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Jesus is coming (everyone look busy)



  • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're all still here.
    It's supposed to start at 6 PM local time
  • Boy, won't my face be red when we're all floating in oblivion.
  • Boy, won't my face be red when we're all floating in oblivion.
    Yea, A lot of people didn't get that memo.. Oh, I was kinda curious does God follow daylight savings time?
  • It's already the 22nd over here, though.
  • It's already the 22nd over here, though.
    What happens there doesn't matter. We're talking about America. Do you really think Jesus would come for you first? Silly non-American.
  • I don't get why everyone's freaking out about Judgement Day. It's not supposed to be in May:
    And so Fire shall fall from the sky and the earth shall split itself open upon April 21st 2011 Gregorian
    --Sarah Conner, 2:24
  • I have a theory on why the rapture has been Delayed -
  • Win.
  • That's why he died. Macho Man Randy Savage died to keep the world safe from Jesus.
  • edited May 2011
    I hope the Rapture doesn't happen. I set a reservation for the best Beijing Duck in the city at 8pm and there's no force on Heaven or Earth that will stop me from reaching Sun Wah's $35 Beijing Duck Feast.
    That's why he died. Macho Man Randy Savage died to keep the world safe from Jesus.
    We committed so many sins that Jesus was on the verge of destroying us. Macho Man Randy Savage gave his life to powerbomb Jesus out of the way.

    Macho Man Randy Savage died for your sins.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Macho Man Randy Savage died for your sins.
  • Let us all join fists in remembrance of Our Savior Macho Man Randy Savage.
  • edited May 2011
    Our Savage
    Who art in the ring
    Hallowed be thy name.
    Thy championship belt be won
    Thy kayfabe be done
    On mat as it is
    with folding chair.
    Give us this day our wraparounds and bandannas
    and forgive us our Piledrivers
    As we forgive those who piledrive against us.
    Lead us not into screwjobs
    and Deliver Us From Atomic Drops.

    Oooh Yeah, Brother.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Our Savage
    Who art in the ring
    Hallowed be thy name.
    Thy championship belt be won
    Thy kayfabe be done
    On mat as it is
    with folding chair.
    Give us this day our wraparounds and bandannas
    and forgive us our Piledrivers
    As we forgive those who piledrive against us.
    Lead us not into screwjobs
    and Deliver Us From Atomic Drops.

    Oooh Yeah, Brother.
    Sweet Christmas! I was laughing so hard I almost spit out my coffee!
  • edited May 2011
    The number of threads here that end with the deification of Macho Man Randy Savage concerns me.
    Post edited by Gundampilotspaz on
  • The number of threads here that end with the deification of Macho Man Randy Savage concerns me.
    You're right. You're right.

    There should be more.
  • So at my job the official protocol for an apocalypse is every man for themselves.
  • I was almost, ALMOST tempted to go into work today with a Buddha statue and put it on my desk. If anyone asked why, I would tell them that I wanted to make sure the rapture got the right person...
  • So its coming up soon!!! And for the naysayers I mean come on did you people really think that Australia would get the Rapture? I mean they are all descended from thieves and murderers. And Chinamen? No souls. Europe? Well you have France to thank for ruining the Rapture for yous guys. Russia area? God hates commies, even if you are former commies it still counts. Well Merica! Lets get ready for some Rapture!!!

  • Well played Mr. Churba. I was about to post that pic myself.
  • So... I'm a bit unsure about my timing. Am I supposed to start fapping now so that I may come along with Jesus, or wait another hour? Basically what I'm asking, what's the MEAN CHRISTIAN TIME timezone?
  • I'm still here, it's 6:09pm by my computer
  • God's in his heaven. All is right with the world.
  • So, how's that rapture working out for you?
  • I think I may be being raptured... I'm not sure. How's it supposed to feel?
  • Like you're being violated by a holy light. If it's not that it's probably just gas.
  • Boston (and the rest of EST for that matter) has been living in eternal torment for 58 minutes now. I've spent the hour watching Utena and doing math homework. If this is what the 5 months of torture are, I can't wait to go to hell!
  • edited May 2011
    Like you're being violated by a holy light. If it's not that it's probably just gas.
    Isn't being violated by holy light supposed to feel like very good sex according to some? Or are we heathens supposed to feel awkward during the... act.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • Crazyman's Facebook, Twitter, and website are all silent as the grave. Go figure. :)
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