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  • It's a cthulhu bobblehead I got at the Seattle Museum.
  • edited August 2013
    I'm trying to remember a music video. Few years old. Silly. I think it had something to do with a pregnant chick and a gruesome dead fetus or something. The chick kinda looked like Amanda Palmer I think.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Smart people:
    Is there any realistic reason why Norman Borlaug's wheat crop advances should be held in different regard than (or not referred to as) GMOs? It's research for a short article I'm editing about a local anti-GMO movement and it's (moronic) claims.
  • Smart people:
    Is there any realistic reason why Norman Borlaug's wheat crop advances should be held in different regard than (or not referred to as) GMOs? It's research for a short article I'm editing about a local anti-GMO movement and it's (moronic) claims.
  • These stupid fucks are trying to pass legislation using correlation without causation anecdotal bullshit.

    "Allergies in the UK have risen by 50 percent since GMOs were introduced." Shut up. Just shut up.

    If there's a legitimate scientific complaint, I'm listening. But the anti-GMO movement seems predicated entirely on hipster motivations: "Ooh, something popular. I should be against it for attention."
  • Smart people:
    Is there any realistic reason why Norman Borlaug's wheat crop advances should be held in different regard than (or not referred to as) GMOs? It's research for a short article I'm editing about a local anti-GMO movement and it's (moronic) claims.
    Only a little bit IMO because of the difference between Borlaug and Monsanto, but that doesn't have anything to do with the health concerns people have about the food. That would only come into play if you're taking a more political/economic approach to the article, and not a public/global health approach.

  • Yeah, I read that when you posted it on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. The crazies are running with pretty much everything that guy refuted.
  • This was a pretty good write-up on GMOs
    Eeyup... Anyone who extolls the view that "all GMOs are inherently evil" never gets my vote.

    Actually, once upon a time, they might (emphasis on might as I have always found that most of the anti-GMO crowd are way too stupid in too many other ways for me to vote for them) have gotten my vote if I thought that they were otherwise reasonable. However, I'm becoming much more picky and much more willing to just leave a ballot slot blank these days if I don't agree with any of the candidates.
  • "Allergies in the UK have risen by 50 percent since GMOs were introduced." Shut up. Just shut up.
    This should be the extent of your article.


    "No, but your prattling is."

  • The thing is, me and the anti-GMO crowd usually have a mutual interest: fucking up Monsanto. So I don't hate on them too much.
  • The thing is, me and the anti-GMO crowd usually have a mutual interest: fucking up Monsanto. So I don't hate on them too much.
    Yeah, Monsanto sucks, that's a no-brainer. However, the anti-GMO crowd is more or less the liberal hippie equivalent of the "global warming is a myth" crowd. I can't really stomach either of them, even if we happen to have a mutual enemy.
  • It helps that they've never polluted any of my streams of information. All I know about them is what I hear through you guys and /r/circlebroke, which is always more tolerable.
  • When did this facebook gift thing start?
  • edited August 2013
    I bought a cantaloupe on Tuesday. On Thursday I went to cut it. The bottom of it was all mush! FUCK. Why can't I get any good fruit in this city?

    Anyway. I wrapped that motherfucker in 5 plastic grocery bags to keep it from making a mess. A little while later I went to bring it to the trash room. There was wetness on the bottom of the bag and on the floor under it! There is no way that cantaloupe goop went through 5 layers of plastic. Is it condensation? Does putting ripe fruit in a sealed plastic bag heat up? Are plastic grocery bags porous? Science?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Are plastic grocery bags porous? Science?
    Maybe not by design, but pretty much every plastic bag has some kind of small cuts and tears in it from handling and often around the seams at the bottom because the shitty plastic breaks easily.
  • edited August 2013
    Target plastic bags are the only bags I would trust to hold in any sort of goop for more than few minutes.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • It seems America doesn't have the requirement for putting holes in the bottom so that babies don't put their heads in and suffocate.
  • For some reason the middle toes on my right foot feel numb when I rub them against the carpet. No tingling or pins and needles, just the odd numbness. I'm guessing some kind of pinched nerve, or something. Anyone else ever had to deal with this, or is my body just fucking with me for the hell of it?
  • edited August 2013
    A chick was getting all up on me last night at the Gwar concert, and while I realize it's probably because she was high and I was the most stable thing in the mosh pit, it was still pretty awesome. In fact, I think it finally broke through my previous notion that I was an ugly, unlovable cretin utterly undeserving of romantic affection, and gave me the impetus to get back on the dating scene.

    I'm planning on signing up for some cooking classes and other activities to get out more, but I'd like to harness the awesome power that is the internet as well. Any suggestions as to which people matching websites are any good?
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • OkCupid is the most popular one around here.
  • OKCupid is the most popular in the US, I think, which will give you the biggest search pool. The search size is what really matters in this case, because the matching algorithms are okay at best.
  • I am thinking of opening an account with an online bank and was curious if anyone had advise on what to look for or avoid. I have found some recommendations on a few websites but a couple of them recommended Bank of America as a physical bank so I think I will look elsewhere before deciding which online bank to choose.
  • image Can I rock a fedora? (or trilby if this is a trilby)
    What he said! Maybe get a nice shirt or two whilst you at it.
  • I like hats. Hats are nice. They keep the sun off your eyes and ears in the summer and keep your head warm in the winter. They also make you recognizable from a distance; for a time I was known by friends and strangers alike for my flatcap. Wear it with confidence and pride, Pegu, but shave that crustache.
  • Actually, you should grab a flatcap. It'd suit your headshape.
  • edited August 2013
    Also, I have many nice shirts. This is my breaking bad shirt because the last season premieres today.
    Post edited by Pegu on
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