough to melt bottles, and then got up to go take a poop inside. The bottle I had seen was buried under wooden pallets and hard to see, so I finished my beer and placed the bottle as far into the fire as I could without hurting myself, but still right on top so we could watch it. Dan and watched that bottle for about 5 minutes waiting for it melt before our eyes before Chris came back. He asked what we were watching, we told him we were waiting for the bottle to melt. Chris said, "well it's not going to melt out there," and he reached into the fire and grabbed the bottle. I swear Dan and I's jaw hit the ground, we were utterly flabbergasted at what our friend had just done. Chris got that bottle about a foot out of the fire before the pain impulse reached his brain and he flung it out of his hand. The bottle left a steam trail in the cold night air.

    Later, Chris would be cross that despite the terrible and painful burn he received, it hadn't been bad enough to remove his fingerprints. :P
  • One time on a trip to Bowling Green we stayed in a nice large cabin with a stove. One of the adults, a pretty cool old guy though he was really crotchety, was tending the fire. We all stayed nice and toasty, but one boy thought it'd be interesting to put a penny on the stove overnight. In the morning the penny had melted, and some guys close to the fire said the metal frames of their beds were glowing.
  • edited October 2012
    I've gotten my cast iron stove in the basement to glow quite brightly with the lights off. I don't stoke the one upstairs to that degree for obvious reasons (the wooden stair bannister is only about 24 inches away from the cast iron surface of the stove.)

    We have oil heat and a drafty log house. Saves a ton on fuel costs to burn wood, but cheapskate sellers delivering ash and pine instead of hard wood is a big problem from year to year. I've only gotten one high quality delivery out of five.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Who would be the funniest person in the US to send a free customized Goatse card?
  • Who would be the funniest person in the US to send a free customized Goatse card?
    [Insert Politician Here]
  • It wouldn't actually reach him/her, unless I went for a local politician. Actually, that might be good: pick a random small town and send a goatse card to their mayor.
  • edited October 2012
    Nevermind. Nothing to see here.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • What songs come to mind when you think of pieces of music that you hear and are immediately reminded of a scene from a movie that it was paired with?
  • For me it's all stuff that was written explicitly for those movies, so I don't think it fits your question. I'm a huge fan of James Horner, for example.
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