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Be Angry and Complain and Stuff!



  • I forgot this is be angry and complain about stuff. I.E. it can be things there are no real or easy solutions :-p I.E. that you don't expect to solve. .... I have that issue of trying to solve things :-p
  • Since I was allowed to vote, I only voted after research and evaluation. As a result I have only voted for what would turn out to be the clear winners, and have yet to miss a national level election. If you want to win, win my vote.
  • edited May 2012
    You guys assume that we WANT everyone to vote.
    Well, yeah, Kinda do. We have just as many dumb fucks here, and we do alright. We get some real wankers, like Rudd, Gilliard(and friends!) and Abbot, but on the whole, we do okay. Really, we get an asshole, and we keep them for a little while, then they're gone if they do poorly - I mean, Rudd was so unpopular(and so hated by his party for a multitude of other reasons) that he got the boot mid-term, and Gilliard isn't going to get past the next election. Combine that with preference voting, and we end up with the leaders the majority of people want, the vast, vast majority of the time.

    And yeah, I think that's alright, despite knowing there are a lot of stupid bastards who are required to vote, and don't research a damned thing. Maybe it will encourage some other improvements in the states - you reap what you sow, after all. The point when we started taking a political downturn, take note, is when we started adopting some American-style politics-of-popularity and cults of personality, rather than policy and best representing the views of the majority.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Thing is, I couldn't in good conscience vote for anyone who willfully called themselves a Republican regardless of their personal stances. The party is too tight, and the majority of its positions are, in my opinion, ranging from ludicrous to outright dangerous. I can't really respect anyone who is willing to tie their flag to that (surprisingly not sinking) ship.

    Not that I'll vote for a Democrat in their stead. Like Nuri, I abstain from most positions and only vote for real candidates I agree with. Not that it matters. I live in New York: my votes had might as well go into a black hole for all they matter to anything.
    I think that's the fundamental problem. People don't think their votes count. If I'm not making a difference, why should I care? We need more incentive to vote, like seeing that our votes count.

    And furthermore Rym, that's first bit is a bit petty. You're never gonna find someone you agree with 100%. You'd be lucky to find someone who you agree with 90%. Pick someone who holds most of your views, and the ones they don't you can forgive.
  • You guys assume that we WANT everyone to vote.
    The purpose of democracy is to get the government the people want, not the government that will be most effective. All we can hope for is that the idiots will learn with time.
  • And in a seperate issue, I'm appalled at this latest lawsuit in Florida. A girl and her parents are suing their school district because she wasn't allowed into an eighth grade dance because she wasn't in eighth grade. Her parents claim the school never informed them that she was not in fact in the eighth grade, as she was doing some seventh grade coursework to make up for her failing and some eighth grade coursework.

    Now I'm usually for Hanlon's razor, but in this case I have to Occam's razor it because the stupidity takes more effort than the maliciousness, an amount of effort I'm not willing to believe any two people with a child can put up. It would require them to NOT read the huge packet of information about the FCAT they were mailed, NOT look at her report card, and have NOT had any conversation with school administrators about WHY she was making up coursework (IE, she FAILED A GRADE). I have to conclude that they're filing this suite with the full knowledge she wasn't in fact considered an eighth grader purely to get attention.
  • You guys assume that we WANT everyone to vote.
    The purpose of democracy is to get the government the people want, not the government that will be most effective. All we can hope for is that the idiots will learn with time.
    I think they will, but that's just me.
  • edited May 2012
    You guys assume that we WANT everyone to vote.
    The purpose of democracy is to get the government the people want, not the government that will be most effective. All we can hope for is that the idiots will learn with time.
    Good thing we don't have a (pure) democracy.

    Your individual vote is not supposed to affect national policy. Your vote picks the guy that makes national policy for you. They represent your interests by making what they feel are the best decisions for all of their constituents.

    But candidates campaign as though there is direct democracy, which causes voter confusion. You behave as though you have direct influence - which you don't - and then get enraged when things don't go your way.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • "If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong."
    Heinlein’s statement may be a bit of an oversimplification, but it has some merit.

  • Words cannot even...
  • edited May 2012
    The cognitive dissonance on display is kind of breathtaking. You can actually see how this ignorant cunt realizes that what she is saying is indefensible and horrendous, and how she struggles and utterly fails at mounting a defense, but has to defend it anyway because that is what her religious leader demands of her.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • This here is some bullshit.
    Extremists are bad, no matter what the form of extremism is.
  • This here is some bullshit.
    I didn't know the sisters of battle HAD a conference.
  • edited May 2012
    This here is some bullshit.
    I want to punch everyone organizing this conference in the face twice. The first time is for being trans-exclusionary dickbags. The second is for calling themselves "radical" while being trans-exclusionary dickbags, because almost all other groups that identify as "radical feminists" are strongly trans-positive, and now I'm not sure as I can identify as one.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited May 2012
    I want to punch everyone organizing this conference in the face twice. The first time is for being trans-exclusionary dickbags. The second is for calling themselves "radical" while being trans-exclusionary dickbags, because almost all other groups that identify as "radical feminists" are strongly trans-positive, and now I'm not sure as I can identify as one.
    I got bad news for you, link - transphobia and similar discrimination is not uncommon within the feminist movement, especially among the big names of the movement like Greer, Dines, Dworkin, and of course the one mentioned here, Jefferys. Also common in the "radical" section of the movement is being anti-pornography and anti-prostitution - because supporting a woman's right to work in whatever career she wants only extends to careers these women find tasteful and appropriate.

    It also shits me severely that this damages the efforts of actual, rational feminists, who seek equality rather than simply privileged inversion, like the switching a somewhat patriarchal society for an entirely matriarchal one that this mob seek.

    This is pretty much why I don't identify as anything like this. Nor do I identify as a member of the "Social Justice movement", though I point myself towards similar goals, because that's a group that disproportionately attracts bullies and other scum who think their bullshit behavior is legitimized by a good cause.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2012
    Although a radical feminist (I think that gender bias permeates our entire culture and that nothing short of sweeping change will fix these deep seated problems), I have a complex stance on this issue.
    I don't think feminists generally question a women's free will in making career choices, but I think that the porn and prostitution industries are so rife with abuses, and rely very heavily on reenforcing the problematic sexual dynamics that many feminists speak out against, that they become an issue. Add that to the fact that most porn caters to men and male-centric sexuality and I think this is where the gripe comes from.
    I consider myself quite pro-sex. It feels great and is healthy, and I have no problem with two consenting individuals gettin' it on. However, I think that many of the customs and attitudes surrounding sex are broken, and so I want to develop better cultural memes regarding it. Similarly, regarding porn, I think that "arousal" is a valid response to an artistic work, and even one a creator can strive for. In terms of people getting it on, if people are exhibitionists who want to make movies of themselves, whatever. It's just that mainstream pornography seems so caught up in these really gross obsessions, all I can really think of is boob jobs and degradation. I think that if every man and woman imitated porn people, that is not nice, equal sex. Granted I have not seen a lot of porn, but in my travels I stumble across it from time to time.
    Transmovement activists can be silly too, though. I remember a transwoman who was still male physically trying to run a workshop about how to break the "cotton ceiling" or get lesbian woman to date transwomen such as herself, and wrote this big thing about how all the lesbians should be ashamed of themselves for being such bigots. All the lesbians got upset and were like "No, way! You have a dick! That's the reason we don't want to be with you! Identify with whatever gender you want, but we like lady bodies for sexy time!" The transactivist was like "You are all bigots! My dick is a wonderful lady dick, because it is attached to me, who identifies as a lady!" and the lesbian activists were like "Hey seriously, men have been telling us we are bad for not liking the dick, and now you are going to start in on us too? Geez!"
    It was kind of a hilarious conversation.
    Personally, I think that instead of concentrating on "lesbians" the transwomen should just find someone they think is attractive who likes them back. Why are you chasing people who are obviously turned off by you?
    One of my Aunts has a long time partner who is a pre-surgery transwoman. She's really smart, and a doctor, and her taste in clothing is funny, because she likes the really flowery stuff that I associate with grandmas. I don't think she really understands completely what it is like to grow up female, so I think transgender people aren't completely the same experiences as a group as women who are born as such, but they are who they are.
    I really hope that eventually we can get away from the gender binary, and that people can just do whatever they want rather then being grouped into genders. RIght now it is useful (refer to the conversation with Andrew) to do as such, but really thats just until we solve the problems and the groups mingle more.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2012
    I don't think feminists generally question a women's free will in making career choices, but I think that the porn and prostitution industries are so rife with abuses, and rely very heavily on reenforcing the problematic sexual dynamics that many feminists speak out against, that they become an issue. Add that to the fact that most porn caters to men and male-centric sexuality and I think this is where the gripe comes from.
    Entirely fair. I consider my stances on the content of pornography a different issue, more one of quality of content, customer catering and so on, along with labor issues with the treatment of the workers within the sex industry(male and female, with different reasons for both). I don't think Women(or men, for that matter) should be shamed out of participation in the industry if that's what they wish to do, nor should they be demeaned by it, if that's what they want to do - but they shouldn't be forced into it either, nor am I saying that the content of the industry is entirely fine and doesn't need a complete overhaul.

    That's a delicate and complex issue of it's own, really.
    I consider myself quite pro-sex. It feels great and is healthy, and I have no problem with two consenting individuals gettin' it on. However, I think that many of the customs and attitudes surrounding sex are broken, and so I want to develop better cultural memes regarding it. Similarly, regarding porn, I think that "arousal" is a valid response to an artistic work, and even one a creator can strive for. In terms of people getting it on, if people are exhibitionists who want to make movies of themselves, whatever. It's just that mainstream pornography seems so caught up in these really gross obsessions, all I can really think of is boob jobs and degradation. I think that if every man and woman imitated porn people, that is not nice, equal sex. Granted I have not seen a lot of porn, but in my travels I stumble across it from time to time.
    Again, fair. The industry needs a very big overhaul, and so does the way we think about it and produce it. The problem is not necessarily the difference between some indie or small-time exhibitionists showing off because that's their thing, and the mainstream industry. The problem is that the largest market is the people who are almost fetishising these extremes, going for borderline abuse and surgery-addicted plastic people over far more reasonable and healthy things, as the more extreme the pornography while still lining up with the sexual desires and fetishes of the most people is what sells, because the more extreme it is, the more it goes against the weak taboos we have against sex and pornography, and the more exciting it becomes for a large segment of people. Strangely, the more comfortable people are with porn, I find, the more reasonably normal the pornography they consume seems to become - even for those who enjoy BDSM and the like, it's more resembling SSC, normal(insomuch as there is any sort of rough average to call normal in these matters) sexual activity, over the over-hyped insanity that you see in a large amount of pornography these days.
    Transmovement activists can be silly too, though. I remember a transwoman who was still male physically trying to run a workshop about how to break the "cotton ceiling" or get lesbian woman to date transwomen such as herself, and wrote this big thing about how all the lesbians should be ashamed of themselves for being such bigots. All the lesbians got upset and were like "No, way! You have a dick! That's the reason we don't want to be with you! Identify with whatever gender you want, but we like lady bodies for sexy time!" The transactivist was like "You are all bigots! My dick is a wonderful lady dick, because it is attached to me, who identifies as a lady!" and the lesbian activists were like "Hey seriously, men have been telling us we are bad for not liking the dick, and now you are going to start in on us too? Geez!"
    It was kind of a hilarious conversation.
    Personally, I think that instead of concentrating on "lesbians" the transwomen should just find someone they think is attractive who likes them back. Why are you chasing people who are obviously turned off by you?
    And that's some bullshit too. They are no more or less excused for such shitty behavior as the feminists or social-justice-types of which I spoke above. It doesn't matter which bits you have equipped in your groin inventory slot, or what gender you've got written(or struck-out and re-written) on your character sheet, that doesn't mean you get to disrespect the choices of others, nor does it make others bigots for not conforming as you'd like to your choices. Guess what, crazy people within the transmovement - Some lesbians don't like cock, no matter if it's boy cock, girl cock, or even artificial cock. Some do, and good on them too! Just because some lesbians don't want your dick, doesn't mean they're bigots, it just means they don't like dick! If you're a translady who wants to do the belly-down boogie with some non-trans ladies, then the onus isn't on all lesbians to orbit your wang like the earth orbits the sun, the onus is on you to find a Lady who happens to be into that sort of thing, just like anyone else with a sexual preference. I can understand the appeal of the unattainable, but you gotta recognize the difference between touching the untouchable, attaining the unattainable(row row fight the gender binary) and someone who is genuinely unattainable rather than just being difficult to get with. I mean, if some dude wanted to get his freak on with a transperson, and started calling you a bigot and other such things if you refused, you'd think that was bullshit, why do they think it's acceptable to do the same thing? It's 100% un-chill, and not nice for anyone.
    One of my Aunts has a long time partner who is a pre-surgery transwoman. She's really smart, and a doctor, and her taste in clothing is funny, because she likes the really flowery stuff that I associate with grandmas. I don't think she really understands completely what it is like to grow up female, so I think transgender people aren't completely the same experiences as a group as women who are born as such, but they are who they are.
    I really hope that eventually we can get away from the gender binary, and that people can just do whatever they want rather then being grouped into genders. Right now it is useful (refer to the conversation with Andrew) to do as such, but really that's just until we solve the problems and the groups mingle more.
    Interesting, I associate Line-dancing, beer, and less floral but more pastel and 50s-60s-ish clothing, Bowls and gardening with grandmas. But that's neither here nor there.

    But yes, we really do need to shuffle on from this idea of the gender binary(except in the biological sense, but that's a different and far simpler case - you're born with what your born with, but the bits you have are not all of what defines your gender identity). Gender is a many-faceted thing, with some people it's fluid, with some, set in stone. Why in the hell can't we just figure out that people are just people, no matter which set of consenting adults they fuck, and get over it?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Because then we've got no CONTROVERSY!
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