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Random Questions



  • No offense but I don't understand why people keep trying to pull off wearing a trillby. What about it is appealing?
  • I found it in a Sears, put it on, my dad said it looked good and I got it for $5. Figured I'd give it a shot.
  • Actually, you should grab a flatcap. It'd suit your headshape.
    I'm with Walker on that one. You've got a head for a flatcap.
    This, as well. If you want to wear a hat, fine, but find one that suits you. NOT a fedora.
  • Flatcaps are pretty grandpa imo.
  • Irish grandpa, who is one of the best kind.
  • Pretty much that flowchart. I have seen a fedora pulled off by a living person all of once, and that's because it matched well the rest of his three-piece suit (cf. Yoshokatana). Wearing it with a t-shirt makes you look like you're an MRA.

    As for the facial hair, you aren't old enough and it's too long.
  • As for the facial hair, you don't look old enough and it's too long.
    FTFY. My beard rocks.
  • As for the facial hair, you don't look old enough and it's too long.
    FTFY. My beard rocks.
    Goddamn it, Greg.
  • Group of friends invited me to go to Baltimore Comic Con with them. that even good?
  • As for the facial hair, you aren't old enough and it's too long.
    This. No teen-stache.
  • As for the facial hair, you don't look old enough and it's too long.
    FTFY. My beard rocks.
    Regrowing mine. I love having The Beard back.

  • Huh. Looks like I've got a bald spot. Should I try and grow my hair out, keep it short, or shave it off?
  • edited August 2013
    As for the facial hair, you aren't old enough and it's too long.
    This. No teen-stache.
    It looks better in different lighting, but I'll admit it's pretty bad. Gonna shave it before my sister's wedding this Saturday.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Yeah, bad facial hair doesn't become cool until your mid to late 20s.
  • How come I can never find sword-Rym when I need him?
  • So long as its full its ok. There is nothing worse than a half arsed 'stash or crappy beard. Well that or some grimy neck beard.
  • Also I know a lot of people have done/are going to PAX this year. I was wondering how the pin trading that they have introduced is going? They seem pretty novel but is pin collecting that big a thing?
  • Also I know a lot of people have done/are going to PAX this year. I was wondering how the pin trading that they have introduced is going? They seem pretty novel but is pin collecting that big a thing?
    It is big. A lot of people have been tricked into spending tons of money on useless pieces of metal. I was smart enough to avoid that money-hole.
  • Also I know a lot of people have done/are going to PAX this year. I was wondering how the pin trading that they have introduced is going? They seem pretty novel but is pin collecting that big a thing?
    It is big. A lot of people have been tricked into spending tons of money on useless pieces of metal. I was smart enough to avoid that money-hole.
    That seemed the case. If you had large disposable income then it was a cert, beyond that they seemd a bit of an expensive novelty.
  • edited August 2013
    I agree with this flatcap idea.

    EDIT: You know when you reply to a thread only to realize that you weren't on the latest page? Yeah, that.

    I haven't shaved in a few days, and I am ashamed of my face.

    Don't be like me. You can still save yourself (from terrible facial hair).
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Are you sixteen?
  • Some people (me) just can't grow good facial hair.
  • Now thats a beard you can set your watch too!
  • I am experimenting with new beard shapes.

    I have done the traditional sideburns down along the jaw line to a goate but I got bored with that. I have also done the basic goate and the stache only.

    Right now I am trying a variant where I shave the traditional goate and then shave one razor width from lower lip straight down. So it is like a mustache with sideburns...
  • I can only ever achieve sexy stubble. Any more and I just look like a serial killer.
  • edited August 2013
    Alright, sausage fans, how accurate is the new chapter of Silver Spoon?

    EDIT: Whoops, linked the wrong chapter.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited August 2013
    I agree with this flatcap idea.
    I don't want to look like this dude. image

    Post edited by Pegu on
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